Feeding issue

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by deniseandtwins, May 23, 2008.

  1. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    Hi all!

    My twins are about to turn ONE & I'll be joining the toddler years soon...

    I need some advice from all you experienced moms!!

    The past couple of weeks my twins have refused to take anything from my hand if offered to them (except their sippies & bottles).
    I've been told that this is just a phase & that all they want is to feed themselves. That is fine, and I do provide them with a variety of fingerfoods throughout the day to nibble on etc. I have even given them spoons to help them with their new found independence, which usually gets thrown on the floor repeated times.

    My dillema is that they're not eating nearly enough. The food that I make for their meals, they won't eat. So how can I make sure they get enough to sustain them throughout this phase?

    Oh after refusing their jar foods a long time ago, it seems when offered they will eat from that. But not much.

    This is so frustrating for me...

    If you can share some advice, please do...


  2. juliereynolds42

    juliereynolds42 Well-Known Member

    My girls did this just before their 1st birthday. They just woke up one morning and decided they were never going to eat baby food again and they would only feed themselves. It seems like they were a bit under nourished for a couple of weeks until we figured out what they could/would eat. I don't think they suffered any long term effects from this.

    Meatballs, pieces of grilled cheese sandwiches, and small chunks of fruits and vegetables became staples. Buttered toast was a hit. We also started giving them peanut butter sandwiches (we didn't have any family history of peanut allergies) about this time. We also tried macaroni and chesse even though it was a bit messy to be a finger food. We tried cheese tortillini. And the broccoli/cheese bites from Morning Star Farms were a big hit.

    Basically just broaden your definition of finger foods for a while to include anything that has chunks they can pick up and put down a towel under their high chairs for a while.

    Hope this helps.
  3. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    Thank you!

    I was just saying to dh that this is what we must do. Look around at other foods that we dont usually buy & see what we can give them as fingerfood.

    Maybe even fishsticks, you know the ones with a little of breadcrumbs.

    This is definitely a whole new ballgame to me!

  4. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    This is a hard time and my boys are sometimes hit or miss with what I offer them. You just have to try lots of different things. I've also read that you should evaluate what they eat over a week's period of time vs. what they eat per day/meal. That gives a better overall view of what/how much they are eating.

    Here are a few of my staple items I generally keep on hand. We also try to offer them as much of what we eat as they will take but these are good back ups for us.

    Cut up popcorn chicken or chicken nuggets
    Cut sweet potato fries/french fries
    Peas, corn, and diced carrots
    other veggies occasionally like green beans, green peppers and mushrooms are hit or miss
    diced fruit (fresh or canned) like peaches,pears, apple, grapes, banana, etc
    raisins, dried apples(cut up), freeze dried fruit
    cut up grilled cheese
    cut up waffles, pancakes, toast
    those broccoli/cheese bite things (sometimes mine will eat them, other times not)
    cut up meatballs
    cut up corn dogs/hot dogs
    cut up deli meat and cheese
    string cheese/cheese in general

    Mine will still allow me to feed applesauce, yogurt, and rice/pasta type dishes but everything else must be finger food.
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