Feeling Depressed

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by alliandre, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. alliandre

    alliandre Well-Known Member

    So I thought maybe feeling depressed was 'just a thing' and it would go away, but it hasn't. The Dr gave me medication for it today. She said that my stresses are real and not chemical. Anyway, just wondered if anyone else is feeling this way?

    LIttle background, DH is in school full time, works full time and helps out as much as he can. I have 3 girls already and I don't work, so we only have one income and awful insurance (we are just finding that out). So I guess I can see why I feel so overwhelmed. Lol. Oh yeah, and everyone doesn't understand why I'm not more excited all the time too. Sometimes I just want to scream and say, 'Yeah, it's cool, but you don't have to take care of them or pay for them!!'

    BYW, they think the twins are both girls too! My 9 year old said it's because XX chromosomes run in the family. :rotflmbo:

    Thanks for letting me vent for a minute.
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Sorry you are feeling down. I hope the meds help you have better days. Twins are daunting even as it is let alone having other children to take care of so dont feel bad when you are not excited 24 hours a day. I worried alot when I was preg over how things were going to go with my 2 year old.
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sorry you are feeling down. It sounds like you have a lot going on right now and a lot to take care of. I know it's not easy. :love0028:
  4. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(alliandre @ Nov 1 2007, 06:28 PM) [snapback]477275[/snapback]
    and everyone doesn't understand why I'm not more excited all the time too. Sometimes I just want to scream and say, 'Yeah, it's cool, but you don't have to take care of them or pay for them!!'

    My family is saying the same thing to me… my MIL, my mom, my sister and parents at my older sons school… oddly the only one who has “let me be depressed” is my older brother… he has just let me go on and on how this sucks and he doesn’t judge, he’ll agree and ask what he can do… I am sorry you have so much on your plate and I hope it does get better for you… but to be honest to all you ladies, I don’t think this depression will go away with the morning sickness for me… I’ll hope it gets better for you and let me know how it works out, maybe I should talk to my Dr about it too, I’m just nervous HE thinks I should be excited too.
    PS my mom said to me yesterday, “Out of all the people I know, YOU can handle all this… God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle…” but like a 9 year old about to sit down and do a book report… I don’t want to!!!! Sorry to hijack your post, I just want you to know I feel the same way… :hug99:
  5. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

  6. belinda07

    belinda07 Well-Known Member

    I hope the meds are helpful and you start feeling better real soon.
    I remember after the initial shock wore off I was really depressed about having twins. I think it's mainly to do with the 'idea' I had in my head about what motherhood would be like for me. Obviously it never occured to me that I would have twins. I also feel a bit 'ripped off' because I know everything will be harder for me than it was for friends and family - even the pregnancy already has been. Like you said everyone else is really excited but they can visit and go home.
    I used to cry and say - 'but I only ordered one....' lol
    Now when people say 'oh, such and such had a baby'
    I say 'What? only one?'
  7. bray64015

    bray64015 Well-Known Member

    I am in the same boat! I don't feel anything I am just BLAH...I mean don't get me wrong I am thrilled to be bringing these little babies into the world but I can't get past the blues, I just thought it was me freaking out about everything...work, finacials, and home life....

    QUOTE(alliandre @ Nov 1 2007, 06:28 PM) [snapback]477275[/snapback]
    So I thought maybe feeling depressed was 'just a thing' and it would go away, but it hasn't. The Dr gave me medication for it today. She said that my stresses are real and not chemical. Anyway, just wondered if anyone else is feeling this way?

    LIttle background, DH is in school full time, works full time and helps out as much as he can. I have 3 girls already and I don't work, so we only have one income and awful insurance (we are just finding that out). So I guess I can see why I feel so overwhelmed. Lol. Oh yeah, and everyone doesn't understand why I'm not more excited all the time too. Sometimes I just want to scream and say, 'Yeah, it's cool, but you don't have to take care of them or pay for them!!'

    BYW, they think the twins are both girls too! My 9 year old said it's because XX chromosomes run in the family. :rotflmbo:

    Thanks for letting me vent for a minute.
  8. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    i hear ya; its alot harder when u are the SAHM and u have other kids that need love and attention too! when do u get an u/s? it would be interesting to see if these 2 are girls or boys! I get the same comment-we only make boys on DH's side-and so far they are right! only 1 girl out of countless boys;) --
    When people ask what can i do to help out-ask them to make some freezer meals, do some light housekeeping for you and offer to take the girls out to a fun place:)
  9. alliandre

    alliandre Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad that other people feel the same way. I was feeling like I was being selfish, you know, like it's all about me. (That's how I normally am anyway!) My u/s is on the 29th. The dr does a little one every time we go to see the heartbeats and she looked on the 1st and said she thought they were girls, but said they might not be. I'm thinking maybe she just didn't want to upset us. lol I'm so glad this site is here otherwise I think I would be going insane!
  10. asahlin

    asahlin Well-Known Member

    I feel you sista, haha.

    I have up moments and really down moments. The depressive states are brought on when I think about and stress over finances. My husband and I are both in college; he is full time and works full time. He isn't home as much as I would like and this pregnancy has gone downhill since about 2 weeks ago. I was put on bed rest and can't go out and do anything anymore. My momma lives too far away to just stop by and we have no other family close. I want the babies to get here so I have something to do, haha. I have been forced to drop my classes this semester, and this was to be the year I graduated. I have a history of depression and I am terrified that it will strike again. I just want to be super momma and make it through this without any problems, but that isn't going to happen.

    Wow, that was way more than I intended on typing. Thank you for letting me vent in your thread. I think the hormones hit you twice as hard when you are having twins. Hang in there ladies and we will all make it through!!
  11. heattim5

    heattim5 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(alliandre @ Nov 1 2007, 06:28 PM) [snapback]477275[/snapback]
    So I thought maybe feeling depressed was 'just a thing' and it would go away, but it hasn't. The Dr gave me medication for it today. She said that my stresses are real and not chemical. Anyway, just wondered if anyone else is feeling this way?

    LIttle background, DH is in school full time, works full time and helps out as much as he can. I have 3 girls already and I don't work, so we only have one income and awful insurance (we are just finding that out). So I guess I can see why I feel so overwhelmed. Lol. Oh yeah, and everyone doesn't understand why I'm not more excited all the time too. Sometimes I just want to scream and say, 'Yeah, it's cool, but you don't have to take care of them or pay for them!!'

    BYW, they think the twins are both girls too! My 9 year old said it's because XX chromosomes run in the family. :rotflmbo:

    Thanks for letting me vent for a minute.

    I know how you feel, I have been on bedrest for 12 weeks almost 13, we are living on 1 income, my husband leaves the house at 5:30 am and comes home around 6:30 7:00 pm. It is very over whelming, the only thing that is positive is we have great insurance. We paid $30.00 for the first prnatal visit and the rest is covered by insurance. I hope things get better for you. BTW I have 3 boys and expecting 2 girls so we had to get everything for girls. More money out of pocket we didn't have. I get the aen't you excited thing too, Sure my baby now is only 18 months today - he can't understand why mommy can't pick him up. And I am Due with the girls in December. So I am just getting over the sleepless nights and going to have to start all over again, Yep I am thrilled. My twins are birth control malfunctions. Some days I am excited and other days I try to figure out how to sue the birth control company! Good luck with your babies.
  12. AshleyLD

    AshleyLD Well-Known Member

    i was depressed the whole time i was preg after i found out it was twins.. at 20 weeks... i never got used to the idea, but now that they are here i couldnt love them more.. even when they are crying all the time
  13. alliandre

    alliandre Well-Known Member

    You guys have made me feel so much better! I just wanted to say thank you. I always thought that everyone was super excited all the time and it was just me. It makes me feel better to know that it's kind of 'normal' and now I don't have to feel guilty on top of everything else. Yay!
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