Ever feel like they're playing under your ribs?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by smitch, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. smitch

    smitch Well-Known Member

    I have heard of being kicked in the ribs by the babies, but sometimes it feels like they are playing up under my ribs!! Anyone else get this?

    Up until now, it has mostly been Payton (on my right side)--but here lately, Zoe (on my left) has been doing the same thing. It kind of hurts a little but it also just feels "funny". Am I crazy? Does this even make sense??
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I joked sometime towards the end of my pregnancy that the two were making it very hard. DS was low on my bladder making me needing to go to the bathroom and Audrey was high in my ribs making it difficult for me to wipe! :)
  3. mollysanderson

    mollysanderson Well-Known Member

    the boys have made me lol on more than one occasion ... they do exactly what you're describing and it tickles - with a bit of ouch thrown in. they're head down at the moment and it's happening more than ever. it's not kicking, it's more like wriggling ... crazy twins! :)
  4. Dominique

    Dominique Well-Known Member

    YES!!!!! :banana: I'm not the only one! Today, trying to put away groceries was an adventure because of the "tickle wriggle". Sometimes, it's just funny. And then all the sudden it might HURT, then they move. And lately, both of my boys have managed to lay close at the foot, so that all four feet are up near the same rib!

    It's so good to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Now if I could only keep them from rolling at the same time and nearly throwing me into walls or down the stairs! :)

  5. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    I had a broken rib at about 28 weeks :huh:

    I feel for ya!
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