Father in law at it again...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, May 30, 2009.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't even know how to title this post! UGH!

    Let me start by saying today was a crazy busy day. We were moving our bedroom downstairs and moving the guest bedroom upstairs, as well as the baby's room. My mom, his mom, and my cousin were all here to help dh with everything. I was on toddler duty.

    I was outside with the boys playing etc. It was gorgeous out. Being outside for a long time however, can be quite tiring for me. Anyways...We were in the driveway and I see him pull up. My father in law. And I saw trouble in the backseat. Their dog.

    Why the _____ he would come WITH the dog is beyond me. He KNOWS my dog flips out when there are other dogs around-thus setting off my kids who start crying when my dog barks(for the record-my dog, a beagle, does NOT bark. Seriously. The ONLY time she barks is when someone rings/knocks on the door and she doesn't know who it is-OR-another dog). Drives me nuts. So-he has his dog(another beagle, who btw is a great dog) oh a short leash on his arm.

    My dog sees his dog and starts going crazy. Barking, etc and Nicholas starts freaking out. FIL eventually brings his dog near my dog, they sniff, etc and do ok until his dog makes the wrong move and my dog starts barking again...

    So fil says to Nicholas, "Come over here Nicholas, let's go climb." Nicholas AND Anthony go over to where FIL is and Nicholas starts climbing the rock wall on the swingset(and he is very good at it). I have their sippy cups and I am looking for a place to put them down in the meantime.

    Nicholas climbs up the wall-no problem. Anthony follows suit. FIL has the dog's leash in his one hand, while trying to watch Nicholas climb to the top, and making sure Anthony does not fall.

    Well-you can all guess what happens. Nicholas got to the top of the wall...and fell...backwards. Do you know what it's like to watch your child fall off of something and see him NARROWLY miss the ground-I'm talking millimeters-and break his neck??? He would have landed on his neck. I JUST BARELY grabbed him before he totally hit the ground. Nicholas must have been distracted as he knows to go forward when he gets to the top-and I am always there with my hands until he gets in safe enough. Well-fil was paying attention to Anthony who was just starting to climb, as well as the dog still attached to his arm.

    I grabbed Nicholas and ran inside and left poor Anthony outside screaming-from fear, from the dogs, I don't know. As soon as I got inside I started crying my eyes out. Seriously. I don't need any more stress and that's all he brings! I was so livid with him, I couldn't go back outside. MIL came downstairs and first thing she says(She wasn't sure what happened at this point), is, "Why did you bring the dog?" And fil said the dog had nothing to do with it. Yeah. Right.

    My blood boils with this man at times. Don't get me wrong-they are his pride and joy-I know that. But the lack of common sense is killing me. I can't take it. This goes along with the story where he was trying to teach Anthony that his espresso was hot, so he took his HOT, METAL spoon and wiped it along Anthony's hand. Yeah-I didn't post about that story. If you saw Anthony's face...

    I'm just dumbfounded. I think I am going to have nightmares of Nicholas and Anthony falling off of that now. And I can't stand how nonchalant he is about everything as well(the spoon wasn't hot...righhhhhhhhhhhhtttttttttttt).

    What a long story! LOL!
  2. I'm sorry you had to deal with him today. My FIL drives me crazy too! I hope your son wasn't too shaken up. :hug:
  3. Alaskangirls

    Alaskangirls Well-Known Member

    So sorry you had a rough day. FIL and MIL can be hard somtimes, all the time :rolleyes: BIg hugs a cup of tea and maybe a foot rub is in order. ;)
    Best Wishes
  4. Andi German

    Andi German Well-Known Member

    Poor you - fils are a pain in the butt sometimes. Can you just ask him nicely (if not tell him!) not to bring the dog next time as it stresses you out? You've got too much going on!!!
  5. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Not a fun Saturday!

    It's hard with grandparents, especially in laws sometimes. You can't really criticize them without seeming rude, because they're adults and have raised their own children so they SHOULD have common sense when it comes to kids. In my case, I feel fairly free to be open/honest with my own mom, but it's difficult/impossible for me to say much to my mother and father in law. Even when my father in law does crazy stuff like pile the boys INTO OUR GARBAGE BIN AND WHEEL THEM AROUND THE BACKYARD. Yes, our dirty, disgusting garbage bin. Nice place for your kids to play!

    I hope the rest of your weekend is better.
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Oh Meaghan :hug: You do NOT need stress at all. I hope the rest of the day got better.
  7. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    There is a reason why in-laws have such a bad reputation! Ugh, how annoying! You probably were already stressed as soon as you saw him get out of the car with the dog.
    BTW We have a beagle too and they are such great dogs!
  8. ddancerd1

    ddancerd1 Well-Known Member

    my IL's have zero common sense when it comes to the kids. they have 13 grandkids!!! and dh wants them to be able to babysit, but i don't trust them. the girls are at an age where they are into EVERYTHING. and the IL's are too lazy to get up and chase them around.
    so i feel you!
  9. ca2pa2005

    ca2pa2005 Well-Known Member

    I would be livid too. I swear some people just don't think. Sorry this happened but thankfully you were there to prevent Nicholas from getting seriously injured.
  10. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :hug: How frustrating!! I'm so sorry you had to deal with such a terrible scare and so much frustration. I am lucky that my in-laws tend to have a decent amount of common sense - I wouldn't tolerate stuff like that very well either. I am glad Nicholas is okay!
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