feeding schedule question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debfitz, Jul 21, 2009.

  1. debfitz

    debfitz Well-Known Member

    Although I am new to the sy forum, I'm sure this topic has been posted many times. I am just wondering what a normal feeding schedule is like for one year olds. Especially at dinner time..do you give them solids then bathe them or not? We're just trying to adjust to the big one and are looking for any advice! Thanks ladies.
  2. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    For us the biggest change was when we switched to one nap and dropped bottles (we did both pretty much at the same time). But we always gave them dinner before bath, because the other way around would be counter-productive. They still only have 3 baths a week though.
  3. Rach1137

    Rach1137 Well-Known Member

    So our schedule at this point includes 3 meals and either 2 or 3 snacks depending on how hungry the boys are. They are totally off the bottle at this point and eat regular food all day long. At bedtime I try to give them what will be the messiest meal of the day since they are usually getting a bath right after. After baths they get a cup of water while we sit and attempt to read or do some other quiet activity before bed.

    A quick rundown is

    6-6:30am- wake up
    7:30 or 8am- Breakfast (usually a cup of milk, yogurt and cereal/waffles/toast/pancakes)
    9-10- nap
    10:30- Snack (usually a cup of water with crackers/fruit/cookies/cereal bar)
    12 noon- Lunch (usually a cup of water with fish sticks/chicken/tuna/ground beef/turkey/ham and a veggie, bread and a "desert" like grahm crackers or oatmeal cookies)
    1-2:30- Nap although we're lucky if we get that long
    3pm- Snack (usually raisins or other dried fruit and water)
    5:30- dinner (usually a pasta or rice with a meat, veggie and fruit and a "desert")
    6pm- baths and starting bedtime routine
    6:30pm- bed.....sometimes later but almost never later than 7pm
  4. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    Today's goal was to sit down this evening, when I finally get a "break" and post this very same question! So, please SY parents, post more for us new to the SY and wondering what comes next:) Mine are almost 14 months and are still on bottles and have only just now transitioned off of formula.... needed the extra calories. They get snacks a couple times a day but sounds like I may need to make them a bit heftier to make up for the milk that they will soon be "missing". Hmmmm...
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two were not fully transitioned off the bottle until they were 16 months old. We have added carnation instant breakfast to their milk for extra calories. My two are on the thin side as well, so we try to sneak in extra calories when we can.
    Our schedule at 12 months (they got a sippy of water through out the day)
    7:30 wake up
    8 ish-bottle of milk (around 8oz), cereal with fruit
    9:30-11 1 st nap
    11- lunch (finger foods, waffles, eggs w/ cheese, pancakes, grilled cheese, PB&J with fruit, veggie or yogurt)
    1-snack (fruit, veggie, cereal bar, crackers, broken up cookies)
    2:00 bottle of milk (around 8 oz)
    2:30-4 nap
    4:30 dinner...whatever DH and I were eating that night (meat, veggie & starch)
    7:30-bottle of milk (around 8oz) and then bedtime

    Our schedule at 18 months (off bottles, on sippies, get sippies of water throughout the day)
    7:30- sippy of milk 8oz, breakfast (cheerios and fruit for DS, DD still likes baby cereal, so she gets that and fruit)
    11 am-lunch (dairy-either milk, yogurt, pudding, sandwich, fruit or veggie)
    12:30 snack-cereal bar, applesauce, etc.
    1-4 nap
    4:30 dinner
    7:30-sippy of milk and bedtime.

    Hope that helps!
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    At 12 months our daily schedule was:

    7ish- wake up/bottle
    8:30ish- breakfast (yogurt/fruit/oatmeal)
    9am- nap
    12ish- lunch
    1ish- bottle/nap
    4ish- snack and then another cat nap (yes, we were STILL taking 3 naps at a year!)
    6ish- dinner
    after dinner- bath
    7:30ish stories/bottle/brush teeth/bed

    HTH ladies!
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