Favorite Toddler Crafts!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by amelowe9, Dec 19, 2010.

  1. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to keep busy with my kiddos and would love some fun and simple craft ideas I can do with my 2 1/2 hear olds. We are confined inside due to heavy rains (yes, those who are in snowy parts can throw a snowball at me!) and we all grow bored before 9 a.m. since we can't get out...so I want to keep us all busy and having fun! Please share any fun crafts you enjoy doing with your kids. Thanks!
  2. mummy2two

    mummy2two Well-Known Member

    I am certain others will have more ideas, but we just made cards (you can also craft pictures) with crayons and stickers. They were really in to it.
  3. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    My two favorite website I use ALL THE TIME for my kids from age 2 to now are

    This site is run by a mom that was a teacher, she posts great pics of crafts, lists them on the top bar in a button and also has a runner on the side of the website for 'topics'.

    No Time For Flashcards

    This site is Huge and can be a bit to navigate, but it is SO FULL of printables that will be organized by subject, craft, and age. Great. As the girls have gotten older, I have explored other area of the site, I also have used a lot of craft ideas for my preschool class
    DLTK Printables

    Random ideas as well are:

    foam stickers (mine have always loved stickers!)

    magnets & tin cookie tray

    'paint' with shaving cream, pudding, or other goopy materials

    set up a water 'table' with big flat bucket of water (put down towels first!) we also do this with snow!

    Play Doh


    paper play (shred, cut, rip) paper

    get a large box and decorate it and play in it ( mine have and still will play with boxes for hours!)

    water color paints

    easy easy baking

    collage of cut out pics (do a theme of foods, pets, people, etc)


    paint with toothbrushes, bath poofs, etc makes for fun textures and 'different' experiences

    face paint ( you paint here!)

    take a brown grocery bag and cut up the front- decorate for a fancy 'vest'/costume/outfit.

    We are homebodies and do a loose Homeschool-y type schedule.....I love crafts so we do a lot here and always have!!
    1 person likes this.
  4. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    How about Xmas Ornaments? Or snowflakes out of paper. We do a lot of finger painting (if you don't mind the mess). Make some sugar cookies and have the kids decorate them for fun.

    Here's another great website for ideas:

    Sorry to hear about the rain. I heard there are some mudslides down in the LA area.
  5. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I second this website: http://familyfun.go.com/. I just found it and it has loads of ideas.
  6. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    We also made some cards tonight for Christmas. I bought some cute foam stickers at wal-mart that were snowmen and came with scarves, hats, and mittens. The girls got to "dress" their snowmen however they wanted and then they colored around them. They had a blast and it was a huge thing of stickers so we will be able to do it some more.
  7. Lynn76

    Lynn76 Well-Known Member

    My kids aren't quite 2 but will be the 6th of January. I like the site: www.toddlertoddler.com. It has some great stuff there!! I noticed other mamas posted some other great sites that I use frequently.
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