Evil Binky

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ksugal, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. ksugal

    ksugal Well-Known Member

    How do you handle pacifier re-inserts at this age? Jorden does just fine with or without. Isaac is a binky-loving fool. They only get them at naptime and nighttime. We do not enter their rooms at night ever (unless flu, etc).

    So, last week, I am driving home with the boys from Wichita. Isaac threw his binky on the floor just after getting in the car. He laughed for about a second, then looked at me and began SCREAMING. I decided I wasn't going to pull over. Natural consequence (and I was afraid he would do it again). So, I proceeded to listen to 45 miles of ear-piercing screams. Needless to say, I was um, a wee bit frazzled! That made the decision that no more binky in the car, even if it is nap time.

    Ok, fast-forward to today. Isaac continues to play his game of every few naptimes, throwing his binky and lovey on the floor. He stands and screams. The fool that I am, I have been going in after 15-20 minutes of screaming, handing them back to him and laying him down. He IMMEDIATELY goes to sleep so all is peaceful. Yet, I am not okay with this constant game. It's not every naptime and certainly never at bedtime. I would say he does this 3-5 times per week.

    Being the mean mommy that I am, I decided to not go in today if he threw it down. I just listened to 1 hour of screaming (how can Jorden sleep through that??). So, I guess I am okay with the natural consequence of throwing it out of your crib. Do you think this is okay? How would you handle it?

    And, for those of you who also played the binky game still at 1+ years just at nap and night-time, when did you "officially" take it away?

  2. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    We just finished binkies about 2 weeks ago. He only got it at naptime and bedtime. We put two of them in there. If he lost both, we didn't go back in.

    Fast forward to a few weeks ago. He started to bite the tips. We were still using the green Soothies which are pretty soft. I cut the tip off of one and then gave him a "good" one, too. He just stared at the broken one. Then, we took away the good one and all he had was the broken one. He fell out of love very quickly and I swear we had like two days of squawking and that was the end of it. He still has his little music maker and blanket, so I think that helped.

    I'm so glad that we did this. His teeth are kind of beaver-like on the top, so I'm hoping they will straighten out now.
  3. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Some nights we play that binky game, and what I do depends on my mood. It is normally when she is overtired and she then refuses to keep it in the crib, so I end up bringing her down and holding her to fall asleep. But this only occurs maybe 1-2 times a month. But I do let her CIO if possible.

    Now, I wish I had gotten rid of the binky earlier, like 15 months. Because we need to do it now and I am so not looking forward to it. We did go to nap and bedtime only at 15 months, but we really need to get rid of it completely pretty soon.
  4. maloneyfam

    maloneyfam Member

    When our older son was about to turn 2 we knew we needed to get rid of the binkies so the "binkie fairy" came one night and took all the binkies away. We did it on the first night of a 3 day weekend so that we knew we'd have the extra time for him to adjust before going back to daycare the next Monday. He did fine. My husband made sure he got rid of them all because he was afraid I would I would give in when the first meltdown happened but it ended up not being so bad at all!
  5. PetiteFleur

    PetiteFleur Well-Known Member

    Mine never took to binkies (Thank goodness!) so I can't help you there, but I do know the feeling of making up your mind about the right thing to do, then wavering. I think you're a saint for withstanding 45 miles of screaming in a car! I would have lost my mind and given up, which I hate.

    Whatever you do, keep up your consistency. I hope it gets better soon. :hug99:
  6. xianfern

    xianfern Active Member

    Thankfully my twins aren't into binkies, but my now 4 year old was, big time. He usually carried around 3-5 at one time, just in case he got one dirty, or lost one. I tried a few times to get him to stop with it, but it always ended up with him being miserable, and frankly, with everything else going on in having children, it was just one battle that I didn't want to fight. He gave them up on his own when he was 3.5 soon after my twins were born. I think allowing your son to have it just at bedtimes is a great idea, and don't worry, I bet he'll give it up on his own too one day. It's not like he's going to be 10 and still sucking a bink! That was how I always looked at it anyway! Good luck!! :)
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