feeding 14 mos olds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MerMommy, May 29, 2007.

  1. MerMommy

    MerMommy Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone. Can you tell me roughly when you feed your young toddlers (mine are 14 mos) including snacks and meals? No matter what I try, they are very picky and only eat small amounts. Our days is about this

    6 or 6:30 wake uo
    7 downstairs, milk
    7:30 breakfast
    9 milk or small snack, nap
    10:30 milk and small snack if didn't have one at 9
    12 lunch
    2 snack again! then nap
    5 dinner
    7 milk
  2. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    This is our schedule:

    6:00am- wake up
    6:15- milk and b'fast
    8:00-9:00- nap (sometimes they don't fall asleep- about to drop this nap soon)
    9:15- snack
    11:00- lunch
    5:00- dinner (sometimes 4:30-4:45)
    6:30- milk then bed

    We give milk with all meals & at bed. We give water with the 2 snacks and anytime they want a drink between meals.
  3. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    Our schedule is similar to yours, except mine go to day care during the week. We get them up at 6:30 and after getting them dressed, they have a sippy of milk before leaving for day care. Day care feeds them breakfast between 7:30 and 8:00. lunch around 11:00, and snack around 2:00-2:30. They nap from 11:30 to roughly 2:00 at day care. I try to feed them dinner between 5:00 and 5:30 after we get home. Sometimes they have milk after dinner, sometimes they don't. They are generally in bed and asleep by 6:30 or 7:00pm.

    They have been eating very little lately. I am somewhat worried. They have been very congested/sick for what seems like a month. They used to eat really good, but now they don't seem to want anything. We had our 15 month check-up and Tessa weighed less than she did at one year. She is going back in a couple of weeks to be re-weighed to see if she has gained any back. They just won't eat, unless I resort to feeding them baby food, and they aren't eating much of it. Every one says they will eat when they get hungry, but I am still waiting. They never seem to be hungry......
  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    At that age it was hard finding something my guys liked besides Jarred food. As far as snacks... they pretty much only liked cereal mixed with a fruit or pudding. Sometimes they liked Yogurt as a snack.
  5. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Well, mine aren't 14 mos yet but we're not far behind.

    6am wake up
    6:15 8oz bottle of milk
    7:45-8:00 bfast
    9:00 (or so) nap
    11:30-12 lunch
    2-2:30 snack with milk or juice, nap (only one dd takes this nap)
    4:30-5 dinner
    7-7:15 8 oz bottle
    7:30 bed

    Looking at your schedule, it appears that your kids are eating almost every 1hour and a half? Perhaps you could try pushing the meals a little further apart? I don't give my girls a morning snack. By 11:30 or 12 they are hungry and eat a very good lunch. I give them a small snack between lunch and dinner. Usually some fruit or puffs and juice or whatever but not an amount to completely fill their tummies like a meal. Otherwise my girls wouldn't eat their dinner and it would throw off the evening bottle.

    Perhaps your girls just like to eat small amounts through out the day. I think that's probably a healthy eating pattern anyway. To eat small meals through out the day rather than eating obscene amounts of food at only a few meals is suppose to be the way adults eat but not sure if that applies to kids too. I know their tummies digest food quickly but not sure how quickly.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I would give milk at meals and water at snack times. That way they don't fill up on milk. (It really does happen) and try skipping a snack here and there and see if you get better results at meal times. (If you are able to be flexible and move a meal up if they get really hungry, you'll be in great shape!

    That's the only real way I can think of to tell!
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine are 15 months and this is our schedule:

    7:45-breakfast and milk sippy. Breakfast is oatmeal and a pancake, toast, cereal bar, waffle, cereal
    11:45-lunch with milk sippy- Lunch is yogurt, and fishsticks, grilled cheese, chicken patty, chicken nuggests, pasta, leftover dinner and fruit, crackers, peas, corn
    3:45-snack-can be yogurt, cheese, crackers, cookies, they love the thin crisps cinnamon graham crackers, cereal
    5:30-dinner with milk sippy-whatever we are having
    7:30-bottle of milk and bed

    Mine will pretty much eat anything. Trevor is a bit pickier and Emilie will put anything in her mouth. I give milk at meals and juice with the snack. I also give them a juice cup throughout the day. It's about 1/4 cup full of juice the rest is water, so it's very watered down. The only bottle they still get is right before bed and we are going to give that up in 2 weeks or so before we go on vacation.

    Just keep trying with the food, they will eventually start eating more things.
  8. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(~* dfaut *~ @ May 29 2007, 02:40 PM) [snapback]271465[/snapback]
    I would give milk at meals and water at snack times. That way they don't fill up on milk. (It really does happen) and try skipping a snack here and there and see if you get better results at meal times. (If you are able to be flexible and move a meal up if they get really hungry, you'll be in great shape!

    That's the only real way I can think of to tell!

    I second that opinion.

    We had a really hard time transitioning to table foods until I realized I was drowning their appetites. I dropped down to about 50% of what they were getting and suddenly they were on all table foods within the week. At 14 months, we are completely done with bottles, and the boys are (IMO) big eaters. They get milk sippies at meals, occassionally watered-down juice at snack, and there is always a water sippy out for them throughout the day. I'm not that enthrawled with our current schedule. I feel like the afternoon snack is broken up in 2. We could solve the problem by doing dinner earlier, but we like to have dinner as a family, and that just can't happen until 6pm. It works for them, but I have to feed them an extra small snack to make it. FWIW, here's our schedule:

    6:30 breafast
    8:30 yogurt/oatmeal
    9-11 nap
    11:00 lunch
    2:30 snack
    3-4 nap
    4:30 mini-snack
    6:00 dinner
    8:00 bed

  9. mom_stacyX2

    mom_stacyX2 Well-Known Member

    Hey, Mer...
    My kiddos are almost 16mo, but they are piggys. We have just dropped down to 1 nap although they've only been giving me 1 for a while now. :rolleyes:

    Our schedule lately:
    6:30 Wake up - they get water
    7:30 Milk Sippy (with graham crackers)
    9:30 Breakfast (with water sippy)
    11-1 Nap
    1:30 Lunch (with milk sippy)
    3:30 Snack ( with water sippy)
    5:30-6 Dinner (with milk sippy)
    7ish Bath
    7:30-8 Bed

    Soon, daycare will not be giving them breakfast (they don't get there until 9), so I think 7:30 will turn into breakfast with milk sippy, and a small snack around 10ish... We start this next week. I'm crossing my fingers it goes smoothly. :lol:
  10. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    7:00am wakeup
    7:30am breakfast with sippy of milk (they ate a banana, 4 pieces of toast, and cheerios today)
    9:30am nap
    11:30am lunch with a sippy of milk (again, a big lunch today, we're transitioning away from a morning snack which used to come at 11am)
    3:30pm snack (fruit, cheese, turkey bologna, yogurt, etc.) Grace gets a sippy of milk and Lily gets a sippy of 1/2 juice 1/2 water since she drinks way more milk at each sitting than Grace
    6:15pm dinner with a sippy of milk
    7:30pm bed (they get water in a sippy if they act thirsty)

    I'd say Lily drinks 20 ounces of milk a day and Grace drinks about 16.
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