Enough Already! (vent about the stomach flu)

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rheamay, Mar 13, 2007.

  1. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    Anyone that has had this recently...how long did it last?? Gabe started puking Friday night. Today is Tuesday, and while he is holding down his food, he still has BAD diarrhea and his poor little bum bum is so SORE! [​IMG] It is just raw and red and he screams his little heart out with every diaper change. Which, there is a lot of diaper changing going on around here. I have gone through 3 big boxes of diapers and 3 multi packs of wipees since Friday! [​IMG]

    Today is the first day that Nate seems to be holding his food. Luckily Anthony only had a short bout of vomiting Saturday night...but otherwise escaped w/out too much drama.

    When is this going to end? My mom (bless her little trying to be helpful heart) keeps telling me..."I just dont undertand, this is supposed to be a 24 hour bug!" Well, out 24 hours came and went a LONG time ago!! [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Any advice on the butt pain problem or what to do to get through this? I hope it's almost over. I can't stand them being in pain or not feeling well.

    Sorry this got so long...thanks for letting me rant!
  2. Colette+2

    Colette+2 Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry. We had this too, luckily only my ds got it... not sure how DD escaped since the rest of weren't so lucky. My ds actually ended up at the hospital needing fluids. It's really bad this year.

    And it's definitely not 24 hours. For us it started on a Thursday and he didn't start to feel better until after fluids on Tuesday/Wednesday of the next week. The rash part is the worst. I'm sure your little one is bleeding down there like mine was. The only thing we could do was try to keep him clean ... yes that's a major job... like every 5-10 minutes and then load up on the cream. Actually the hospital had some really good stuff that helped...maybe your doctor can prescribe something?

    It seems like FOREVER... I'm so sorry. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. carmenandwhittsmom

    carmenandwhittsmom Well-Known Member

    We used Buttpaste on it and it cleared up my son pretty quickly (1 day or so). Here's hoping they feel better soon.
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Our puking night was last Monday night (3/5)...we're still dealing with the diarrhea. Up until today, it's been the very leaky variety and my poor girls' bums have been so sore. Knock on wood, today we've had no leakers yet. I think they're slowly coming out of it.

    Both of my girls are down about half a pound from before this started.

    Butt paste (Boudreaux) works well for us, that and we clean their bottoms with wet, soft paper towels. The wipes were irritating things.
  5. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    When there's diarrhea, I use soft wet washcloths and Boudreauxs Butt Paste. A lot of it so it will protect their bum-bums.

    I'm sorry about the flu, we had it too, it was more like a 72 hour flu! It thought it would never end! [​IMG] It should be over soon, it's a miserable one though!
  6. LesaB

    LesaB Well-Known Member

    Oh honey, I am so sorry you are going through this too. I have never been thrown up on, pooped on as much as I have this weekend! Mine are finally starting to come out of it. I called my doctor at home (told me I could, I am very lucky!) I couldn't keep any liquids down them. He told me to give them 1 Tsp of pedialyte (I used a medicine syringe (no needle) every 5 minutes. That way they will keep it down and it will keep them hydrated. It worked. Luckily mines rears have stayed pretty good, but their pee pee's have not faired as well. I have just been slathering on destin. I was wondering if maybe you could use lotrimin. When the boys were small the doctor told me to alternate changes with lotrimin and destin and it worked like a charm. Hang in there and I sure hope that your sweeties get well soon.
  7. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    Ours started last tuesday, and finally by sunday they were holding all their formula down. They drank nothing but the gerber apple flavored electrolyle replacement stuff for about 3 days. Emily's diarrhea was horrlibe, but thankfully her butt didn't get too terribly raw. I save the butt paste for the really horrible diaper rash, and that worked pretty well for her. I have also heard that after you put the diaper rash cream on you can put baby powder on your hands (away from the baby to aviod them inhaling it) and pat the cream to cover it so it doesn't get wiped off by the diaper. I know with diarrhea it isn't really probable, but leaving the diaper off to let the butt air out may help a bit. Poor babies!! I hope they feel better soon, and that you don't get it. All four of us ended up with it. [​IMG]
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