feeding them need ideas if i look at another waffle im gonna puke ! 16 months olod

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommy2btwins, Jun 11, 2007.

  1. mommy2btwins

    mommy2btwins Well-Known Member

    hi can i have ur schedules and food ideas... when are u giving the milk..with meals? the girls do not drink out of bottles any longer..they eat all table food and fresh fruits daily but i am running out of ideas...... help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    7am wakeup
    7:30am breakfast (w/ milk)
    9:30am morning nap, if they feel like it
    11:30am lunch (w/ milk)
    2:00pm afternoon nap
    4-4:30pm'ish snack (w/ milk for Grace, juice for Lily)
    6:15pm dinner
    7:30-8Pm'ish bedtime (we give them some water before bed)

    Food ideas:

    pancakes with apple butter
    any kind of fruit
    scrambled eggs
    yogurt with cereal
    cinnamon toast
    hot cereal (cream of wheat, oatmeal, etc.)

    leftovers of dinner the night before
    grilled cheese
    veggies (always, love those Steamfresh things)
    nitrate/antibiotic free lunchmeat with cheese
    frozen meals (mac & cheese, fettuccini alfredo w/ or w/o chicken)
    antibiotic/nitrate free hot dogs
    turkey burgers

    whatever we are having (except shellfish)
  3. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    After I stopped bottles at 12/13 months I only give bottles at Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. As for Ideas I find Lunch to be the hardest for me to think of new things but here are some of the things I give...

    7am Wake
    7:30 Breakfast with milk
    9am Snack with water
    10am Nap
    12pm Lunch with milk
    2pm Snack with water
    3pm Nap
    5pm Dinner with milk
    5:30 Bath (sometimes I do every other night)
    6:30 Snack with water
    7:30 Bedtime

    fresh fruit
    cereal in bowl w/ a little milk
    pancakes/waffles with sausage
    french toast/sticks
    sausage, egg, cheese on bagel, english muffin..cut up
    cereal bars/yogurt bars
    breakfast dogs..sausage wrapped in pancakes (grocer's freezer)
    omletes (just starting to eat eggs, never liked yet)
    hash browns

    hot dogs/hamburgers
    chicken nuggets
    grilled cheese
    lunch meat sandwhiches
    leftover dinner which can be anything
    pizza bagels

    dinner rolls..love them
    soft tacos
    pizza/cheesesteak cut up...take out night
    Really they eat anything and everything I cook for dinner
  4. ****mws****

    ****mws**** Banned

    i have said this before..
    i inlcude vegies in every meal..

    i rotate between.. peas/ carrots/ greanbeans and broccoli.

    then we add a meat.. chicken/ beef..

    some times we do real meals like spagetti.. but vegies are first..
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Susan gave some great food ideas. We do the things she mentioned and anything else they can eat. We just basically do anything for any meal. But mine do like oatmeal at breakfast and I always give yogurt with lunch. Dinner is whatever we are eating.

    Here is our schedule now, but it will change a bit next week since this is my oldest DD's last week of school and we won't have to work around her school schedule. :banana:

    7:45-breakfast and milk
    11:45-lunch and milk
    3:45-snack with juice
    5:30-dinner with milk
    7:15-small milk sippy

    I do give them a sippy of diluted juice to drink throughout the day in between meals.

    But at your girls age, I would think they could pretty much eat anything that is not too hard. We do not give peanut butter as we've been told to wait until 2 that and honey. But everything else is fine. Just experiment and see what they like.
  6. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    Our shcedule:
    6:15- bfast with milk
    8:00-9:00- nap
    9:15- snack with water
    11:00- lunch with milk
    12:00-2:20- nap
    2:30-snack with water
    4:45- dinner with milk
    6:30-sippy of milk & bed

    Our menu consists of what many pps said but our faves:
    pancakes, banana, yogurt
    blueberry waffles

    chicken nuggets
    Healthy Choice Soup- Chicken Noodle- I drain the broth heat, and serve noodles, meat and veggies, they love it

    what we have
  7. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    We do milk first thing in the morning and during dinner. I only do water during lunch and throughout the day.

    Breakfast is a bit of a rut, isn't it? I have been thinking the same thing. We do toast/waffles/pancakes on rotation. Yogurt and oatmeal are a given every day, though.

    People think it's gross, but mine really love soy "hot dogs" and tofu. They are packed with protein and are lower in sodium. Kidney beans and black beans are fabulous, too. Packed with protein and Whole Foods sells them with no sodium added.
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