Emotional Weekend...

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by deniseandtwins, May 29, 2007.

  1. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    After my wonderful appointment on Friday <_< , I tried to think possitive. Just because I was dilated to 1cm & put on bedrest doesnt mean that I'll be giving birth within the next two weeks..right?? :unsure:

    Well, Dh has been great! Going the extra mile for me in everything.. :rolleyes: Wonderful husband..
    Although he kept on praying that the babies will not come before week 37..I'm all for that, but what if they do? We should be prepared for anything right?? Or am I just not having enough faith?

    Then to top it all off my sister (who is about to give birth to a baby girl any time now), upset me in a BIG way!! <_<
    She didnt believe that I was dilated, or that I even knew what dilation was!! Can you believe it!! According to all her well researched knowlege..if I was dilating I should be in hospital about to give birth!! :angry:
    Of course she would not even listen to what I had to say..
    What makes it so bad, is that she lives in Spain, we are so far apart & don't get to see each other often. The last thing I need to deal with is her BIG sister attitude.. :umm: Quite irritating I can assure you..
    What really ticked me off was when she said I must go see the hospital midwife so she could check me out, as obviously my doctor doesnt know what he is doing.. :excl: Lord help me!!!

    I'll be taking my mom's advice & refrain from contacting her until my twins are born..

    Thanks for letting me vent..yep, once again :nea:
  2. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    Sorry you had a rough weekend! It's not uncommon for women to be dilated and still not deliver for several weeks. Heck my friend was dilated to a 3 at 32 weeks with her twins boys and ended up being induced at 38+ weeks. Listen to your doctor, and your body, and I'm sure you can keep those babies cookin'

    As for your sister, phewy! Some people think they are helping or giving good advice, even when they don't know what they are talking about.

    Hang in there, hopefully things will get better from here.
  3. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    :hug99: s Denise! I would listen to your docs until your sister shows you her doctor's degree! :rolleyes: I was dialated to one at 31 weeks and thinning! You can absolutely make it til 37 weeks! Go momma!
  4. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    Hey I've been dilated 1cm and 50% effaced for 2 weeks now. A woman down the hall (I'm in the hospital) has been dilated 4cm for the past 3 weeks with triplets. One of the nurses here told me they kept a woman pregnant for several weeks and she was dilated to 8 or 9cm. It can be done. Glad to hear your husband is taking such good care of you, it helps so much. I keep telling my husband that I'm going to nominate him for "Husband of the Year"

    Sorry you had a tough weekend, but you're doing a great job.
  5. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    yup... I was at a 2cm for three weeks before my scheduled c/s... so it definitely happens... Sounds like your sister hasn't read too many PTL stories...maybe you should send her here! hee hee... Sounds like maybe she might be a little jealous thinking that you are maybe overemphasizing your pg...afterall if she is away from family, plus "only" having one, she might feel like you are stealing her thunder??... keep in mind you are both hormonal..don't let these little squabbles spoil a sister bond. My twin and I disagree all the time...and I have plenty of disagreements with my big sister too..but when you boil it down there is just nothing quite like a sister. Sometimes it's good to lay low a little in talking to someone..but maybe you can also do your part by doing something nice for her when her baby comes. Send flowers or something as a gift for the baby... to let her know that you care and that her baby is important too. Sometimes it's hard to do these things if you feel ticked off or that she is in the wrong..but IMHO it's worth it to go the extra mile to maintain good family relationships. In the meantime take it easy...hopefully you stay at a nice 1cm or even close up a bit with rest....
  6. 4lilmonkeys

    4lilmonkeys Well-Known Member

    Good gravy! Send your sister up here to talk to me! With our youngest, I was 3cm and 90% effaced for the last month of my pregnancy. And guess what?!? He *still* wouldn't come out, the little booger! :lol:

    I'm sorry your weekend wasn't so fun. You definitely don't need the added stress. Maybe she's not seeing any progress and is taking it out on you? Maybe she was just trying to take care of you and it came off the wrong way? I'm sure both of you are stressed out being so close to giving birth.

    I hope things get better. :)
  7. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    Well, home for both of us is in South Africa. We both married foreign men, she a Spaniard & me a Bulgarian.

    Also, this is not my sister's first child, she has a 3yr old too. Oh yes, she loves to rub that in my face..she has by far the most knowlege as she's been pregnant before.. <_<

    I'm sorry to vent about her here, but she has been majorly inconsiderate through the whole of my pregnancy..the bottom line for her is that I am in a way ignorant as I've never been pregnant before.
    And if I don't agree with what she says, she terminates the conversation. And if anything riles me that does! :angry:

    But enough of that, I have to be positive like dh is. I'm gonna make it to 37 wks!! :)
  8. kendraplus2

    kendraplus2 Well-Known Member

    Ack, unless you've been pregnant with twins, you don't know what you are talking about, frankly. Maybe she means well but it's not what you need to hear! My mom does the same thing when she tells me things like I need to start giving the babies water, and NO, I don't need to listen to everything the doctor says, they can be wrong too! :rolleyes:
    Def take your mom's advice and just avoid her at this point. You need all the positive influence and least amount of undue stress at this point. And you can be dialated for the longest time and not go into labor. Great job so far Mama, hang in there!!!!! :hug99:
  9. Amorita

    Amorita Well-Known Member

    This is why I try not to tell my little sister anything unless she asks. She is 4 months with one and 2000 miles away. I just don't want to sound like a know it all big sister that nags or lectures. Hang in there. As the big sister by 7 yrs, I worry. Also, as PP said, you are both hormonal...and boy isn't that a fun trip for sisters!!! Feel free to vent though. :hug99: You'll be fine.
  10. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Definitely doable to last until 37 weeks...so many women here have, and then end up needing to be induced.

    As for the big sis/little sis dynamic...I am sure it will happen once the kids are born too. You will find that your sister has it WAY harder having a newborn and a three year old. She will tell you how much harder her life is than yours. And it will be so hard to grin and bear it because until someone has twins, they have NO CLUE how much work it is. So I hate to be a downer, but just be prepared. She sounds like a know-it-all and you will probably just have to smile and be polite. Stinks, huh?!!!!! Good thing we all know who is right! ;)
  11. deniseandtwins

    deniseandtwins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(twoin2005 @ May 29 2007, 04:20 PM) [snapback]272134[/snapback]
    Definitely doable to last until 37 weeks...so many women here have, and then end up needing to be induced.

    As for the big sis/little sis dynamic...I am sure it will happen once the kids are born too. You will find that your sister has it WAY harder having a newborn and a three year old. She will tell you how much harder her life is than yours. And it will be so hard to grin and bear it because until someone has twins, they have NO CLUE how much work it is. So I hate to be a downer, but just be prepared. She sounds like a know-it-all and you will probably just have to smile and be polite. Stinks, huh?!!!!! Good thing we all know who is right! ;)

    Thank you! You are so right..

    Let's hope I learn to shut my mouth & not get upset next time :)

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