Feeding schedule for 18 month old twins

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by srvaug, Apr 15, 2009.

  1. srvaug

    srvaug Active Member

    What is your twin's feeding schedule like?
    At what time and how much solids and milk you offer?
    Thank you.
  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    6:30am 5 oz sippy cup of milk
    7:30 breakfast
    10:00 small snack
    11:00 lunch
    2:30 8 oz sippy cup of milk
    5:00 dinner
    6:15 5 oz sippy cup of milk

    My girls are bad at drinking milk with meals, so we keep it separate. As for how much solid food; I give them as much as they'll eat during meals since they're on the low end of the weight scale. I limit fruits and carbs and push the proteins, fats and veggies.
  3. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    We are at 16.6 months, but i don't think our schedule will change anytime soon.

    7:00 - Half a banana each
    7:30 - Breakfast with 4 oz milk
    9-9:30 - Small snack with water (milk if leftover from earlier)
    11:00 - Lunch with 4 oz milk
    2-2:30 - Large snack with 4oz milk
    4:00 - Small snack with water (milk if leftover from earlier)
    5:30 - Dinner with 4 oz milk
    7:30 - Bedtime 6 oz milk

    They don't drink all of their milk except at bedtime so we think they actually get 18 oz or so of milk a day. As for amounts of solids here's a typical day. Keep in mind there are days where most of this goes in the trash, and there are days where I feel like I spend all day in the kitchen digging for something else quick and easy because they are still hungry after every meal. This is what or at least the amounts I start with though.

    Breakfast - split 6 or 8 oz yogurt, split french toast or pancake, 1/4 cup cereal each (Kix or Cheerios)
    Morning snack - 1/2 graham cracker each and maybe a couple of cheese cubes
    Lunch - Split 4 chicken nuggets, 4 oz green beans, 4 oz sweet potatoes, 4 oz fruit cup or baby food fruit.
    Large snack - 1/2 cup each mixture of goldfish, Cheerios, Kix, Puffs, Crunchies
    Small snack - A couple of animal crackers or a few Goldfish with a couple of cheese cubes
    Dinner - 4 meatballs, 4 oz corn, 4 oz peas, 4 oz fruit cup or baby food fruit (sometimes both)
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We are at 15 months and I don't see our schedule (except for naps probably) changing soon:
    7:30-8:00 milk -6oz to 8oz or how ever much they will take

    8:30-9:00-cereal and fruit


    11-12 (usually they wake up between these times) Lunch: milk and they will have some kind of fruit and/or veggie and pasta, sandwich (grilled cheese, PB & J, plain cheese sandwich), waffles, eggs, or a meat, yogurt

    2:00 snack (cereal bar, yogurt, cheez-its, teddy grahams, fruit, or veggie, pudding, etc) and milk

    2:30-nap until 4

    4-5 dinner, usually whatever we are having for dinner, they will have and we might supplement with pasta pick ups or sometimes baby food if they are not into dinner at all...milk is also served.

    7:30 bedtime and they will get milk before they go to bed.
  5. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    Mine are 18.5 months we do 3 meals and 2-3 snacks per day. We typically do milk with meals and water for snacks, I don't monitor how much they drink it really depends on how thirsty they are, usually its no more than 3-4 ounces in one sitting. They have access to a sippy of water all day long and drink when they need to. I try to make sure every meal has a protien, veggie (except breakfast), fruit, carb. snacks are things like crackers, cheese, fruit. It looks kinda like this although it varies day to day depending on what we are doing.

    8ish breakfast and milk
    10/1030ish snack and water
    12ish lunch and milk
    3/4ish (after nap) snack and water
    530ish dinner and milk
    730ish bedtime snack and milk
  6. ejiran

    ejiran Well-Known Member

    We are a week short of 18 months and here is our schedule:

    8:15 breakfast - fruit, cereal, yogurt, water
    10:00 snack - cheese, crackers, water
    11:15 lunch - whatever we're having, milk
    3:30 snack - fruit snacks, grahams, water
    5:00 dinner - whatever, water
    6:30 snack - milk

    I usually don't offer milk with meals because DS will drink that and not eat anything else. I usually give it to them when they are mostly done eating. Sometimes they have milk for their morning snack, too. For solids, I give them a little at a time, so that less gets thrown on the floor if they decide they don't like it today.
  7. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm glad to see that my two aren't the only ones that are constantly eating!!
  8. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becasquared @ Apr 15 2009, 12:43 PM) [snapback]1274270[/snapback]
    I'm glad to see that my two aren't the only ones that are constantly eating!!

    I always smile when i see the first year mama's ask 'when do you go longer than 2-3 hours between feedings b/c my twinnies have always been grazers and never ever go more than 3 hours during the day without something to eat!!
  9. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    At that age my twins were eating @ the same time for meals as us with 2-3 snacks during the day & another b4 bed. They were also still bf on no set schedule.
  10. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    7:30am Milk sippy
    9:00am breakfast w/water sippy
    12:00pm lunch w/milk sippy
    4:00pm snack w/water sippy
    7:00pm dinner w/water sippy
    8:00pm Milk sippy

    Actually they have water all day long and might get a snack in between (a cracker or fruit) if they say they are hungry.
  11. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are close to 18 months.

    When they first get up they have breakfast - usually a banana, some cinnamon raisin toast, and a nutri grain bar. Something like that. After breakfast I give them each a sippy with milk.

    They usually have a snack in the morning. Some fruit or a container or yogurt or golfish and teddy grahams if I'm at the gym.

    Lunch is around noon and they usually have a fruit, a veggie and a cheese dog or ravioli. They get a sippy with milk after lunch

    Dinner is at 5 and what they eat varies. They usually get a sippy of milk after dinner too.

    They always have sippies with water available.
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