feeling better and some more feeding questions!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by smiley7, Mar 10, 2011.

  1. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    Hi Ladies,

    a quick update on my old post about feeling kinda crappy about things! Well I am still having my moments but am feeling better. I'm in the process of re-connecting with my pre-baby friends.. trying to get back in the loop with some of my closer friends. It's helping, feels weird b/c my life has changed so much but still. Plus I went to the local twins meeting and met some really nice people and have connected with a few, so we're planning some play dates and such. That's nice too. I've been going to the gym, and that seems to be helping quite a bit. The big news is that DH planned an adult only get-away to florida in April. 5 days of no kids, no work and no responsibilities (no MEAL planning) and BEACH, REAL DRINKS and someone else doing the cooking... BLISS!! So I am really looking forward to that!!

    Thank you so much for writing and sharing your experiences. I found it very supportive and reassuring that I wasn't alone.

    Ok, topic number 2: Are my kids eating too much? I've asked this before but I feel as though they eat TWO dinners. One at lunch where they often have a meat (chicken leg/quarter) and veggies plus milk plus fruit and then again at dinner (a different meat or fish and so on). It seems like an awful lot. Just wanted to check in and see. I mean my idea of lunch is a sandwich or soup or something but these kids seem to be eating a FULL meal.

    Also, what's up with the milk? WIth all of this intake, they are still drinking about 360 ml for Noah and 400ml for Sophie? It feels like a lot.

    ANYWAYS, I figure if they are eating they want it. They are so active right now and changing daily that they probably need all the calories.

    As always thanks for your experiences!!!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    That is awesome that you guys are planning a vacation for just the two of you! :clapping: I'm glad you have something to look forward to!

    I agree with you that they probably need the calories!! Enjoy their appetites! It sounds pretty good to me!
  3. rosenschaf

    rosenschaf Well-Known Member

    I remember my guys eating more than my husband and me at around that time. I guess as long as they are hungry, let 'em eat :)
  4. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    Between 12-15 months my girls ate soooo much! DH got home from Iraq right about 12 months and he was shocked at how much they ate. He is a big man and they could put away almost as much as him! It calms down eventually. Now I would kill to have them sit down for a meal and actually eat instead of play.

    Yayyy for a vacation! Have fun!
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :woo: I am glad things are looking better for you and you & DH have an adults only getaway planned!

    As for the eating, it sounds good :good: My pedi advised that milk intake should be 16-24 oz a day at that age. My two were at the 5th percentile at 12-15 months, so they were getting 24 oz a day.
  6. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    That's great that you're getting away!!!! Yay!!!!

    As for the eating...sounds like my girls. I do protein at lunch and dinner and feed them until they are full. They are eating me out of house and home right now...it's insane. Even my Mom commented the other day on how much they can pack away at a meal. They eat way more than my 3 year old. I know he slowed down around this age so I keep waiting for them to slow down too but it hasn't happened yet.

    I have no idea how much milk they are drinking now that we're on only sippys...I would guess they are around 12-16 oz a day. They are in the 90th percentile so I don't stress about the milk like I did with DS (he's in the 25th...go figure!).
  7. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    Ha, thanks ladies and I thought my kids were the only ones that were eating like crazy!!!

    Some days I think I should own stock in my local grocery store b/c I feel like I live there :)

    Have a fabulous weekend :)
  8. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I'm so glad things are looking up for you. :) Have fun on your vacation!!!

    I don't think your LOs are eating too much. Kid vary SO much in the amount they eat, that it's hard to define exactly what's "normal". My guys have a protein (even if it's just milk), a starch, a fruit/veggie, and fat at every meal; a good balance helps them feel full longer. Some days they eat a lot at meals, some days less, but during most of the second year they were literally eating more than *I* do at meals! Plus, they had 2-3 substantial snacks per day in between meals! :shok: Some kids burn off food super quickly, sometimes they go through weird growth spurts....just offer them good foods and let them eat as much as they want. :)

    As far as milk goes, peds really differ on what they recommend, but I think the rule of thumb is that 24 oz is the upper limit. You just don't want them to drink so much milk that it replaces food.

    Hope this helps!
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