Ethan and Kendall Are Here!

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by lorileahb, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. lorileahb

    lorileahb Well-Known Member

    Kendall Ellen (6 lb 4 oz) and Ethan Weston (6 lb 1 oz) made their appearance at 37 weeks and 3 days on Thursday, Aug. 20, at 3:30 and 3:32 p.m. respectively. I am so thankful to say they are happy and healthy. At my doctor's appointment Thursday morning I was 5 cm and deemed in active labor. Went down to Labor and Delivery and had epidural... planning for vaginal birth as both were head down. When doctor came back to break my water, we had an immediate prolapsed cord on Baby A (Ethan). Doctor climbed up on the gurney and we were wheeled to OR for emergency c-section. It was pretty scary with doctor riding with me, but he was able to hold Ethan's head up off of the cord - a true blessing!!!! Due to the need to get the babies out ASAP, I ended up with a vertical incision and they had to completely knock me out. These minutes were some of the scariest I've had. Thanks to a fantastic doctor and OR staff, from the time water broke to when the babies were out was only 12 minutes. I will never be more thankful!!!!!
    Both babies are fine - went straight to the regular nursery and are ready to come home with me tomorrow. Recovery has been a little rough - in addition to vertical incision, I had a vaginal laceration from the infamous gurney ride. Friday was hard, but today I could get up and around more, have less pain drugs and was able to spend more time with ds (who came to visit) and the babies. It may be a few days before I can actually pick them up, but I can absolutely cuddle them while sitting in a chair.
    This is one time where I was thankful to be at the hospital already - I refuse to imagine what it would have been like to be at home when Ethan's water broke. I feel nothing short of blessed. :yahoo:
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Momma!! :woo: Welcome to the 1st year with Twins!! :yahoo:
  3. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    OH MY!!!! CONGRATS momma! What a scary whirlwind! I am so glad that they checked you! So glad the babies are doing well, Can't wait to see pics!
  4. arkie

    arkie Well-Known Member

    Congratulations, and thank god you were in the hospital and got such good care, enjoy your babies momma and hope your recovery continues quickly. :)
  5. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Congratulations and welcome Kendall & Ethan!!!
  6. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    So scary! My cousin had the cord prolapse with her son, pretty scary stuff. Glad you're all ok, and congratulations on your wonderful new babies!
  7. watersurfers

    watersurfers Well-Known Member

    OMG, congratulations on your little ones. And thanks for sharing your story, so glad to hear everyone is ok!
  8. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Wow! That birth story brought tears to my eyes! Glad you had such great care and everyone is healthy! Welcome to the First Year!
  9. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :Clap: Congrats Momma!! :Clap:
  10. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :banana: Congratulations Momma :banana: Glad everyone is doing well!
  11. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    Oh how scary I am so glad everyone is doing great! Congratulations! Welcome to the world Ethan and Kendall!!
  12. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    Wow, what a scary time, but i am delighted that you are all doing so well, well done you!!![​IMG] [​IMG]
  13. sparkle77

    sparkle77 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations Lorie!!! So happy to hear that everything went well. Sounds like the delivery was a little rough on you but you handled it like a trooper, just as you have this entire pregnancy. :bow2: So pleased that your reward is two beautiful, healthy babies!!! :banana: :banana: :banana:
  14. chicagomama

    chicagomama Well-Known Member

    Also glad everything worked out! How fantastic is it we have these safety-nets in place! Hope you have a fast recovery and continue to get stronger to hold your little babies.
  15. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :Clap: Congratulations! I'm glad everything worked out.
  16. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    WOW! So glad that you and the babies are all OK :hug: That must have been scary!
    Congratulations on your little boy & little girl :wub: :wub:
  17. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    :welcome: Kendall and Ethan.
  18. leahkatebrown

    leahkatebrown Well-Known Member

    Wow...scary stuff, how wonderful that they are healthy and you are on the mend. Congratulations and great job on your big and healthy babies- I am in awe! :)
  19. genagoodrow

    genagoodrow Well-Known Member

    What great weights, congrats! Great work from your doctor, hope your recovery continues to go well!
  20. damonsmummy

    damonsmummy Well-Known Member

    Congratulations and thankfully you and the babies are all doing well! I am happy that they get to come home with you!
  21. jleon

    jleon Active Member

    Congratulations on your babies!!!
    Glad to know that you are all okay!!!
  22. fahrenheit79

    fahrenheit79 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on your delivery and on the fact that you will all 3 be discharged tomorrow. You were in the best place to have a prolapse happen, if there ever is such a place. It was a blessing indeed that you weren't home. I wish you a speedy recovery!
  23. KimmiLynn4

    KimmiLynn4 Well-Known Member

    Congratulations on the birth of your babies! :yahoo: I'm glad to know everyone is doing okay.
  24. Twinnylou

    Twinnylou Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! x
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