Experience with delay ?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Abby&Maddy'sMom, Mar 20, 2008.

    My pediatrician mentioned Abby has a 3 month delay in her gross motor skills. She was quick to eat, sleep and sit up. Now she's stalled and
    crawled late and is having some trouble standing and pulling up. Her sister is walking, but I really try to avoid comparing... they are an apple and an orange.

    Does it normally take 12 months for the pedi to notice, I feel as though this should have been brought to my attention at the 9 month visit when she couldn't crawl ?
  1. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Abby&Maddy @ Mar 20 2008, 06:30 PM) [snapback]679883[/snapback]
    Does it normally take 12 months for the pedi to notice, I feel as though this should have been brought to my attention at the 9 month visit when she couldn't crawl ?

    My two didn't start crawling or pulling up to stand until they were 9.5 months, so I don't think they worry to much about it until after nine months. I know that crawling is not a milestone, some kids crawl, others go straight to walking. Are you going to get your dd evaluated?
  2. Ashliemj

    Ashliemj Active Member

    My daughter didn't start crawling (only butt scooting) until she was about 12 months old...she didn't pull up until about 15 months and finally walked at 21 months. She attended weekly physical therapy, which was set up through Early Intervention (referred by my pediatrician, after I insisted practically, we are now seeing a different pediatrician as a result). She still struggles w/ some gross motor stuff (climbing stairs, etc.)...she's never been a super physical kid. I would talk to your pediatrician about having Early Intervention do an evaluation...it can't hurt to have some more information, right? :)
  3. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    ah, I'm actually on hold right now with my insurance company to see if they're going to cover an evaluation for gross motor delay! :) I think 9 mos is probably too early to detect something like that......most of those milestones are really just guidelines & I think a lot of doctors realize how us moms tend to worry if they get too wrapped up with not meeting things by a certain age. However, if you're not feeling a lot of faith in your doctor that's also important. I would recommend contacting Early Intervention; you don't need a doctor's referral to do that & they are very experienced.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(Abby&Maddy @ Mar 20 2008, 06:30 PM) [snapback]679883[/snapback]
    Does it normally take 12 months for the pedi to notice, I feel as though this should have been brought to my attention at the 9 month visit when she couldn't crawl ?

    Well not every baby is crawling by 9 months so it would not have been a red flag then. But you said she was quick to eat well, sleep well, and sit up and now she's stalled, that is the reason for concern, the fact that she has stalled. My two crawled at 10 months and walked at 13 months. But as a PP pointed out crawling is not a milestone. But you can always have her evaluated by EI.
  5. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    Annika had a gross motor delay from the get go. She couldn't sit up on her own until we had E/I. She was barely crawling at a year old. She walked a couple of months before her second b'day. She was my fine motor baby. She could do anything with her hands and fingers. Moving didn't interest her and it was too hard for her.

    Some kids without delays wont walk until 15 months or so.... Sometimes they take a little longer to develop the condidence to "let go." And some kids never crawl. They go right from rolling to standing to walking.

    However, you say she has stalled in developement. That would be cause enough for concern. Get in touch with E/I in your area to do an evaluation. If nothing else, it will either confirm your concerns or put them to rest. If she is delayed they can tell you how and sometimes the root of the problem.

    I would ask your ped, how, specifically, is Abby delayed in her gross motor skills and what suggestion he/she has until the evaluation can be done. It's really unfair to you to just say, "Your kid's delayed by 3 months in gross motor skills." That doesn't give you anywhere to start and sets off alarms all over a mom's mind. If it were me, I'd be thinking "OMG! What did I do? What have I missed?" Your ped should do more than point out a potential problem, they should provide a solution.

    One other thing, as far as her developement stalling, is she advancing anywhere? Is she talking alot? Does she show alot of interest in manipulating things with her hands? Some kids will focus on one area of growth and developement while getting a little behind in others. ex... Natalie, wanted to GO. She didn't just walk, she ran. She climbed steps alternating steps. But the kid couldn't do a puzzle for anything. Forget shape sorters. Forget stacking or nesting toys. If she wasn't going, she wasn't interested. As a result, she was seriously delayed in fine motor skills. She still has a little immaturity in that area even after two years of therapy. Not enough for continued services, but an immaturity nontheless. My girls are polar opposites in those areas of developement.
  6. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Ashlie @ Mar 20 2008, 07:14 PM) [snapback]679935[/snapback]
    My daughter didn't start crawling (only butt scooting) until she was about 12 months old...she didn't pull up until about 15 months and finally walked at 21 months. She attended weekly physical therapy, which was set up through Early Intervention (referred by my pediatrician, after I insisted practically, we are now seeing a different pediatrician as a result). She still struggles w/ some gross motor stuff (climbing stairs, etc.)...she's never been a super physical kid. I would talk to your pediatrician about having Early Intervention do an evaluation...it can't hurt to have some more information, right? :)

    This pretty much describes my Ainsley, even with the butt scooting. Just about the same times for milestones too, and now she is also having issues with stairs and can't jump yet.
    If she's crawling at 12 months, that's fine. I would say give her another couple months, and if she doesn't start pulling up, then you might want to get an evaluation. Or maybe even call now, in some areas, it can take quite a while to get an appointment.
  7. Sara26

    Sara26 Well-Known Member

    I would call EI if you're concerned - it certainly can't do any harm and it's free. One of my girls wasn't crawling by her 1st birthday and I didn't even wait to talk to our doctor - I just called EI on my own. She was delayed enough in gross motor skills to receive services, and she saw a PT twice a month for about 9 months. She started army crawling shortly after her 1st birthday, crawling on her hands and knees around 14 1/2 months, then pulling up and cruising by 15 1/2 months. She was taking steps by herself around 18 months and walking well by 19 months. Those are all actual ages - my girls were 6 weeks early.

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