Failed The 3 Hour GD test

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Kaelan, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. Kaelan

    Kaelan Well-Known Member

    i was so hoping that i was going to pass it, and the nurse just called to tell me my numbers are really high. i have the gestational diabetes and i dont want it. i know how all the food restrictions go, but i dont see how i am NOT going to lose weight for the rest of my pregnancy, and i know my boys need to still gain. im really upset about this. Please tell me this condition goes away after i deliver. i wasnt overweight to start with, and all of a sudden i have this.

    31W6D mono/di boys
  2. 3boys&1girl04

    3boys&1girl04 Member

    Hang in there!!

    I had GD with my 4th child. I was not over weight either. I tried the diet but lost 7 lbs in less than a week so I had to do the insulin shots. I hate needles but they really weren't that bad. Within hours of delivery my blood sugar was back to normal and now almost 5 years later I do not have any blood sugar issues.

    Take care :hug:
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm sorry you didn't pass your 3 Hour GD test. :hug:
  4. faerieprncs

    faerieprncs Well-Known Member

    I've never had I was you FEEL different? Was there any inidication other than the test results that would tell you that you had GD?
  5. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    :hug: I am so sorry that you are having to go through with this. Have you talked to your Dr about what your restrictions will be and your concerns? I hope they are able to give you some good answers. Good Luck!! :hug:
  6. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :hug:'s Momma. I'm sorry you didn't pass the GD test, but you can get through this. One of my close friends had gestational diabetes and had to follow strict food guidelines and her son was born very healthy and his weight was not affected by it. Her GD did go away after she gave birth. :good: Please try to not stress yourself over this, you will do great. :hug: :hug:
  7. Little June Bug

    Little June Bug Well-Known Member

    I am 24 weeks and have been diagnosed for 2 months now. I was following diet but ended up on insulin over a week ago. Let me know if you have ANY questions. I had a tough time adjusting to the new diet. It was frustrating. I lost weight also. I was not overweight to begin with so I was concerned. The doctors are not concerned for my weight. Currently, I am 24 weeks along and have gained about 18lbs. I have lost it off my body tho as my arms and legs are very thin. Babies are continuing to grow and thrive so that's great.

    It takes 2-3 weeks to even figure out all the diet/numbers stuff. Don't put pressure on yourself that you have to know it all right away. Your numbers will be up when you expect them to be down and certain foods will trigger an unwanted increase. I remember crying when I tested because I thought it did it all right and the #s were still up. It will all come together and before you know it, it will all be over and babies will be here.

    Question away or even message me if you want. I would be happy to help.
  8. twinmama2be

    twinmama2be Active Member

    I failed my 1-hour glucose tolerance test and then my 3-hour glucose tolerance test. I was really disappointed to find out that I have GDM. My doc was hoping to avoid insulin shots so she gave me Glyburide and sent me to the diabetes center. They gave me a glucose testing kit to use 3 times daily (once fasting first thing AM, then 2 hours after breakfast and 2 hours after dinner). It's not super fun - being on a strict diet with strictly scheduled meals and finger pokes - but it did keep my blood glucose levels at bay. Babies kept on growing even while I lost a bit of weight, so do not worry about them. My doc said that women with GDM tend to have large babies and she was right. Do not worry, GDM is not terrible as far as complications go, it is manageable and the effect on the babies is minor if any. And in vast majority of cases the GDM corrects itself after you deliver, so all is well then and you can add some variety back into your diet (I miss fruit so much!).

  9. Angelsamb

    Angelsamb Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry you have to go through this. It's something that just happens. You didn't cause it to happen, your weight didn't cause it to happen... Our bodies just react differently to situations. Everyone is just looking out for what's best for you and your 2 little babies. Good luck!
  10. littletwinmom

    littletwinmom Well-Known Member

    I've had GD with both pregnancies, and I'm only 113 lbs not pregnant. Like the other posts say, lifestyle can play a part, but much of it is genetics, and frustratingly, we have no control.

    Just make sure to eat lots of protein, that will help your babies grow. Peanut butter and cheese (Not together, lol) are my best friends when pregnant!

    You are lucky at least that you are already 32 weeks almost...many people are on the diet much earlier.

    Really you just have to eat healthy and cut sweets. Exercise really helps too, if you are allowed to take a walk, etc.

    It will be gone before you know it!
  11. PJ

    PJ Well-Known Member

    I had GD when I was pregnant with my boys and they still gained weight just fine on the restricted diet. I only gained 38 lbs all up but the boys weight 6 lbs 14 oz and 7 lbs 3 oz. I weighed around 115 lbs when I got pregnant with them and have no history of diabetes in my family. It just happens sometimes.

    I had no problem with the diet once I met with the dietician but I was worried about it before that. The hardest part for me was giving up chocolate...but it was worth it for my big healthy boys!
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