Extreme fussiness in formerly calm baby

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by [email protected], Jul 27, 2009.

  1. stacy.alderfer@yahoo.com

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    My usually happy-go-lucky baby has recently turned into a screaming terror at times! She's usually fine, but over this past weekend she has started getting really frustrated at things like diaper changes, toys on tummy time, swing, bouncy chair, etc. And it's not all the time, just sometimes and I can't pinpoint it. It's like she just has a really short fuse. :)

    Has this happened to you? They will be 7 months old on Friday and I am wondering if it may be top teeth coming in (but I can't see any) or maybe going to start crawling or sitting soon???

    Or should I take her to the pedi? Hmmm.... Thanks!
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If it's just fussiness, but she doesn't seem sick or have other symptoms, I would probably just wait it out instead of going to the ped. You are right, she could be teething or she might wake up tomorrow & start sitting up or trying to move! I hope it's just a short phase! :hug:
  3. ambernruby

    ambernruby Well-Known Member

    lol i don't even need to say it do i? Once again you are describing what is going on with my Amber at the moment. I have been wondering the same, perhaps she is about to conquer something new as she whines alot but with a grin on her face, not like she is in pain or needing something. Bathtime and nappy changes are like a fight between us right now! It's like she has just learnt how to show she is irritable and is practising it? Who knows. if your worried she is hurting i would get her looked at, for now i'm goping to ride it out as i really don't think there is anything wrong judgin by the smiles i get.
  4. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I think I would wait it out too. But if it continues for 5 days or more then I would bring her in to the pedi.
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Nate is usually the calmest, happiest baby on the earth. Lately he's turned into Mr. Hyde; he gets frustrated at little things, screams bloody murder when we try to put his jammies on, and hits the spoon when we're feeding him. He's got 2 top teeth breaking through, and I think it's making him irritable.

    Check her gums!! :D
  6. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    That was about the time diaper changing wrestling began. That has just gotten worse. I would expect some teeth popping out soon too. She may also be just voicing her new opinions too.
  7. smitch

    smitch Well-Known Member

    OMG!!! Payton has been doing the SAME THING! This is too weird. They were born on the same day too...maybe a New Year's Eve birthday thing?!?! LOL...just kidding. It's like Payton is this totally different baby. She used to be so mellow and laid back!....Aarrgh!

    PM me anytime you need to vent or have ideas on something that works or if you learn something that might help me help Payton. Poor punkin has just been a little monkey--she seems so miserable! And it's not all the time--but she just goes off all of a sudden after being sweet and calm. Very odd.
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