Fearless little boys....It scares me!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by amelowe9, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    DS is FEARLESS! He catapults himself off of the couch, climbs dining room chairs and tables like a monkey...seriously, nothing scares my little man. He is non-stop all-day long, touching things he shouldn't, climbing things he shouldn't and getting frustrated when I tell him he can't climb on top of the patio table. It's exhausting! I'm frightened that he's going to seriously injure himself right in front of me. My question is...does the novelty eventually wear off? Or should I just brace myself for many more years of this? :gah:
  2. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Don't know about the future but Max is exactly the same - has absolutely no fear - of animals either - just sticks his face into any dog/cat/bird he can find - we have had one quite serious cut between the eyes already and uncountable cuts/grazes, etc - just hope he starts slowing down a little and starts to see that he COULD actually hurt himself! I can count on one finger how many times Elliot has bumped his head - he is SO careful!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh my goodness, I could have written your post. My son has no fear whatsoever. Sometimes, I think he thinks he is Superboy! I don't know if or when the novelty wears off or if it is just a boy thing...but I cannot wait for this to pass!
    I don't how many heart attacks that child has given me over the past several months :faint:
  4. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My boys do the exact same thing. I spent Saturday at my dad's putting them in time outs for climbing on his coffee table. We left about 1 1/2 hours later because I just got tired of trying to keep them off.

    At our house, they try, but know right away when I tell them to get off.

    What really blows my mine is that they are ok when it's just us. But as soon as anyone else comes in the house, like EI, they feel they can get away with anything.

    Maybe they think " well, mom won't let us do it, but I bet I can get away with it with her".

    I think once they get a little older the thrill will wear off. I even notice they don't play on the couches as much as they used to.
  5. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    My boys are exactly the same, though I think they're getting better. I think they've hurt themselves enough that they know maybe it's not such a good idea to free fall from the kitchen table.

    It seems like such a boy thing, though. My dd was NEVER like this. She never took the chances that her brothers do. She was very safe and reserved. She still is. But my boys.. they are crazy! They are always hurting themselves. Poor Van has already lost a toe nail, a finger nail and had 60 stitches in his nose. Finn is a bit more careful but when his brother gets going.. watch out! :shok:
  6. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Yes and no...

    It gets better because skills improve which reduces the risk of injury. It gets worse because the need to conquer doesn't go away so the child will look for increasing heights to attain. It gets better because they eventually accept that they aren't invincible and they have some common sense emerge. It gets worse because they no longer believe they will be seriously injured if they repeat something they've done before without getting hurt (even if they were extremely lucky to not be injured).

    It's my belief that humans have a certain level of risk-taking drive -- they're born with it and it's something that doesn't change. And yes, I fear the teen years very much (my boys have their level set at high). I'm pushing athletics hoping that will satisfy.
  7. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    my girls are exactly the same! i am soooo exhausted at the end of the weekend and sooo ready for them to go to daycare on monday... lol. it just wears me out with all of the no's and dont's running to save them from falling off various furniture, to no avail. they just go right back to it. a couple of weekends ago, they both took a nosedive off this rocking chair/glider thing we have, both cried briefly, then went back to try it again!
  8. Gimena

    Gimena Well-Known Member

    My ds climbs on everything but the most dangerous one is the stove, He is strong enough now that the oven door opens and ofcourse he falls back, yet he still does it over and over again! I tried locking the door but now he knows how to unlock it!
    Ofcourse I don't cook anything in the front burners but the fact that the oven door opens and he falls scares me!
    I did put the high chairs to block it, but dd moved one whilde ds moved the other,
    fortunately dd is not a climber!
  9. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Oh, that is a tough one. Trent got a concussion falling off of the wood stove onto the tile floor in the living room so unless you have carpeting in the kitchen, this is one I'd work very hard on stopping. Is there any way to block access to the kitchen entirely for a few more months? I noticed significant improvement in the ability to control impulses around the 20-month mark and that was handy since it was when they really started going over the gates.
  10. stefwebb

    stefwebb Well-Known Member

    Mine are still climbing everything in sight. Logan is especially bad about it, and then Mason had to do whatever Logan just did. I gave up and bought a Kangaroo climber last weekend. It's in my living room where the coffee table should be. It's helped so far with the climbing on other things, but I'm sure the novelty will wear off.
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