Falling asleep during bottle feeding...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ahmerl, Jul 21, 2007.

  1. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    My 7 weekers nod off during almost every feeding. We are formula/bottle feeding and I am feeding them both at the same time. I sit on the couch with my feet on the table in front of me and my knees bent and DS lies facing me on my legs and DD on a boppy. They fall asleep in the middle of almost every feeding and since I am feeding them both it is very difficult to do all of the little tricks to keep them awake. Anyone else experience this? It is like they wake up to eat and then fall asleep in the middle of eating and never get a good bottle in.
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Do you think that the flow on the nipples is too slow? Maybe they are having to work too hard?
  3. vweaver

    vweaver Well-Known Member

    I am bottle feeding my 4 wk olds as well. Most times they eat seperately - one after the other. Occasionally, they both cry. Usually my daughter finishes her entire bottle, and my son falls asleep during the middle. I usually first try just moving the bottle nipple around and this wakes him up. If that doesn't work, I finish feeding/burping my daughter - she is the better eater - then I pick up my son - that wakes him up and feed him.

    Sorry I don't have any other advice for you - I am very new to this as well.

    How much/often are your twins eating now????
  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I agree with Becky, the nipple may be to slow. I know mine fell asleep quite often during feedings, and if I noticed they were about to, I would pull the nipple out and it would wake them back up.
  5. natmarie

    natmarie Well-Known Member

    One thing that helped my oldest DS stay awake was striping them down to their diaper. The twins all we had to do was not keep them swaddled and that helped them stay awake since they weren't so warm and cozy. Also, one thing that also helped DS1 was using a wipe on his back or on his head. That definettly helped them stay awake! I know it is mean, but that was one way to make sure they ate.
  6. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    One thing is when it is time to burp - change the diaper right after. This usually will wake them long enough to finish. With my new one I also strip him down or wash his face to wake him up.
  7. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    Mine also nodded off during feedings at that age. I tried many tricks that the special care nurses showed me . . . nothing worked. It will be more difficult for you since you are feeding both at the same time.

    Here are some of the ideas I was given:
    Rub their neck
    Rub the palm of their hand
    Sit them up
    Burp them
    Put the nipple of the bottle towards the roof of their mouth.

    Good luck!
  8. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    thanks for your help - I think it is definilty due to the slow flow on the nipples; however, DD has reflux and the faster nipples cause the reflux to act up. We have gotten it under control with the Enfamil Added Rice formula; however, it makes it so thick it is exhausting for her to pull through. I have tried everything but the if the formula comes out a bit more quickly she is writhing in pain again. I am mostly concerned because I have a new nanny starting tomorrow and I know the nanny will not work as hard to get the babies to finish their bottles as I do. I am sure the nanny will just be glad they are asleep and leave it at that :(

  9. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    If they are making it to the next feeding without a problem, I wouldn't push them to finish the bottle, but if they are hungry too soon, they I would work on it. One thing I did was "make" Jon take a pacifier when he was awake. I did this because his suck seemed weak and he would be tired from trying to eat. After a few days with the pacifier, he was eating more efficiently and didn't have any trouble staying awake. That said, he never really liked the paci and quit taking it at 3 months.
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