Feedback on names

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by candicane05, Jan 27, 2007.

  1. candicane05

    candicane05 Well-Known Member

    My c-section is scheduled for Feb 2nd and we still haven't come up with a set of names yet. Since all of our children's names begin with "J", we thought we continue on with the "J" theme. In some ways, I think we are restricting ourselves but every time we start to explore other alternatives, we come back to the "J" thing. I am looking for feedback and maybe some suggestions. By the way, we are having a boy and a girl (just haven't changed my signature yet). For the girl, we are tossing around Jamison Grace or Jaylin Elizabeth (my formal name is Elizabeth "Candace"). For the boy - Jared, Jesse, Jordan, Jaden - but we are having a hard time with meaningful middle names. My daughter (who is 9) wants to name them Jaylin and Jaden but I think they are too close to matching. Any comments or other suggestions? I really appreciate it!
  2. candicane05

    candicane05 Well-Known Member

    My c-section is scheduled for Feb 2nd and we still haven't come up with a set of names yet. Since all of our children's names begin with "J", we thought we continue on with the "J" theme. In some ways, I think we are restricting ourselves but every time we start to explore other alternatives, we come back to the "J" thing. I am looking for feedback and maybe some suggestions. By the way, we are having a boy and a girl (just haven't changed my signature yet). For the girl, we are tossing around Jamison Grace or Jaylin Elizabeth (my formal name is Elizabeth "Candace"). For the boy - Jared, Jesse, Jordan, Jaden - but we are having a hard time with meaningful middle names. My daughter (who is 9) wants to name them Jaylin and Jaden but I think they are too close to matching. Any comments or other suggestions? I really appreciate it!
  3. mrsfussypants

    mrsfussypants Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by candicane05:
    My daughter (who is 9) wants to name them Jaylin and Jaden but I think they are too close to matching. Any comments or other suggestions? I really appreciate it!

    I have to agree that that Jaylin and Jaden are really similar..but I like the way Jesse and Jaylin sound together. I'm not sure how to help with middle names, because I think it depends on what your last name is too! I love using a family name for the middle (like Elizabeth). for the boy it could even be a female relative's maiden name or something. For my ds we used my maiden name as his middle. Do you have a grandmother on either side with a good maiden name? Just a thought.

    Good luck. tell us what you decide on!

  4. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    when i started reading your post i heard the names in my head before i read the you are having a boy and a girl. i thought of Jayden Michael for the boy and Jaylynn for the girl. spellings can change but i liked those. i thought of the names before i read the names that you had wrote too, because i always get excited and start to write before i actually finish reading the posts that i reply to. then i finished reading and i seen that you had Jaylin as a possible and i really laughed when i seen that you had Jaden also as a possibility.

    lots of love!
  5. Twin-kle Twin-kle little stars

    Twin-kle Twin-kle little stars Well-Known Member

    We had a "J" letter family while growing up, which included:
    Jennifer, Juli, Jessie, Jeffery, Jillian, Johnathon, Jordon, Jolene...

    Some of the "J" names that I like are:
    Jeneva, Jemma, Jamison, Jolie, Janae, Jorja, Jag, Jasper, Jayden, Joey, Jevon, Jaxon, Jagger, Jaquan, Jett, Jacey, Jane, Jazlyn, Jessica, Justine...

    Hope that helps...

  6. candicane05

    candicane05 Well-Known Member

    witmuch - that is so funny that you thought of the same names (hmmmm). My husband also suggested Michael as a middle name but I am hesitant because "Michael" was my first "real" boyfriend.

    Anyone else?
  7. Raneysmama

    Raneysmama Well-Known Member

    Out of your options, I would say Jaylin and Jesse or Jared go well together. Jamison sounds kind of boyish to me. What are your other boys' middle names?

    Girls: Jasmine, Jade/Jadah, Jana, Jaclynn, Jacie, Janalyn, Janelle, Joanna, Jaylah, Juliet, Jewel, Jillian, Jocelyn, Johana, Joy, Jolie, Jorja, Josie

    Jaylah Grace and Jordan Matthew
    Jalynn Elise and Jared Shane
    Janalyn Grace and Jaden Timothy
    Johana Elizabeth and Jesse Malachi
  8. candicane05

    candicane05 Well-Known Member

    thank you. My other boys' names are Jacob Alexander (my dad's middle name) and Joshua Brian (my husband's first name).
  9. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    I can understand the thing about the boyfriend. Jayden Allan, Jayden Kyle. I have trouble with middle names more than first names. good luck!
    lots of love!
  10. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    This is such a subjective issue, but here's my opinion: I really don't care for the matchy-matchy cutesie twin names, and I don't think it's a great thing for the babies either.

    i agree that Jamison sounds more masculine than feminine, but - I love "Jamie" for a girl, so it depends on what you will call her.

    I don't like Jaden simply because it's Will Smith's son's name, and i'm not big on following celebrity trends.

    Overall, i think the names should be something that YOU like to say (or shout, because you WILL be shouting there names for years to come!); something that works initial-wise w/middle names and your last name, and something that's not too trendy. Wish I could be of more help.
  11. Stinkpea

    Stinkpea Well-Known Member

    I like Jordan - as you can see below. [​IMG] I also like Jasmine for a girl.

    We were going to the J, J names also. Not sure how we got sidetracked.
  12. stbmo4

    stbmo4 Well-Known Member

    Just FYI...

    Britney Spear's latest addition to the world is "Jayden James".

    Personally I'd run far, far a way from naming a child the same name as a celeb who just had a baby. I'm sure lots or Jayden's will be born this year now.

    I am a Jennifer, and I have a brother Joel, which is a name I haven't heard mentioned.

    I like from the names you have listed Jared "Eli" (pulled from Elizabeth).

    Just my humble opinion--
  13. candicane05

    candicane05 Well-Known Member

    I don't like the matchy-matchy names either (my 9 year old was voting for Jaden and Jaylin). Thanks for the heads-up about Jayden. Jared Eli sounds nice (I never thought of Eli being pulled from Elizabeth). If we were to choose Jamison, we would probably call her "Jamie" for short and then she can change it to Jamison when/if she wants her name to sound more sophisticated. Incidentally, my middle name is Candace and I was called "Candy" until grade 12 when I wanted to have a more sophisticated name - then I became Candace.
  14. Kathlene

    Kathlene Well-Known Member

    Girls J names Jasmine, Joy Anne, Jocelyn, Janice, Janet, Jade.

    Boys, no ideas. I like Jorden, Jared and Jaden, in that order.
  15. TwinMama6

    TwinMama6 Well-Known Member

    Heres what I like:

    Jamisynn or Josie for a girl

    Jackson for a boy
  16. kimber074

    kimber074 Well-Known Member

    I love Jaden and Jocelyn.
  17. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    Your older children all have "classic" names while many of the ones your considering for this next set are more modern. Just something to consider.
  18. Holdentwins

    Holdentwins Well-Known Member

    when i was being prepped for my c-section, the nurses were asking me what names i had picked out and we were just talking, and one of the nurses said, "I swear, if i hear one more kid named "jaden" this year!" So you might wanna keep that in mind for when they start school.. lots of jadens. I know just in my little circle at church, there is one jaden that is a 1 year old girl and one is a boy on the way. I think jillian is a cool different name. I have a jackson, and i like it [​IMG] My friend has a 5 month old named Jayce, and i think thats cute too. good luck!
  19. aandax246

    aandax246 Well-Known Member

    I like Jackson for a boy and Jorie or Jody for a girl.
  20. SilvrHeart

    SilvrHeart Well-Known Member

    My husband and I are struggling with names too, and have been reading the big baby name book A LOT lately. Jamison was one of our fave names, but just fyi, it means SON of James, which makes it a boy name in my book . . .
  21. Renald99

    Renald99 Well-Known Member

    I like Jaylin & Jared...but I might spell Jaylin different. (Jaelyn) I like that it will have your firt name with it. I've always loved the name Jared.
  22. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    The J names of some of my cousins are Jeremy, Jonathan, Joshua, Joseph, and Jacob. A J name for a girl that we like is Jadzia.

    Out of the 6 names you wrote down, I like Jaylin and Jesse the best as well. Jamison sounds too male to me and I think of Jordan as a girl's name. Good luck!
  23. Beau

    Beau Well-Known Member

    I like Jamison & Jesse
  24. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I obviously like J names. I have Jazzlyn and Jesslyn.

    Jesslyn "Jessy" & Jadon (biblical spelling)
    Jocelyn "Jocie" & James
    Jorja & Jadon
    Jesslyn & Jared
    Jasmine & James
    Jocelyn & Joel
  25. Jess_NZ

    Jess_NZ Member

    I like the names Jacob and Joe (could always be Joseph, shortened to Joe)For girls I like Juliette, think it is very pretty and also Jemma (although that is VERY common here in New Zealand)and Jemima
    I'm not into the matchy thing at all either.
  26. TwinMama6

    TwinMama6 Well-Known Member

    I have always liked your name suggestions! I remember when you were gonna use Piper for your last baby and I LOVE that too!
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