Extra lobe, or 'accessory' lobe or Succenturiate lobe in Placenta?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by desolation_anonymous, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. desolation_anonymous

    desolation_anonymous Well-Known Member

    31 5 days.... mono/di... today's ultrasound tech called in a doctor who spent about 1/2 hour looking to see if I had an extra lobe or accessory lobe on the placeneta. Of course, being Kaiser they didn't tell me if I have one or not, I have to wait and hope my Dr. will share the results with me (and I'm seeing a new peri this coming week, not due to want but due to distance). I'm curious, if this is true, why didn't they find anything until now? can it happen at anyh time during preg.?

    I emailed my current perinatologist, in the meantime I can't find much on it. I found some stuff that says extra lobes left in can cause problems for the mother, and in some rare cases it can be like vasa previa and cause the babies to bleed out- but I don't know these sources and don't want to scare myself. So, while I am waiting to hear back from peri, I'm hoping some of you have some experience with it, or know what ,it is, and what (if any) risks there really are?
  2. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    :hug: I have no information or knowledge for you, but wanted to give you a :hug: for having to worry. Hope all turns out OK for you!

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