Establishing Daytime nap and feeding routine

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by yuliav, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. yuliav

    yuliav Member

    Hi Twin mommas :)

    ...So my twins are now 4mos old and have a nighttime sleep routine, but during daytime it's chaos, one will sleep for 15 min then eat 3-4 oz of formula, then another twin will wake up and so on and on...until I'm seriously will consider jumping off our 8th story window...LOL They drive me bananas!

    Do you have any suggestions how to establish a feeding and daytime nap routine? Maybe you can share an example of a schedule you follow.

    And any tips and tricks are welcome!

  2. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Bravo to getting a night time sleep routine down! Woohoo! So, from my experience, the daytime routine should start to fall into place. What exactly does your schedule look like during the day? Rough estimates of eating/sleeping/playing?
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I started with waking them up at the same time (7am). Then they tended to get tired at the same time so down for a nap and up again at the same time. And repeat. And repeat... :)
  4. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I should elaborate, huh?!? LOL! I got distracted...who would have thought!?!?!

    I agree with Michelle-wake them at the same time for starters. If one wakes at 7, and the other doesn't until 8 or whatever-wake them BOTH at the SAME time. Then, feed them BOTH at the SAME time. I don't know where I heard it, probably TS, but treat them like ONE baby. They go down at the same time, they wake at the same time, diaper changes at the same time, and feedings at the same time. It will make life so much easier! Now, don't get me wrong, there were times that didn't go so well. One would need more sleep, or wouldn't be up for eating, etc...but that really was rare in the scheme of things. Once you get them both on the same page, things will really fall into place and dare I say it....get easier. :hug:

    Good luck!
  5. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Ditto on the same feed and nap schedule!!! It will save your sanity.

    I set up an area in my living room where I could comfortably feed them together on my own. During the day, I leave it set up.

    I put them down for naps together, and do not go in if they wake up before an hour, as quite often they were in light sleep, and would drop back off to sleep if I didn't rush in. In saying that, my second twin had great difficulty in lengthening her nap without my help at about 4 months, I did graduating CIO - I separated them for naps then. It took a while, but she now sleeps two hours most days. I am more now working on the first twins naps as she has only been sleeping one hour!

    Our routine for the last two months has been something like this:

    5-6am (early bottle - 6oz)
    sleep for an hour or so
    7.30 wake, change, play
    8.30-9am - feed 4-6oz
    9.30is - nap
    10.30-11-wake, play
    11.30-12pm - lunch feed 4-6oz
    12.30-1 - afternoon nap
    2.30ish - wake
    3pm-milk feed
    3.30 - third nap is tired and hasn't slept enough in a nap (although I'm trying to stop this now)
    4.30 - puree
    5pm - bath/wash
    5.30 - milk feed
    6pm - sleep for the night

    Hope this helps. BTW I found the Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child (recommended by a lot of TS Moms) to be the best in getting a routine together - they do a twin version of the book too.
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