ER visit (finally happened)

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nutty-mom, May 26, 2009.

  1. nutty-mom

    nutty-mom Well-Known Member

    The twins got up at 1:30 am to go potty. They just turned 4 yrs. My dd ran ahead of ds and just when he got to the door she slammed it on him. And the door handle hit him in the month and knocked out his front upper tooth. :cry:

    We went to the ER. I couldn't believe how much blood there was. The ER docs put the tooth back in, but the tooth is pushed really far back. My future dil is going to stop by after work and look at it. She is a dental hygentist. The ER doc said to wait 48 hour to see if the tooth comes forward. But I still want abbi's input. His lip and the gums around the tooth are reallt swollen up and purple in color. He is still in a lot of pain. They put him on liquid Loritaps pain med. He is really tired and kinda goofy from the med. The ER docs said this may happen.

    His twin sissy feels so bad. And is really lonely with no playmate. Dd says I didn't mean to hurt him. Ds keeps saying sissy broke my tooth.:(

    Hopefully they learned their lesson. No slamming the door on each other. I thought a finger would get pinched in the door not a tooth knocked out. I this is why we would be going to the ER.

  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    :faint: OH THE BLOOD!!! I can't imagine and I'm so sorry you had to do that in the middle of the night!!! :hug: I hope the tooth can be saved! :hug:
  3. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    My son fell and hit his mouth in the bath tub right around four. It did not knock it out but it did bleed and bruise and push it back. it did move back some, and luckily it did not turn gray, but it did look worse before it got better. Hugs to you and both your little ones.

    Oh the other thing I was told, which did not help at the time but later, it is pretty amazing to make it to four, with two four year olds and have your first ER visit! Some days it is all about the little things. lol.
  4. nutty-mom

    nutty-mom Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cricket1 @ May 26 2009, 11:04 AM) [snapback]1328385[/snapback]
    My son fell and hit his mouth in the bath tub right around four. It did not knock it out but it did bleed and bruise and push it back. it did move back some, and luckily it did not turn gray, but it did look worse before it got better. Hugs to you and both your little ones.

    Oh the other thing I was told, which did not help at the time but later, it is pretty amazing to make it to four, with two four year olds and have your first ER visit! Some days it is all about the little things. lol.

    THANK YOU for the info about your son's tooth. Makes me feel alittle better. Hopefully my ds tooth comes out as good as your ds did. At least I have hope now.

    I guess your right-think about the little things. And it does make you laugh.
    Penny :)
  5. 2plusbgtwins

    2plusbgtwins Well-Known Member

    My oldest son, now 5, pulled/knocked his own tooth out last summer. He was sitting in the van playing with a straw and an empty juice bottle, and somehow I guess he worked the straw under his gums of his front bottom tooth and it came right out. There was A LOT of blood. We were on our way home from work/school and he just starts crying and I look back and see blood, and I was like "WHAT HAPPENED?" I pulled over and fortunately we found his tooth amidst all of the crumbs on the floor of the van. It was soo little, I wasnt even sure it was actually his tooth at first.
    I didnt even think to take him to the ER but he had a dentist appt about 1-2 months after that and they did an xray and showed us where the adult tooth was and how long it would take to come in. Early last week he laughed and I saw his new tooth, it literally came through over night.

    Now Im just concerned about it possibly being crooked when it comes all the way in because there are still baby teeth on both sides, so I wonder if the adult tooth will have enough room.
  6. FourKiddos

    FourKiddos Well-Known Member

    My second daughter lost a lot of skin on her point finger when she was three from slamming doors. It scared my DH and I a lot. I never even thought about the tooth. So scary! I will say a prayer that it all settles in fine.

    I am glad to hear everyone is ok.

    My second daughter lost a lot of skin on her point finger when she was three from slamming doors. It scared my DH and I a lot. I never even thought about the tooth. So scary! I will say a prayer that it all settles in fine.

    I am glad to hear everyone is ok.
  7. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Oh, poor baby!! Makes me hurt just reading about it. I hope that the tooth can mend.
  8. BellaRissa

    BellaRissa Well-Known Member

    Poor little guy! I just wanted to tell Rissa shattered her front tooth at 18 mths. I was devastated & planned on having a prosthetic tooth put in as soon as possible. It took about 2 weeks before I started thinking her little gap-tooth smile is the cutest thing I have ever seen! I did not have a spacer put in because they cause gum damage & can cause the permanent tooth to come in crooked. No matter if his tooth heals or not....he will be cute as a button & you will actually start to like his adorable smile!

    Hugs to him, his sissy & you too!
  9. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Last summer when Mitchell was 3 he fell on top of another kids head and his teeth went into his head and was his tooth was bleeding, the gums were so purple I thought he would lose both his top teeth. I took him to the dentist immediately, she tried to move the tooth forward as much as she could (like yours, it was knocked back pretty far). It now looks normal as far as where it is, but it is gray. I have gotten used to it. Luckily...he is so close in age to really losing it, it won't look weird or anything.
    I guess I just realized how lucky I am that mine are still short, they have slammed doors in each others faces before but the doorknobs only go up to their foreheads....something to watch out for right!
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