EXTREME pain every morning. Contractions? Please help..........

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jb35sport, May 1, 2009.

  1. jb35sport

    jb35sport Active Member

    Hi, I'm creating this post for my dear wife in hopes we get some feedback as to the cause of her new found morning pain. First things first.

    She is 29 weeks, 3 days into this pregnancy and hasn't had the first complication (as of yet, keeping fingers crossed). We have identical twin boys coming....She's been diagnosed with GD......and she's 38 years old.

    This morning makes about the 6 or 7th time in the last 2 weeks that she's either awaken in the middle of the night or woke up at her normal time to immense pain in her stomach. She says her stomach gets hard as a rock forcing her to double over in pain. She is now charting them to show the doctor....things like when it happened, how long it lasted, and pain levels.

    On Wednesday, it happened while arriving at work so a co-worker basically demanded she take her to the doctor for a quick observation. They did a quick non stress test and both babies HB's were fine and she didn't show any contractions while being monitored. The doctor looked at the cervix and it remains long and closed such as it has the entire time. He didn't offer up much advice (I'm assuming since he didn't see anything on the monitor) so he sent us on our way.

    Okay, for the questions........This is her third pregnancy so shes aware of what Braxton Hicks are and she doesn't 'think' that's what this is. This mornings bout was so severe it caused her to throw up.......It's so helpless seeing someone in so much discomfort, yet knowing there isn't a thing you can do for her other than being there.

    Any other ideas on what they are? Generally the pain only lasts for 5 minutes, but this mornings lasted 15 minutes. To this point, shes only experiencing these immense pains ONCE per day.

    Could these be early contractions? If so, wouldn't there be signs or the cervix shortening? I would hate to have these pains be something else that we could possibly be getting attention for. It literally doubles her over to the point of tears (and she's tough...not an easy crier).

    She's been eating well, drinking plenty of water........Do you think bedrest would help. Up until now, she's still working fulltime and carrying a full load at the house ( I know, I should step up...haha).

    Any ideas or suggestions are welcome......

    Thanks in advance.

  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    The tightening in her stomach sounds like a contraction. At 29 weeks you can have pretty harsh contractions that dont dilate your cervix. I would call the OB and let them know about it and that she is vomiting from them.
  3. kgar

    kgar Well-Known Member

    Sorry to ask such a personal question, but how are her bowel movements? If she's at all constipated, it could be bowel pain, particularly if she's feeling the pain more on one side than the other. I sometimes get excruciating pain on my left side and in my left lower back. It hurts so bad I have to lie on the floor and am pretty much doubled-over in pain. The first time it happened I thought it was a contraction or pre-term labor. I had one major pain which lasted 2 or 3 minutes and then another slightly less excruciating pain exactly 30 minutes later. I called my doctor immediately and they ordered me home from work. They told me to lie on my left side and drink lots of water and call them if it happened again, particularly if it kept happening at regular intervals. It didn't happen again that day at all. For the next several days, I had exactly the same pain at exactly the same time of day. Since then, it hasn't happened every day - just every now and then.

    The fact that she experiences the pain only once a day at about the same time every day might indicate some sort of gastrointestinal issue. You should definitely call her doctor in any event.

    QUOTE(jb35sport @ May 1 2009, 06:35 AM) [snapback]1296052[/snapback]
    Hi, I'm creating this post for my dear wife in hopes we get some feedback as to the cause of her new found morning pain. First things first.

    She is 29 weeks, 3 days into this pregnancy and hasn't had the first complication (as of yet, keeping fingers crossed). We have identical twin boys coming....She's been diagnosed with GD......and she's 38 years old.

    This morning makes about the 6 or 7th time in the last 2 weeks that she's either awaken in the middle of the night or woke up at her normal time to immense pain in her stomach. She says her stomach gets hard as a rock forcing her to double over in pain. She is now charting them to show the doctor....things like when it happened, how long it lasted, and pain levels.

    On Wednesday, it happened while arriving at work so a co-worker basically demanded she take her to the doctor for a quick observation. They did a quick non stress test and both babies HB's were fine and she didn't show any contractions while being monitored. The doctor looked at the cervix and it remains long and closed such as it has the entire time. He didn't offer up much advice (I'm assuming since he didn't see anything on the monitor) so he sent us on our way.

    Okay, for the questions........This is her third pregnancy so shes aware of what Braxton Hicks are and she doesn't 'think' that's what this is. This mornings bout was so severe it caused her to throw up.......It's so helpless seeing someone in so much discomfort, yet knowing there isn't a thing you can do for her other than being there.

    Any other ideas on what they are? Generally the pain only lasts for 5 minutes, but this mornings lasted 15 minutes. To this point, shes only experiencing these immense pains ONCE per day.

    Could these be early contractions? If so, wouldn't there be signs or the cervix shortening? I would hate to have these pains be something else that we could possibly be getting attention for. It literally doubles her over to the point of tears (and she's tough...not an easy crier).

    She's been eating well, drinking plenty of water........Do you think bedrest would help. Up until now, she's still working fulltime and carrying a full load at the house ( I know, I should step up...haha).

    Any ideas or suggestions are welcome......

    Thanks in advance.

  4. jb35sport

    jb35sport Active Member

    Thank you....I'll share the word. She's a frequent visitor of this site so she looks and certainly would have posted herself once time allowed, but I decided to do it for her.....

    Thanks again!
  5. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(DATJMom @ May 1 2009, 04:43 AM) [snapback]1296055[/snapback]
    The tightening in her stomach sounds like a contraction. At 29 weeks you can have pretty harsh contractions that dont dilate your cervix. I would call the OB and let them know about it and that she is vomiting from them.

    I totally agree!! I hope it turns out to be nothing, but it is always better to be safe that sorry!
  6. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    Either contractions or bowel problems sound like a reasonable answer. I had four pregnancies before my twin pregnancy so I knew what braxton hicks were as well, but let me tell you there were times when contractions with the twins would wake me right out of my sleep. I started experiencing them around 24 weeks. For me what was amazing was that none of the contractions I had did anything to my cervix. What positions are the babies in?
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would also call her OB and let him/her know. Keep us posted.
  8. dmildred

    dmildred Active Member

    Some of my braxton hicks contractions with the twins have doubled me over in pain... I can't talk, it's hard to breathe, etc. My OB said that the BH contractions can be much worse with twins than with a singleton. Also, the bowl thing....That's what's been going on with me. I called my doctor a few weeks ago because I thought I was in labor because it hurt so bad...sounds exactly like your wife's condition. He said it wasn't labor. It's been happening every morning, and it can be really bad. I'd have her ask her doctor if it could be her inestines/bowl issues.
  9. efmolly

    efmolly Well-Known Member

    I'm 33 weeks with ID boys too. It sounds like contractions for the most part (mostly the hard stomach), but I have abdominal pain at night and in the mornings almost everyday that is different than contractions. It feels like the muscles in my lower belly and pelvis are ripping apart. I read from a lot of women on here as well as from my doctor that it's just round ligament stretching and pain, especially if she hasn't been standing in a while.
  10. Angelsamb

    Angelsamb Well-Known Member

    A full bladder gives me immense pain as well and if I was lying in the same position for a long time, that, with the full bladder feeling can give you pretty strong pains. Are the pains also all over the bottom or just on one side. It can also be just late in the game ligament stretching pain, I know I had those often early in the pregnancy and toward the middle... Good luck and let's see what her Dr. says. Godd thing the cervix is still long and closed!
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