So DH and I were changing DS's diaper the other day and DS was playing away with his penis (as he often does!) during diaper changes and we looked down and noticed that he had an erection!! I didn't even know that a 17month old could get one! Anyone else experience/observe this? Is this normal??
Yes! It's totally natural and normal... Boys of every age gets erections. I think the key is not to react embarrassed when it happens. I usually wait for it to subside before I put his diaper back on (though i've also pushed it down if I need to get the diaper on right away. My friends who have older boys (4-5) say it gets more frequent once they're potty trained (because then they "really" discover their penises since they have more access (no diapers). They just teach them that those body parts are special and should only be touched in the bathroom or their bedroom.
Yup it is normal, I've noticed it a couple of times on my DS, I just ignore it and chat with him while it subsides. Though I was kind of freaked out the first time it happened, I did not know it could happen so young until I spoke to my BF (a mom to three adorable boys) she assured me it is.
Totally normal -- happens all the time during diaper changes here. We've never mentioned it or reacted in any way!
Josh would get them A LOT when he a few months old. DH did not believe me until he seen it with his own eyes. Many times an erection is a sign of a full bladder(that's one reason many men have them in the morning) . So when I do see one, I make sure to put his diaper on asap, otherwise I might get a shower. :lol:
I agree, totally normal and don't make a big deal about it. Max started getting them from time to time around 4 months old and forward. My 3-1/2 nephew has discovered that during bath time if he touches his penis it will get big. He comments to my sister with a "look mommy I can make my penis bigger". She tries not to make a big deal out of it because it is difficult to explain to a child that age what is appropriate and when. Plus she is a single mom, so I think I would have a difficult time too. I would be calling in DH for that talk.
Totally agree. I´ve read about it in books and the main advice is the same: act like it´s totally normal and teach them that touching should not happen in public. I will calling in DH for that chat too when the time comes! I´m sure I´ll be freaked out too when I see it for the first time too!
My boys have had a few that I have seen, but one night my DH was changing Logan and started saying "honneeyyyy" come look at this have you ever seen this? I was just as shocked b/c I hadn't seen one like THAT before. My DH was pretty freaked out, so I just pushed it down and put a diaper on.
Am I the only one who almost bursts out in completely inappropriate hysterical laughter when I open the diaper to a "stiffy surprise"? My husband always says "Way to go son, that's a big one!"
my son would wake from his naps with one lots of he's just wondering what that other thing is underneath it (his testicles) and he learned the painful way not to squeeze them too hard...ah, the joys of being a boy's mom...
Like everybody else said it's normal. My boys have gotten them for a while, and often it's a sign that you better hurry up and get that diaper on because they are gonna pee on you. Although lately, they've been getting some non-pee related erections, and they both grab their penises almost every time I change their diapers. What's the worst is when they grab their penis, and get their hands in poop. Yuck!!