Feeling guilty!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by kristinpa, Nov 24, 2009.

  1. kristinpa

    kristinpa Well-Known Member

    Hi girls, I feel so guilty sometimes....one of my twins spits up a lot and has reflux. Sometimes I am so tired that I don't change out the crib or pack n play sheet right away...I just move him away from the wet spot. Sometimes when he spits up on his clothes if they are not too wet I just let them air dry on him rather than changing him. Am I a horrible mom??
  2. jbritt325

    jbritt325 Well-Known Member

    Awwww! :hug: You aren't horrible!
    When you have two kids and not enough hands you do what you have to do! lol
    They aren't gonna mind if they get scooted over to a dry spot or get a little spit-up on their clothes!
    I do the same thing and I bet everyone else here does too.
    Heck, if you changed them every single time they got slightly dirty you'd be doing 3 loads of laundry a day! Sounds familiar in the first couple months but now I just look to see if it got all down the front of them, if not... it'll hold for a while! hehe

    Oh and those sheet-saver things that you can put over the mattress and sheet.. they're waterproof and soft. Sometimes I use one of those in the middle of the night if their diaper has leaked!

    You are not horrible!! You are practical! lol :) :) :)
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Nope, you do whatcha gotta do.
  4. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    Not only are you NOT a horrible mom, but I would think you were a little OCD if you changed a sheet or outfit every time a little spit-up (or a lot) got on something. There is no reason to go through all that laundry if it is not hurting anything and if you did you would be taking away from time spent with your precious babies. In my opinion, the only time an immediate change is a must is if it is something smelly, the child is soaked, or you are going somewhere/getting pictures taken. Of course, I have also been known to let my babies share pacifiers, bottles and feed them off of the same spoon so I guess I am laid back about that kind of stuff.
  5. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    Save yourself the guilt and time by placing a towel on the bed, just tuck it in and when it gets wet pull it out and put in another one. I did this in the cribs and it really helped out a lot! I used pillowcases instead of towels though.
  6. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

    Pillowcases are a great idea! Thanks!!

    and BTW - I rarely change the sheets on the first spit-up -only if I think it will stain or its especially large.
  7. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I used pillowcases too! And I still do the same thing if the kids are sick, I put folded sheets or towels across the top of their bed so if they throw up in bed I can just strip that part off & put on a fresh one. And I would rarely change them the first time they spit up, unless it was a lot & they were just soaked. :hug:
  8. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    We pretty much do the same thing to keep from having to change crib sheets, which are a complete PITA due to the bumpers! I lay a large handmade baby quilt over the crib sheet and tuck it in the sides snug. Then on top of it I usually lay a pillow case or something similar. If baby spits up I remove the pillow case and he goes down on the quilt. When he spits up on the quilt, after a time or two of that I flip the quilt. Once he spits up on the other side of the quilt I FINALLY pull up the quilt and replace with another one. I don't know if I've ever changed the crib sheets yet since they've been home, LOL! I have, however, changed and laundered the crib sheets on the mini-crib though as we were not quite as diligent about keeping it covered as we were with the big cribs, plus its a little easier to maneuver that smaller mattress.

    Anyway Kristin, don't feel guilty at all! We twin mommies have enough to do and can't be washing crib sheets all of the time just because of a little spit up ;)
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