Elias' first haircut

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by agolden, Dec 11, 2008.

  1. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    Elias' hair is getting pretty long. It has lovely curls at the bottom but is straight on the top and it's getting in his eyes. I have to do something about it...and soon. Ezra is completely not in need of a haircut (and that's putting it mildly!) I guess my two options are a) cutting Elias' bangs myself and leaving his curls. I don't have a problem with long hair on boys but he needs to see, and b) going to get Elias a full haircut at a tots place.

    I don't have a clue how to cut hair. On the one hand, I wonder how bad I can really mess it up? If I could just picture how to do it before hand, I'd give it a go. Should I just go straight across the top or do you do so it's a 90 degree angle to the sides or do you gradually curve it down so the angle isn't as abrupt (does that make sense - sort of a cleopatra look or not).

    Taking him in to a haircutting place means that they would have their first haircut at different times which kind of makes me sad and I will also lose his curls which will make me sad. I also think the haircutter will ask me what I want for him and..well...heck if I know.

    Do you think I could cut it myself? Any tips? Oh, and all I have are scissors from a tool box and kids craft scissors. Do I need to buy special or different scissors.

    OK. Please help me make this decision! Thanks.
  2. ginagwen

    ginagwen Well-Known Member

    You can do it yourself!!! I can't make it out of the house with my crew to go to a barbershop, so we do it by necessity. Just make sure your scissors are SHARP. I'd give DS a lollipop to keep him content and still. I think straight across is best. Even thought you are trying to make a straight line across, don't try to cut straight across (horizontally). Come up from below to make lots of tiny cuts with he tip of the scissors holding them vertically. I hope that makes sense. (I love DS' name btw)
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I have taken my girls in for just a bang trim. Anywhere can do that for you. And maybe you could have a little snip of Ezra's done at the same time, just for the sake of doing it "together".
  4. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    I did the little bang trims at home for both DD and DS, but never considered it the official first haircut. When we finally took them in was the first time both of them had the back of the hair trimmed and DS's was pretty long. (But I love little long haired boys so I was okay with that ;) )I'd maybe try to get away with trimming up his bangs a little until DD can catch up and you can take them in together. I agree, use sharp scissors and start by taking as little as possible off. That way if you have to trim a little more to even it up you won't end up with super short bangs.

    And I do cut straight across the forehead, and angle it down towards the ears at the temple. The trick is to make sure when you cut the bangs the hair is kinda laying naturally, not brushed straight down because it won't be straight if the hair naturally lays or parts to the side. Kinda tricky, but start small...after a few times you'll be a pro! And it is amazing how quickly their hair grows, so even if you do manage to butcher it, it will grow back fast!! Good Luck, and post some before and after pics!!
  5. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree, make sure the scissors are sharp! You can go to Sally's Beauty Supply and get a sharp pair of hair cutting scissors.

    I'm about ready to chop off Royce's mullet. Would that be a first haircut or not? He's got nothing up on top.
  6. haley&girlz

    haley&girlz Member

    I always cut my daughter bangs about every 2 months or it get in their eyes.

    A good pair of scissor and I put them in front of a TV show they like so they sit still. You honestly can't to too bad a job... I mess up Ingrid's bangs once and they were very loopsided and it too about 2 weeks and you couldn't really tell anymore.
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