Ever can't go back to sleep after night feedings?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cristallynn, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. cristallynn

    cristallynn Well-Known Member

    Ugh. I just fed the babies and now I can't go back to sleep. For the past 3 weeks, they've been STTN on their own. This week- not so much. I don't wake them to feed anymore, so when and IF they get up, I feed them. Usually, Lily will wake up only once and Brandon won't wake at all. Tonight though, they seemed to have formed a pact to keep Mommy up! They went to bed later than usual and then woke up 1/2 an hour apart. Now I can't sleep thinking of the disaster waiting to be cleaned downstairs before guests arrive in the morning.
    Working full time + coming home to take care of 3 kids= messy home and MOUNTAIN of clean laundry waiting to be folded at all times.
    I think I'm a little grumpy. <_<
  2. cristallynn

    cristallynn Well-Known Member

    Ummm....I have the board to myself now...and I've taken over- LOL! Oh gosh, I've even responded to myself....I'm delirious...
  3. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cristallynn @ Jun 21 2008, 08:24 AM) [snapback]838092[/snapback]
    Ummm....I have the board to myself now...and I've taken over- LOL! Oh gosh, I've even responded to myself....I'm delirious...

    :rotflmbo: I have "talked" to myself too. Its pretty funny. FWIW mine went through spurts of STTN. They would do great for 2-3 weeks and then have a waking bout. Are they learning any new developmental milestones? If so, they may just be excited and want to practice in the middle of the night. It will pass at some point.
  4. bray64015

    bray64015 Well-Known Member

    I am right there with you! from about 2 to 4 I sit here and read post thinking of everything that needs to be done or just thinking when will they sleep through so about 4 when I'm ready to go back to bed it's time for them to eat, so now I sit here at 6 drinking a diet pop waiting for the coffee to brew with bags under my eyes while the babies stir. UGH........... <_<
  5. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    Mine have woken up very early in the morning due to a growth spurt and were hungry. So, I feed and put them back to bed...only to find I can't fall asleep myself. This too shall pass :) .
  6. sbcowell

    sbcowell Well-Known Member

    This has happened to me so many times I can count that high anymore! Feed babies, and then get excited at the thought of 2hrs of sleep, only to lay there in bed and stir for 1hr and 45min, then I fall asleep just 15min before the babies wake up again! I didn't drink coffee in the beginning because I thought that it would hurt my bm and hurt the babies, now I drink about 3-4cups/day -its the only way I keep functioning.
    Right or wrongly I refuse to get out of bed at night, I stay laying in bed trying to sleep, I figure at the least I am getting some rest laying there thinking of all the stuff I have to do!
    No one told me being a mom would be this hard...
  7. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    yes! it sucks:(...... it's now 7:40am but i've been up for two hours. not my idea of sleeping in on a saturday!!

    this too shall pass? let's hope so!

  8. PJ

    PJ Well-Known Member

    Yep, I am in the same spot too. They go directly back to sleep and I am laying there wide awake...
  9. pattymartin

    pattymartin Well-Known Member

    This is so funny well not really because we are all sleep deprived. I wake at 4am for no reason now and I lie awake thinking that they will be up soon fall back asleep, fall back asleep and of course you can't. Then the cat wants out, my husband is snoring the birds start chirping etc. but I refuse to start my day that early. I just pray this will pass and I will sleep though the night everyone else in my house is.
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