
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by twinERS, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. twinERS

    twinERS Member

    my twins are almost 7 months and very active. they play nicely on the floor...rolling and almost crawling..getting on all fours and shaking..real cute..i dont have an exercauser or walker and dont want one because it takes up room, costs money and not sure they would like it because at the babysitter service they hate going in it..so i was wondering if it a neccessary thing to learn to walk and stand or just a convienence for parents to stick them in....should i buy one or two or dont have to??
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    It's not necessary at all as far as development, but a little necessary for my sanity, giving them something else to do! ;)
  3. reeba1976

    reeba1976 Well-Known Member

    My guys were 2 months premature. We have a nurse come from the hospital every 2 weeks. She strongly advised us AGAINST getting a walker/exercauser. It can cause them to be bowlegged and force them to walk on their tiptoes (since sometimes their little legs do not reach the floor quite yet).

    I think that this is more a "parent" toy to keep their little ones satisfied. (There are times I wish I had one!!!!)

    Just use your judgement. If your kids do not like it at daycare....by all means do not buy one.......for what? A couple months? not worth it in my book.
  4. 4EverHis

    4EverHis Well-Known Member

    We did not have an exersaucer with our first two and turned out ok (I think) -_- We do have an exersaucer and jumperoo for the boys and they love it. Do you what you can or want to. It is not like they need it like they do formula and diapers....lol
  5. twinERS

    twinERS Member

    thank u all so much for confiming what i thought to be true... :D
  6. Marbear

    Marbear Well-Known Member

    Gosh- there's a bit of a judgmental tone about them from some of these previous posts...like it's television or something and is a substitute babysitter. My first loved loved loved his. You're not supposed to put them into them before their feet touch the bottom...I know that much for sure. It was just another thing for him to do to get variety. When I brought it out for the babies he actually stood around it and played with the toys and even tried to climb in (and he is 3). I don't think I'd buy it if I had children that old (7 mos) who hadn't shown an interest in them in another environment. What about a peekablocks big block?
  7. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becky5 @ Jun 1 2007, 11:53 AM) [snapback]275612[/snapback]
    It's not necessary at all as far as development, but a little necessary for my sanity, giving them something else to do! ;)

    My goodness, great minds think alike!! We use it as a station area. The kids are mostly on the floor playing and use the furniture and 15 foot safety gate fencing to walk around. The saucers are used to watch a Baby Einstein video 2 times a day....so one hour of TV total. It is good to help me get dinner prepped or if they are in a foul mood it really helps soothe them.
  8. brooke78

    brooke78 Well-Known Member

    Just another thought.... the research I did taught me that the bow legged threat is an outdated thought. Physical therapists and knfant chiroracters have not come out against the excersaucer. I think they are useful stations within which babies can be entertained and learn about table toys.

    They as safe as any other adult supervised holding station, stress on adult supervised. My little ones will be 4 months tomorrow. We just bought the Evenflo excersaucer that later shifts to a snake shaped table. I thought Matthew would be better suited to it because he is taller but as it turns out, Amy loves it more. She is thrilled to be in that upright position. She has less sitting up skills that Matthew so I have my hand on her at all times but she has improved just from sitting ince or twice. She also seems to be in a better position for neck stability in it.

    Our day centers around different ploppin stations and this one is a great addition. I now wonder whether I should have gotten the bumbo seat. I wonder if it would have been good for this past month. The only other sitting helper thingy we have is the itsty bitsy bouncer. I am glad to see them in a more upright thingy. But the bouncy seat is a little more reclined.

    As for assiting parents....yeah!!! that's important. I have 2 infants and two hands of my own. I need things that are of assistance. To label something bad because it helps is absurd. Not saying that is what was said here.........just my thought as i type with a sleeping baby in my good arm.....lol :rolleyes:
  9. Erykah

    Erykah Well-Known Member

    I use it to make dinner and mop the floor. They'd rather be in a sling or on the floor.
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