Ending nap signs?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MommaMia, May 7, 2007.

  1. MommaMia

    MommaMia Well-Known Member

    My DS has begun to really become a challenge at naptime over this couple of days. There was no nap on Friday, Sat and Sun took us about 50 min of convincing and today no nap. Today I spent 50+ min, trying to get him to sleep by covering him up, picking up pillows and blankets he had thrown out, taking down the rest of the name letters on the wall that he had not pulled off, putting music on, giving him books to read, etc. After him protesting with jumping, crying, screaming for almost an hour I took him out and tried to get him to lay down with me in the guest room --- no go!

    So what are the signs of when they are ready to end naps? My DD was in there snoring the whole time. By 7:00 pm he was exhausted, didnt get them to bed til 7:45 and she was not asleep until almost 8:15. Has anyone had 2 on different schedules at this point? Any other tips for getting him to sleep? When he did sleep this weekend, he slept for 1 hr 45 min and still went to bed at 8 pm like normal. Hoping that it is just a phase (although beginning to think that it it not)!!

    They have begun to talk about Big boy/girl beds. Do you think that this would make a difference?

  2. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I have no advice, but am very interested in seeing the responses. My DD currently skips naps 2-3 times a week.
  3. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    Mine still take naps (yes they are 4 1/2 and still nap). They did go through a phase of no napping, but then I seperated them into different rooms (one slept in their bed and the other slept in mine) since they shared a room and then naps eventually started again. Mine were also in twin beds already (we switched around 27 or 28mths) and I told them if they didn't stay in their beds then I would put them back in cribs. Also if they did not lay down quietly they would lose one of their favorite blankets or stuffed animals that they took to bed with them. I did the same thing for naps and bed time. It took a while but eventually they were napping again if they didn't fall asleep right away they were atleast laying down resting which I also told them it was ok to rest (usually after an hour of laying there they fell asleep).

    I hope it is just a phase for you. Just something different and be consistent with him, maybe just get him to lay quietly first then hopefully he will fall asleep. Good luck.
  4. Cheesecake

    Cheesecake Well-Known Member

    I'm going to say its a phase. With my 3 older ones they went thru many phases of trying to give up nap but I did not cave and eventually they would go back to it. They all gave up their naps just before 4yrs old. How I knew they were ready to give up naps was that at bedtime they would be up till 10-11 pm. 2-3 hours later than usual because they had napped. Thats how we knew they were getting too much sleep. Since he's exhausted at 7 I'm going to say he's not ready. And changing to big beds could make a situation much worse. He'll actually be able to get out of bed. You could try and stagger their bedtimes/naptimes. You could try and put him down first and see if he'll be able to fall asleep better without her in there. Or if its possible to seperate them. Good luck!

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