face scars - stitch, glue, etc?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Safari, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    We went out for dinner. Syd was running w/ a crayon, fell and made a gash under her eye. It looked deep. DH freaks about face scars. After 3 different ERs, Drs and Urgent care places (it's a long story), the Dr decided to glue it.

    is it going to scar? it's under her eye. kinda like the line where the bags are under my eyes! It's been a long, cr@ppy day. i'm exhausted and depressed.
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Safari @ Feb 14 2008, 12:15 AM) [snapback]621164[/snapback]
    It's been a long, cr@ppy day. i'm exhausted and depressed.

    Oh no! :hug99: Poor baby girl and poor momma. I'm sorry this happened, and on their birthday. :cray: I don't have any advice on the scarring, etc. But I just wanted to send you a :hug99: and I hope your little girl is okay.
  3. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry! What a way to ring in the second year.

    My friend's son (14 at the time) got a gash right near his eye and they also used glue instead of stitching it...I was rather skeptical about it b/c they had just started doing that (maybe 5-10 years ago). It healed beautifully and I've never noticed a scar.

    I hope she heals quickly and you all recover from the 'celebration' soon. :hug99:
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Aww, poor baby...and poor MOMMY! My understanding is that gluing causes less of a scar. I would probably use the Mederma stuff on it (not sure how effective it is but it can't hurt) and then make sure to put sunblock on it anytime you'll be outside, even just for a minute. That should help. Also, she's a girl so by the time it would really bother her she can wear makeup to cover any scar that remains.
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh no, doesn't sound like a fun b-day. Trevor fell in Nov. and they were able to glue his forehead. My oldest DD fell when she was about 18 months and got glue as well on her forehead. My oldest DD does have a small scar and I am sure Trevor will too, but glue is so much easier on them and us than stitches.
  6. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    So sorry you had such a rough birthday. Doesn't sound fun at all! Glue really is a good thing. I hope it doesn't scar for you.
  7. ehm

    ehm Banned

    Sorry about the injury!

    Ask your doc or a dermatologist about how to prevent scarring. Aquaphor 4-5 times a day can prevent scars on even the worst of facial injuries but you have to be totally religious about doing it morning, noon, afternoon, evening and bedtime for months. Also, be sure to use sunscreen even with the tiniest bit of sun exposure. The injury spot can get burnt very easily and that can exacerbate the scarring.
  8. jamey

    jamey Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry :hug99: . Days like that are no fun.

    Cate fell at 2.5 & busted her eye on a game/ride at a pizza place. The cut did require 6 stitches, and it is just below her eyebrow. It looked so terrible.. It swelled up & turned black, and the stitches were terrible to look at. Now, barely a year later - I have to look to find the scar, and that was using stitches. It sounds like, from pp's, that gluing scars even less than stitches, so I'm sure she will be fine!!
  9. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    I'm using Merdema for Kids on a scar that Sam has on his forehead. He got a really bad scratch from another kid at daycare a few months ago. We've been using it for about a month, and it's definitely improving. You have to put it on 3 times a day for about 8 weeks - something like that. Oh, and it's outrageously expensive. Like $20 for a small tube!

    Sorry their birthday turned out so crappy :(

  10. kimj

    kimj Well-Known Member

    Poor Babe! My heart goes out to both of you as I don't know how I'd handle it if I had to deal with this. (I'm such a wimp and I'm gonna have to buck up soon as mobile children = booboo's) My nephew was bit by a dog in the face 2 fourth of July ago - he was 5 at the time - He recieved stiches under his eye, from the bottom of his nose to the top of his lip, and the side of his lip. It looked SO scary and we really thought he was going to have some major scarring. Today, you can still see a hint of scar especially under his nose / lip - but it seems to get better all the time. I think children's skin is so elastic etc. that scarring is very minimal - especially if you follow the sun block thing and also use a topical healling agent. Hugs to you as I'm sure your heart was in your throat for quite some time and just being exhausted from worry. I hope everyone is on the mend.
  11. Cindy123

    Cindy123 Well-Known Member

    What a lousy birthday present, poor Syd & mommy. :hug99: I don't have any scar info for you but maybe a phone call to a plastic surgeon would give you some answers.
  12. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    Two weeks after my boys 1st bday my son Ian fell and had a gash above his eye which they glued also. He does have about a half inch scar that is about a shade lighter then his skin color but it is very hard to notice and the doc said it will be virtually unnoticable by the time he is older. I think it was the easiest and best decision rather then to have them stitch him, it was quick, painless and over in a minute.

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