Experiences with Gest. Diabetes? Just diagnosed.

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Krissa72, Jun 26, 2009.

  1. Krissa72

    Krissa72 Active Member

    I failed the 3 hr test - failed 2 out of 4 of the parts. Went to endo today, have to start testing sugars 4x a day and modify diet.

    Anyone want to share experiences?

    Dr said I will probably in time need insulin, but for now try diet.
    Fasting sugar was 110 should have been below 90, and one of the hour reads needed to be below 155 and mine was 165. Is this a bad case of this?

    Hardest part will be trying this new diet. I hope I can do this.

  2. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I had GD with my son, and fully expect to have it this time around as well. Your numbers arent extremely bad, and keep positive about controlling it with your diet. The trick is finding the diet that works for you. I controlled mine with diet only, you just need to know what to stay away from, and make sure you eat 4 times a day, small meals. Be careful of starches, they turn into sugar. You'll do fine.
  3. angelsmom2001

    angelsmom2001 Well-Known Member

    I failed the fasting test. Failed it so bad, they didn't bother to do the rest of the test, I got to go home. I tried modifying my diet for about a week and it didn't help at all. I was on insulin twice a day. It really wasn't as bad as it sounds when you first hear about it. The needles hurt less than the multitude of pin pricks on my fingers. I did still have to regulate my diet, and my best advice for that is, make sure you have some sort of protein at each meal/snack.

    An upside, when I delivered, my sugars returned to normal.

    If you have any specific questions, feel free to pm me.

    IVF TWINS Well-Known Member

    I failed my 1st & 2nd hour with DD. The diet was VERY easy to follow. I was diet controlled the whole pregnancy. This time my Endo though it would be wise to start the GD diet early. So I started it last week. It is a little different with twins (you have to eat more carbs) but still pretty easy to follow. We are hoping that with me starting the diet early I "may" pass my 3hr this time. I know with twins the you are more likely to need insulin.

    I have to eat 75g of carbs per meal (just to give you an idea it is equal to 5 slices of bread or 2.5 bananas or 2.5 cups of pasta) Plus 20g of carbs per snack (3 snacks a day). With DD I only need 60g per meal and two 15g snacks. It is very easy to follow and I even got a "fast food guide" I dont eat out much but it will help when I do.
  5. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    I had it as well. The diet didn't work for me .. just made me cranky. I needed insulin shots .. but like Molly said .. it wasn't as bad as it sounds. Mine went right back to normal after the twins were born. Good luck !
  6. Krissa72

    Krissa72 Active Member

    QUOTE(Moodyzblu @ Jun 27 2009, 05:37 PM) [snapback]1371449[/snapback]
    I had it as well. The diet didn't work for me .. just made me cranky. I needed insulin shots .. but like Molly said .. it wasn't as bad as it sounds. Mine went right back to normal after the twins were born. Good luck !
  7. Krissa72

    Krissa72 Active Member

    thanks everyone for the replies. I have another ? - if I do need shots, are they in a pen form, or in vials? Where do you inject youself? I would think the stomach would not be ok. Also, I am already taking injects in my thighs (17P progesterone)

  8. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    No experience, just wanted to say I'm sorry you failed and wanted to wish you lots of luck. :hug: :hug:
  9. Julie L

    Julie L Well-Known Member

    I had it with both pregnancies and controlled it with diet both times. I went on the diet early on with the twins (before I even knew it was twins) hoping to prevent it. It didn't.

    I learned fast that I couldn't eat pasta at all. Spaghetti or mac and cheese would send my count sky high. Lots of whole grains, vegetables, and grilled proteins. Make sure to have a bedtime snack to keep your levels even.

    The best thing I did was to go to the diabetes clinic (referred by OB). They had a dietician there who helped me with what to eat and what not to eat. She redid my whole diet to up the calories when we found out it was twins. With Zach, I didn't have that option - they kind of left me on my own. I was more proactive about it with my second pregnancy and I think it really helped me keep things under control.
  10. Jenn79

    Jenn79 Well-Known Member

    I was diagnosed with GD this pregnancy. I have had to test sugar 4x a day but have been able to just control it with diet. The diet isn't as bad as you would think. I have found to stay away from white bread and cereal as they make my sugars sky rocket. Carbs are more my problem than like candy bars and such. I also have to limit juice and milk intake.

    Good luck with everything and hopefully the diet will be all you need!
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