Eyeglasses for 2 yo twin boys!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by KerryS, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. KerryS

    KerryS Member

    We just found out that one of our 2yo twins will need glasses. He had teary eyes all of the time. We thought he had a blocked tear duct but found out he is nearsighted with astygmatisms (sp?) in both eyes. They are identical twins, so it is likely the other has the same issue. We are taking them back when they are 2.5 to get glasses (at least for one but probably both). I can't even imagine keeping glasses on a 2.5 yo let alone two of them! Anyone have experience/advice for keeping glasses on toddlers?
  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys were younger when they needed glasses. Nicholas was just before he turned two, and Anthony was around 2.5 when they found out he needed them. Nicholas had an eye turning in, pretty bad. At first, I thought maybe it was a fluke, but then when other people noticed it, I knew it wasn't just a fluke! So we took him in. He has accomodative esotropia, which is the crossing in of the eyes caused by farsightedness, and is a form of strabismus. His sight is horrible. The dr said he can't see near or far! And because he's a twin, or has siblings, the Dr wanted to see Anthony. So we brought him in, Dr said he was borderline and said to bring him back in three months. So we did-and sure enough-he needed them as well. I noticed Anthony had a turning in of the eye as well, as the appointment got closer and closer.

    So-how do we keep them on? Well-Nicholas was rather difficult in the beginning. We had to get a sports strap for the back of his head to keep the glasses on, kinda like a security thing. The first two weeks he wouldn't put them on at all, and I wasn't fighting it. We also went to the dollar store and got cheap glasses for everyone else in the family. We pointed out to him who wore glasses, whether it was family members or strangers, or people on TV.

    Shortly after, once we got a strap that worked as well, he wore them and never attempted to take them off again. And he also has to wear a patch four 3/4 hours a day to help strengthen his eye. As for Anthony, he was thrilled with his glasses and had no problems whatsoever keeping them on! Good luck! It's an adjustment period, but it will all work out in the end! :hug:

    Here's a photo of the two of them from last week:

  3. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    good luck! and love the picture of the boys! sweeeet!! I'm sure they will love seeing clearly.
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My oldest daughter had to get glasses at 3. We spent one rough day with her hating them, after that she never took them off or complained about them. I think she found that she could see so much better that it was worth keeping them on. They might surprise you with how easily they adapt! Good luck!
  5. kumphort

    kumphort Well-Known Member

    I just found out my 6 year old needs glasses, so while not exactly the same, we are researching glasses as well. My doc recommended this brand http://miraflex.info/products.htm or http://www.solobambini.com/products.php
    they are flexable lightweight, with a strap to stay on, they have no nose pieces or hinges to break off, I have seen other young children wearing them, and they seem like a great idea for young children.

    I am debating though if I should go this route for my 6 year old though. I think he may be too old for this look.

    Good luck!
  6. KerryS

    KerryS Member

    Thanks ladies! I appreciate the help. Nikki, thanks for the links to those websites. It is nice to know what all my options are before we go back to the dr. Meaghan, thanks so much for sharing all about your experience. I'm curious what type of glasses you got for your sons & approx. what they cost. If you don't want to answer about the cost, I completely understand! We are considering getting $100 titanium glasses from costco but the dr may be steering us away from costco (but I don't want it to be only because they want the profit). I went to costco & tried them on my boys & they fit well. They actually look very similar to the glasses your boys are wearing (thanks for the pic - so cute!). Also, if you remember (or able to figure out), do you know the brand/type of strap that eventually worked. Your situation is so similar to mine with boys approx. the same age. My boys do not seem to have any eye crossing yet but the dr. said he could develop lazy eye (not sure of the correct medical terminology - so sorry for the slang). Cute idea on getting "glasses" for the rest of the family :) Once again, I really appreciate all your help!
  7. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    My twins were 3 when we discovered that they both needed glasses. We had NO issues at all with them keeping them on because they saw SO much better with them than without!!!

    Just because one twin needs one, doesn't mean the other will. My sister has always had worse eyes than me. (we're identical)
  8. KerryS

    KerryS Member

    thanks for letting me know about the identical thing... It would be so strange to have one with glasses and the other not but i guess that would be a good way to tell them apart :)
  9. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    yes one of the twins got her's at 2yrs and we fought for a month keeping them on her until we used the strap! now she keeps them on no problem:)

  10. mhardman

    mhardman Well-Known Member

    I haven't had an issue but a friend had a boy who got them before 2. He loved them so much so that he could see. He wouldn't get out of his crib with out them on. In fact at first he wanted to sleep with them but mom had to convince him they would be htere in the morning to wear again. Good luck
  11. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    1.) I have no idea what types of glasses I got the boys! LOL! I went to the eye glass store and I had them try them on. Then someone who worked there said which ones would work better, etc. I got ones that have some give to them.

    2.) As for cost, it was covered, but for a second pair it would be over $100 for the frames I believe. Not cheap, that's for sure! I would go wherever you want-shop around. See what your insurance covers, etc.

    3.) The strap I got was a sports strap. I bought it at a sports store and it cost $1.99. I kid you not. It's adjustable. The first one I found, Nicholas REFUSED to wear his glasses. It just fit funny. But once I got the other strap, he was fine. And it really doesn't do much, just kind provides security in a way.

    4.) As for getting glasses for the rest of the family-that was dh's idea. He went to the Dollar Tree, bought a pair of the three of us, popped out the lenses, and we wore them. I think it helped. And then when he needed the patch, I fought him for over two weeks to wear it. Finally, I put one on Curious George-and there was no turning back!

    Good luck!
  12. KerryS

    KerryS Member

    Thanks Meaghan! We don't have the twins on our vision plan, so that's why I'm concerned about cost. We will putting them on next year. I'd love to wait until the new year but the eye doc wants to get him into glasses ASAP & I'm certainly not going to mess with it :)
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