Feeding Schedule for 1month olds

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by babs0004, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. babs0004

    babs0004 Well-Known Member


    My twins will be 1 month old on Monday. They were 4 weeks early, but weighed 7.5lbs each at birth (36wks). They're good eaters during the day, taking anywhere from 3-4oz of formula every 3 to 3.5 hours. However, at night, it's a never-ending nightmare. One of us has to stay up all night because they eat smaller amounts in shorter periods of time. There is NO schedule. I love how people feed at 7, 10, 1, 4 and 7 again. How do you do this? I feed on demand and when they fall asleep feeding during the night, I constantly tickle their cheeks or touch their feet, unwrap the blankets, change the diapers, etc. All to no avail. I swear, they eat 1oz and sleep for another hour. It's grueling. If I could get them to take 3 oz during then night feeds, then I might get some sleep too.

    Any suggestions? Or is it just to early to expect some kind of regularity?

  2. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    They call the first three months of life the 4th trimester, they still don't know the difference between day and night and are still trying to settle in. Yes, it's too early to expect any kind of regularity. I know it's hard! But within the next several weeks you will see a pattern and by 3 months they will drop night feeding! The nights were always crazy for us too. Sometimes they sleep a few hours and then the next night they go back to "normal" and then again they sleep for 6 hours! Hang in there.
  3. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Too early for any regularity-go with the flow. Basically-it's going to be/seem like round the clock feedings. I'm not sure what they consider early in terms of twins-36 weeks vs 38 wks vs 40 weeks. My boys were 38 weeks, and I never adjusted, but you may need to at 36 weeks, if that makes sense. So even though they are going to be a month old, they may be say, only two weeks old adjusted. Make sense?

    Could you and dh do shifts? DH and I slept in shifts in the beginning-I slept for six hours, he slept for six hours. He took care of both babies solo, and then I took over. He woke up and got ready for work and left for the day. Don't be afraid to ask for help-even if it means for a 30 minute nap. Is there anyone nearby-family/friends-that could come over so you and dh could get a little sleep? Those first few weeks are quite the blur due to lack of sleep. I promise-things will eventually turn the corner! The problem I have found is that once you figure something out-they go and switch it on you! Good luck and many :hug: to you!
  4. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    I wish I could give you some guarantee. EEK - I still remember this being a rough few weeks at that age. DH and I somehow functioned barely, but I don't know how. We were lucky to get 2 hours straight. Hang in there - you are in the blurry period but it will improve literally with each week hopefully. Don't plan on getting anything done perhaps a shower, otherwise, rest when they are sleeping, even during the day.
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