errands with one year olds

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by tiggerlm26, Jun 30, 2008.

  1. tiggerlm26

    tiggerlm26 Active Member

    I use to use the double snap n go with the infant carriers and I could push that and pull a cart. Also, right at the car they would go into the snap n go.

    Now they are in their convertiable car seats so now what?

    We have a twin umbrella stroller but I need two hands to control is so no pulling a cart too. If I put one in the seat of the cart that is fine but where does the other one go? Can you put both in the cart with two legs in one hole? If I put one in the big basket part I know they will not stay sitting. Also, I would guess I just park near a cart corral because I can't get one out of the car seat while I hold the other.

    I must be missing something - please help?
  2. sottovoce

    sottovoce Well-Known Member

    Like you, I got very spoiled by our double snap n go. I've just recently switched to convertible car seats. I use a SBS umbrella stroller. It isn't easy to push with one hand but we get by. I try to pick up a small hand held basket and use it and push the stroller or I pull a full size cart behind me. The other day, the store didn't have a small hand held basket so I loaded my dozen items on top of the canopy.

    I haven't figured out a better way other than to put one in the cart and the other in a baby bjorn.

    Interested to hear what others have to say.

  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    There is one grocery store in my area that has a double seater cart, with a car attached to the front. I put the girls in the cart. Honestly, if there isn't one available (only happened once), then I don't go in.

    Otherwise, I often use a handheld carrier and save the bigger purchases for the times I can leave the girls with DH.

    It's definitely a challenge trying to get it done but you do get used to it.
  4. Zabeta

    Zabeta Well-Known Member

    I tried putting one guy in the cart itself at Babies R Us the other day, and it wasn't a disaster. He did want to stand if I stopped for too long, and he'll probably want to stand all the time once he gets comfortable...and I don't know if I could get away with it at the grocery store, where the produce would be easy to pull out and demolish. So basically it's a stopgap solution until I figure out something else. I'm still using the bjorn for my small guy, but he's close to 22 lbs and I can't carry that anymore without getting exhausted after 20 minutes of reaching around him to shop.
  5. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    The mommy hook and those canvas bags that all grocery stores seem to have these days.

    I use our combi and put a couple of mommy hooks and grocery bags on the back. I put heavy things in the basket underneath so the stroller doesn't tip. I can usually buy about 4 bags worth of groceries this way.

    Also, snack cups and sippy cups to keep the kids happy. Hooked on w/ those little straps so i'm not constantly picking them up or loosing them.
  6. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    also, some people I know use heavy-duty carriers, like those for hiking for one of the kids. But my back could never handle that much weight.
  7. Joanna G

    Joanna G Well-Known Member

    We have a jogging stroller I used at that age. They couldn't wiggle out of the straps. I pushed the stroller & pulled a cart.
    I think I remember someone saying they brought along some kind of seat they could strap to the basket of the cart. They could also strap a kid in it to keep them sitting. Maybe it was some kind of booster seat?
  8. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    Wow, I'm surprised you made it so long before hitting the weight or height limits on the carriers! We outgrew the carriers around 6mos with the girls and it was tough because they weren't great sitters yet. At a yr, I would either use the double stroller or put them in the carts. Snacks are very helpful as ment above.
  9. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    i saw in BRU that they have a clip for the umbrella strollers that connects them so if your solo then u can use it for both but if you have someone with you then you just take off the clip. i am getting that next time out along with the umbrella strollers because our SBS they fight in. my DS is always grabbing at DD especially if she has something he wants it even if he has one already lol. if you can't get a new stroller then try using that its cheaper too. HTH
  10. Aurie

    Aurie Well-Known Member

    Fortunately, I have older kids. I put both babies in the front of a different cart and ahve one of my older children push the second cart. Thus I always venture out with the whole troop. It is often quite a sight ;)
  11. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    WHen my girls were that age, I did many different things. I put them in one shopping cart with them each having a leg hole. I used the strap from my clean shopping cart cover so i had two straps.
    I did the pushing the stroller (combi twin savvy or mountain buggy) while pulling the wagon.
    I have let them both sit in the basket.

    Good luck
  12. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    When my guys were a little smaller, I would put them both in the seat part of the buggy and criss cross their legs through the leg holes. That way I still had the basket part to use for groceries.

    I've also used the stroller and pulled the cart, and I've also put both in the buggy part and just bought a few items.

    I generally do my big grocery shopping trip alone.
  13. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    This is the reason why I HATED to give up my sng!! Right now I only food shop at the one store that has a double seat in the cart. Otherwise I wait until someone can watch the girls while I go out alone.
  14. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I would let Aaron (who's a year older) sit in the big part of one cart with one of the twins in the seat of that same cart. Then I put the other twin in the seat of another cart and used that one for the stuff I needed to buy. Yes I looked ridiculous pushing one cart and pulling another, but you do what you gotta do! I tried to use the stroller when I wasn't getting a ton of stuff but if I got more than would fit in two bags, I had no way to get it to the car!
  15. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    I was putting them both in the front of the cart, strapping in just the squirmy one. But they are getting too big for this and I need a new solution too. I could probably put the smaller one in the baby bjorn, but I never really liked that thing. I also have a combi twin savvy which is very easy to push and steer with just one hand. Maybe I just need some of those "mommy hooks" that were mentioned? I do have a booster that we don't use since getting the highchairs. I could possibly stick one baby in that in the basket part of the cart. I would love to hear some more suggestions!
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