Fall Clothing

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by hyourk, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. hyourk

    hyourk Member

    Unfortunately, I did not buy clearance clothes last year for this fall so I'm forced to buy stuff now. Realistically, how much clothing do I need for each boy? I bought clothes for this summer on clearance last year and bought WAY more than they needed. I guess the sales prices got the best of me :D Oh, I have 14 month old twins. Thanks!
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Depends on where you live. There is no fall in Florida. . .
  3. hyourk

    hyourk Member

    I live in the Northeast.
  4. Queen of Carrots

    Queen of Carrots Well-Known Member

    I have used this as a rough guide for years and find it works pretty well:

    7 dark pair socks
    3 pair jeans
    5 pair dark pants
    6 long sleeved shirts (sweatshirts, sweaters)
    2 dress up outfits
    1 casual outfit
    3 warm pjs
    1 winter coat

    Adjust as needed--I usually do more jeans and fewer pants. Also if a few of the long-sleeved shirts will layer with their summer t-shirts you've added a few outfits that will stretch you even into the colder part of winter. (If they haven't completely outgrown them--that might be better advice for next year!)
  5. Maymay

    Maymay Well-Known Member

    Just a thought - its probably not too late to shop garage sales. There might not be as many of them but it might be worth checking your local paper.
  6. Fran27

    Fran27 Well-Known Member

    I missed out on clearance stuff last time too because I had no idea what size they would be now... and yep, I would have got it all wrong! But I hear you, I think I have enough summer clothes for 4 babies (but mostly due to the fact that they changed size last month so I had to buy some things double).

    What we did last time is pretty much 6 of everything - 6 warm pants, 6 long sleeves shirts, 6 PJs, 6 pairs of socks etc. Then one warm jacket, one snowsuit, one or two sweaters. It worked pretty well for us, but we were not doing laundry as much as we are now, so I might do with 5 of everything this time... I will probably wait for the September sales though (not too sure when they are though!).
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with 6 or 7 of every thing (socks, pants, shirts), a sweat jacket. I would check out Goodwill, consignment shops, usually in our area there is a children's sale for winter/fall clothes and summer/spring clothes. Good luck.
  8. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    My boys have WAY too many clothes but I think it would probably be good to have about 6-10 pairs of each thing, depending on how messy your kids are and how often you do laundry.
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