Feeding battles

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by mommycandi, Dec 20, 2007.

  1. mommycandi

    mommycandi Well-Known Member

    My twins (they are 13 1/2 mo. but adjusted age is 10 months) have decided that they will no longer allow me to feed them anything from a spoon. That is fine with me as its easier to grab foods quickly to throw on their tray. Sometimes if i am VERY patient, i can sneak a few spoonfuls of fruit or yogurt in, but it is very difficult. They eat pasta, breads, cheese, eggs, chicken, veggie burgers, some fish, potatoes.... notice that i have not listed any fruits or veggies here?
    When they were eating pureed foods, i could get them to eat any fruit and at least a few veggies. But for some reason, they don't want the "real" stuff. At frst i thought it was a texture thing, or that they were too hard to pick up, but they have picked up and tried the foods, just don't go back to them!
    So, any hints on how to "hide" veggies and fruit into foods they will pick up and eat? I have no idea what else to do.
  2. fuchsiagroan

    fuchsiagroan Well-Known Member

    When we started solids, I found that my 6-7 mo olds would not eat anything but finger foods! They hated the spoon. (It's only lately that they've started making peace with it, at least for a few bites, especially if it's the only way they get to eat something yummy that I'm eating, like homemade Greek lentil soup...)

    So my way of giving them fruit and veggies has been to spread puree onto toast or waffles. Waffles are especially good since the "pockets" hold a lot. Once we start eggs, I'll try sneaking puree or very small pieces into scrambled egg yolks too. They also like munching on apple slices (they scrape off little bites with their bottom teeth) and big chunks of banana. If you have time you could also make quickbreads with lots of veggie puree in them. Another trick that's sometimes worked for me is to fill up the holes of Cheerios with thick veggie puree, like mashed sweet potato. Sometimes they get smart, though, and actually manage to eat the Cheerio and spit out the veg! :eek:

    They don't wind up getting a whole lot of fruit & veg that way, for which I duly beat myself up as a bad mom :rolleyes: , but I figure hey, in the first year, solids are just practice anyway...
  3. mommycandi

    mommycandi Well-Known Member

    I need help from those of you who have been through it...
    My twins (they are 13 1/2 mo. but adjusted age is 10 months) have decided that they will no longer allow me to feed them anything from a spoon. That is fine with me as its easier to grab foods quickly to throw on their tray. Sometimes if i am VERY patient, i can sneak a few spoonfuls of fruit or yogurt in, but it is very difficult. I have started letting them "feed themselves" (ha ha), but very little, if any, gets in to their mouths. They will eat pasta, breads, cheese, eggs, chicken, veggie burgers, some fish, potatoes.... notice that i have not listed any fruits or veggies here?
    When they were eating pureed foods, i could get them to eat any fruit and at least a few veggies. But for some reason, they don't want the "real" stuff. At frst i thought it was a texture thing, or that they were too hard to pick up, but they have picked up and tried the foods, just don't go back to them!
    So, any hints on how to "hide" veggies and fruit into foods they will pick up and eat? They are getting close to weening off formula and onto whole milk and I am worried they won't be getting the nutrients they need (Pediatrician says at next vist in 2 months). I have no idea what else to do.
  4. New Mom

    New Mom Well-Known Member

    I am having the same problem with mine. They eat everything but the veggies. They just throw them on the floor. I was thinking of going back to the baby food veggies again b/c they will eat that.

    I hope someone has some ideas for us!
  5. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I merged your topic from FY with this one since TS does not allow duplicate posts.
  6. raptwins

    raptwins Well-Known Member

    Same problem with our singleton right now. He'll eat everything except fruit and veggies and the only thing I can get him to eat from the spoon is yogurt. I just keep putting it on his tray and am hoping that eventually he'll pick it up. His brothers were like that and now Jake eats all fruits but still no veggies and Joe either neither. They get veggie juice so that's OK for now. I wish I had some suggestions but I'm sort of in the same boat here. Pastas, carbs, cheese, sandwiches, crackers and such he's great with - fruit/veggies he's not. Good Luck!
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