Enough with the dadadada already

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ahmerl, Feb 17, 2008.

  1. ahmerl

    ahmerl Well-Known Member

    Jack and Lily are 8.5 months old and it isa dadadada love fest. They have always been head over heels for dada but now they are saying it and it is starting to drive me nuts. Well, not really, but come on with the mama already!

    Daddy walks in the door after work and it is an all out crawlfest to see who can get to him fast enough leaving an exhausted mommy in the wake...it is hard not to be an insy beensey envious - right? All night it is dadadada followed by DH saying dadadada back to them all the while I am trying not to throw up from the lovefest that I am an intruder on.


    ***of course I say this in jest but I kinda had to complain to someone before I say something out of spite to an innocent DH!
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :laughing: We had a mixture of first words around here. The twins both said momma, Josh said ball, and Justin said dadda, and so did Hannah I think!
  3. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    LMAO.....I also have 8 1/2 month twins. My son loves to say dadaddadadada all day also lol. well i taught him to say mamamamamama now. i said mama mama then made the mmmmmmmm sound then aaaaaaaaaaa then mama mama and he would just stare while i said it also he would laugh at me. well 2 days later he was with dada and said mama mamamamamama and i cried. you gotta see his face now that he says it he is so proud. i picked him up and said yaahhhhhh u said mama. and kissed him all over and he was giggling. now he says mama mama all the time then dada after hehehe...it's ok to be jealous i was. we do all the work and they say dada first. it was cute though to see dada teary eyed when he would say it. enjoy every second.
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member


    I'm with you. My girls have been saying dadadadadadada for about six weeks now. About a month ago they added gagagagaga. All day long I hear dada and gaga and all sorts of other crazy syllables. I've been trying to get them to say mama, but no luck. In fact, just yesterday, my husband, mother and I were playing with the girls and B kept saying dadadada. I picked her up and smiled and said, 'honey, say mama, that's me, say mama'. She smiled right back at me, opened her mouth really big, and yelled DADADADADADA in my face. Then she proceeded to giggle.

    It was the funniest thing ever and my mother and husband laughed at me for trying so hard to get the girls to say mama. I laughed too, but c'mon, when will they say mom?

  5. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Oh I hear ya! While both my girls said mamamamama first, once they started saying Dada it was all over for poor mamamama.

    Actually now Meara calls EVERYTHING dada or Daddy! (said in the cutest little girlie voice).. except when she drops something.. then its Uh Oh! So its lost some of its meaning.

    But ya know when I'm the one elbow deep in a poopy diaper and she is jabbering on about Daddy Daddy Daddy I just look at her and say "And what about Mommy?" And do you know what she says?! "Daddy!" of course :rolleyes:

    Hang in there.. they'll say mamama, but if they are like my kids, they'll WHINE it (the way Ana says Mamma sounds like Cartman from South Park!). -Leighann
  6. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ahmerl @ Feb 17 2008, 10:05 AM) [snapback]625657[/snapback]
    ***of course I say this in jest but I kinda had to complain to someone before I say something out of spite to an innocent DH!

    My two said dada first and only that for months! Drove me :wacko:
  7. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    I think i wrote your post a couple of months ago! Seriously....he walks in at 5:30 pm when i'm trying ot feed them and manage not to get sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, carrots, all the lovely primary colors all over EVERYTHING - and it's as if the sun just rose.

    Umm, and MAMA who has been taking care of you ALL DAY AND NIGHTS??!!!!!

    and then, one day, it was the Attack of the Cling-ons...MAMAMAMAMAMAMA and EVERYONE had to be held! This falls under the category of 'be careful what you wish for".....but, oh, when they do say Mama - your heart will be even more full than it already is!

    as for dadada -i guess that means they need HIM when they are cranky/poopy/overtired!
  8. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Trishandthegirls @ Feb 17 2008, 03:47 PM) [snapback]625702[/snapback]
    I picked her up and smiled and said, 'honey, say mama, that's me, say mama'. She smiled right back at me, opened her mouth really big, and yelled DADADADADADA in my face. Then she proceeded to giggle.

    Take that and replace the she/her with he/him- and that's my house! Dada is the only word around here, and has been that way for months. :rolleyes: Where's the love?!?!?
  9. jschaad

    jschaad Well-Known Member

    Mine are almost 10 months old and finally i get momma.... FINALLY after being sick from their lovfest with daddy too... ;) I always say dada smada... ;)
  10. mommycandi

    mommycandi Well-Known Member

    Mine say both, but what i hate the most is that when dada comes home, or when its soon time for him to come home, its nonstop dadadadadada. And they are just so happy and giggly and thrilled when he is home. Yet at night, when they are tired, cranky, or just want to held in the middle of the night its the mama whine! Why can't they be happy when they call for me????? Ugh!!!
  11. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    I have to say that I think dada is just a couple of syllables that babies can say very early on and somewhere back in time some guy attached himself to these syllables- I mean where does dada come from- it's nothing like Father; at least mama or mommy is close to mother in that it starts with the same letter, but dada?? I think some guy in the middle ages said "that's right, I'm dada" and that's how we got daddy. Just like a man to claim something that doesn't really belong to him (sorry guys, I'm obviously a little bitter! :) )
  12. 2Xthelove

    2Xthelove Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Jenn G @ Feb 18 2008, 04:21 PM) [snapback]627635[/snapback]
    I have to say that I think dada is just a couple of syllables that babies can say very early on and somewhere back in time some guy attached himself to these syllables- I mean where does dada come from- it's nothing like Father; at least mama or mommy is close to mother in that it starts with the same letter, but dada?? I think some guy in the middle ages said "that's right, I'm dada" and that's how we got daddy. Just like a man to claim something that doesn't really belong to him (sorry guys, I'm obviously a little bitter! :) )

  13. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We still have tons of dadadas in this house. Even though they know mama they dont say it that often.
  14. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    I'm a single mom and dadadada happens all the time at my house. Nobody uses the word Daddy so it's not in reference to that I assure you! And when I'm doing CIO and somebody calls mama from the crib, I tell you, it's heartbreaking! I'd rather hear dadadad which I consider to be nonsense babble. What I'm floored about is that one of my sons is now saying Ta to the cat (her name is Sita)...at 8.5 months! I didn't think it would start that early!
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