family portraits need help on what to wear

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Erica92, Aug 19, 2008.

  1. Erica92

    Erica92 Well-Known Member

    We have b/g twins and are going to be taking 1yr portraits in a month and I would LOVE suggestions on what to wear. I was thinking we'd all wear Jeans and the photographer mentioned jeans and black shirts look nice but DD has very little hair and Im afriad she'd look like a boy with a black shirt and would like something pinkish....

    So thoughts suggestions etc....

    ps Im open to something other than jeans just thought it would be nice if we were some what uniformed....

    I also thought about putting DH and DS in a blue polo and DD and myself in a pink shirt of some sort, what do you think about that? Or should we all wear the same color?
  2. wymomoftwins

    wymomoftwins Well-Known Member

    JC Penney Portrait Studio online has suggestions about what to wear....I always ask myself if what I choose will look dated in a few years so I stay away from anything too trendy. Also, they say dark colors (shirts) are more flattering but I say wear what you feel comfortable in and what you like! I think the blue/pink combo would be cute and it is the photographer's job to make things mesh with the background/props :D We took our pics at 6 months and we dressed in blue/navy shirts with jeans, but we have b/b twins ..... my Mom had sent the boys these little straw cowboy hats so I took those and put wrangler diaper covers on them and they turned out cute! Oh and they do have to wear some sort of diaper cover if you want pics without their clothes. Something to do with not photographing the trademarks....

    Good luck and have fun!!! :lol:
  3. missymack2003

    missymack2003 Well-Known Member

    I was trying to figure this out myself a couple months ago. Our photographer gave us a few tips. Make sure the child/children are dressed in comfy clothes that they can move around in easily, don't wear dark pants with white shoes, v-neck shirts tend to look nice on women, don't wear red unless you really want to stand out. Solids look the best on everyone, try to stay with the same tone of color with everyones shirts if possible, it's better not to wear really detailed jewelry/accessories because it can draw attention in the picture. We all wore nice denim jeans, we got a light pink and a white shirt for each of our girls and they were barefoot. DH wore a short sleeve white polo, I wore a short sleeve v-neck taupe shirt with a white undershirt. I was really happy with the results. I like the whole pink and blue shirts with jeans, I think that would look really cute. Good luck to you!

  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I love the look of white shirts and khakis for family pictures.
  5. ladybenz

    ladybenz Well-Known Member

    I think your idea of DH and DS in blue and you and DD in pink sounds sweet. One thing to think about: this is your opportunity to have some really special photos taken of your little ones--if ever you are going to doll your little girl up in sweet dresses, now is the time!!! I personally think the jeans and shirts look is great for little boys, or older kids, but with baby girls, I don't think you can beat a cute dress.

    One thing that might be cute would be for your DH and DS to wear white shirts and jeans (and you too if you like) and your DD to wear a white dress

    I also think bare feet are the sweetest in photos, for the whole family. (if for no other reason, it's an excuse to get a pedicure!!!)
  6. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I always bring some change of clothing. For the girls, always some pics in a dress. I also have pics done in their Halloween costumes. Then for family pics we've done jeans and khakis (the girls had dresses or jeans on).

    This year, in October, we're going to do jewel tone shirts for the family pic, DH and I will wear jeans and the girls have jean skirts with cute tights to wear. I'll also do Halloween pics and pics of them in their Christmas dresses at the same time.
  7. ld2008

    ld2008 Well-Known Member

    We just did ours and we wore jeans and white shirts. The baby girls wore blue jean type dresses. They turned out sooooo good.
  8. jschiess

    jschiess Well-Known Member

    A friend of mine had a really pretty one done in which the non-baby members of her family wore jeans and white tops, the baby wore a white dress (singleton), and the background was black. If you did that, then perhaps DD could forego the jeans and just wear a dress or have a really girly top?

    I sympathize--we have the opposite problem. People are always saying "A boy and a girl!" Not so much. They are both boys. I swear I could draw a mustache on Finn with a sharpie, and people would still think he is a girl (don't worry, I don't plan to do that.). I think he's very masculine looking. :)
  9. Twins08

    Twins08 Well-Known Member

    Whatever you decide to wear, make sure it's not busy - keep it simple and match the colors. I like jeans with white shirts and bare feet. Put the girl in a casual white dress. Just as long as nothing looks busy and the colors match, you should be fine! :)
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