Ewwww! Leaky boobs?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Beth*J, Sep 24, 2007.

  1. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Is this normal during pregnancy? I'm only 17 weeks. I expected this close to delivery and after birth, but I had no idea it might happen at this point. It's not so much it is leaking through my bra and clothing, but enough that it is putting spots on the inside of my bra.
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is quite normal. It never happened to me except for a drop or two during a bath every now and then. Nursing pads are your friends.
  3. BaaRamEwe

    BaaRamEwe Well-Known Member

    I about died. It was the week before the girls were born. I was at work. I went downstairs to handle a few things and a co-worker says" Are you leaking or did you spill your drink?" :blush: Sure enough, I was leaking, but I played it off as my drink. I immediately went and stuffed my bra.

    This time around, I am going to be prepared towards the end and wear the nursing pads just incase.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yes, it's normal.
  5. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    I did the same at 17 weeks. Since then it is off and on, but it has been off for a week or so now. Must be a twin thing because it did not happen with my singleton until late in my pregnancy.
  6. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies, Ladies. I glad I'm not the only one. I guess I was hoping this would not be an issue until later in pregnancy. I guess I'll go invest in some nursing pads to have on hand. What is it, by the way? Colostrum?
  7. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Beth*J @ Sep 24 2007, 03:14 PM) [snapback]421315[/snapback]
    Thanks for the replies, Ladies. I glad I'm not the only one. I guess I was hoping this would not be an issue until later in pregnancy. I guess I'll go invest in some nursing pads to have on hand. What is it, by the way? Colostrum?

    You can likely buy the cheaper nursing pads now because you won't have THAT much leaking. However, you will want to have the "better" ones on hand once the babies are born. I learned the hard way and woke up soaking wet.
  8. twinmuffin

    twinmuffin Well-Known Member

    Yes, it happened to me very early on. In fact, I took a pregnancy test, it came out negative, figured we had another month of trying. 2 days later leaky boobs! I thought, hmmm, I think the pregnancy test was wrong, took another one, and sure enough was positive.
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