Error sorting products by price

Discussion in 'General' started by Bestian, Feb 25, 2025.

  1. Bestian

    Bestian Well-Known Member

    I have set up sorting by price from low to high, but when I apply this sorting, the products are not displayed in the correct order. Sometimes products with a low price are at the bottom of the list, or are not displayed at all. I checked that the indexes are updated, the cache is cleared, but this does not solve the problem. I also tried reloading the pages, but nothing changes. Maybe someone has encountered a similar problem and can tell me what else I can try to make sorting by price work correctly?
  2. WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

    WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot Well-Known Member

    If sorting products by price does not work correctly in Magento 2, the problem may be related to incorrect indexing or attribute settings. Check that the price attribute is correctly configured for indexing and sorting. Amasty experts recommend using magento 2 sort by price low to high to optimize the sorting process. It is also important to make sure that all indexes are up to date, and caching and cron job settings are configured correctly. Additional theme customization or checking for conflicting extensions that affect sorting may be required.
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