
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by becasquared, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am a doofus.

    I have not planned anything at all for their 3rd birthday. Which is less than a month away. I am about to call the local water park and see if they have any openings for the day before their birthday. Wish me luck!!
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Good Luck!!! I can't believe how quickly 3 is approaching! :shok:

    We are not doing a big party this year, I think we will hit up Disneyland for a couple days instead. :cool: Much less stressful, and less expensive for me!
  3. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I am a total crap parent. We had a big party for my girls' 1st birthday and since then nothing except cake at home. Actually on their 3rd birthday I had to leave for a business trip :cry: Hope you pull something fun together!
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I took them to Dora Live for birthday #2 and that was it. I think that since I remember my third birthday party, I should probably throw them one.

    I also need cupcakes that are made of air and fruit for one of the kids. He has anaphylactic reactions to just about anything food related (eggs, milk, wheat, but surprisingly he can eat peanuts) so I need to figure out a cupcake recipe that he can eat because I don't want them to be left out. (He also went to the ER last week because another 4 year old accidently splashed milk in his eye and he had to have his first epipen injection because his throat was swelling. So I don't want to leave him out and I don't want to kill him.)

    Email sent. Hopefully they'll tell me that they have openings so I can pay the somewhat reduced rate (all adults get in free), if not, I'll just try to get the group rate and throw my own party.
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I'll keep my fingers crossed!!

    That poor boy! How scary! Good luck!
  6. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    That poor little boy! :(

    Here is a recipe that's wheat and dairy free that looks pretty good:

    Here is the ingredient list on the "Fig Newman's":

    Organic Barley Flour, Organic Sugar, Corn Syrup, Organic Figs, Organic Brown Rice Flour, Organic Yellow Corn Flour, Organic Palm Oil, Water, Glycerine, Leavening (sodium bicarbonate, monocalcium phosphate), Vanilla, Xanthan Gum, Salt, Natural Flavor, Soy Lecithin (an emulsifier)

    You could pass that by his parents and see if this is all right. :)

    Good luck and I hope you get in to the water park!!
  7. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Good luck, Bex. I'm totally a procrastinator when it comes to booking stuff for the kids' birthdays!!
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good luck!!

    You might ask the boy's mom if she has a recipe she uses for cupcakes, I bet she would have something.
  9. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    GOOD LUCK!! You are the polar opposite of me. :laughing: I knew what sort of party I wanted for the girls this year when their party was done last year. :blush: I started planning a few weeks ago. :D

    Fingers totally crossed for you that the water park has openings. And good luck finding something their little friend can eat. Would it be okay to ask his mom where she gets stuff for him? Do you know her well enough? I can't wait to hear how it all went!! :Clap:
  10. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Good luck!! :hug:
  11. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Good luck, Bex :hug:

    I'm total crap at planning parties, so all my kids ever had is home parties with the family. It works out well because their big day is the day after Christmas and it's just too difficult to plan a kicking party around that time (my excuse every year for my lack of party planning skills).
    Let us know how you make out!!!
  12. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    Did you hear back from them yet? I am anxious for you! Good Luck!!
  13. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm giving them until noon today to hear back before I call them again. If not, I'll buy a group rate admission for everything, then have the party outside of the water park at the park part, then let them have at it for the water part.
  14. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Awwwwww yeah. I should get confirmation tomorrow for either the 11:30-1:30 slot or the 4:30-6:30 slot. They include everything for $18 per person except for the birthday cake. I will have to figure out what to do with the allergy kids for pizza time, probably just let them continue to play.

    But for $18 per kid, I get plates, cups, drinks, pizza, room, all day water park passes plus one adult per child, so 10 kids and 10 adults (I actually think we have 9 kids and 11 adults but it all works out.)
  15. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :woo: Bex! Glad it all worked out!
  16. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Actually, since my last post, I have not heard a d@mn thing from the park. I have left message after message and the girl is not returning my calls. I still don't have anything planned.
  17. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Ooooh, that would TICK ME OFF!! :grr: What about another venue, do you have other options? Do you have a Little Gym around you? We went to a party there this weekend and it was so awesome! It was only 2 hours long and they did so much!!
  18. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Oh, I'm pretty p!ssed about it. I just sent an email to both the park's director and the executive office of the entire park system. On top of the feedback email I sent.

    What I am doing now is I reserved a shelter at the park outside of the water park, it cost $$. Since I'm now going to be paying $$ for food, I just sent a notice to the few people that I know saying that since I couldn't do what I wanted to do, if they still want to come, we'll have the shelter and food for most of the day, they'll just need to pay for admission to the water park if they still want to go. It makes me angry and sad to ask them to do that, but it was working out better for us (monitarily) to do the party inside of the park. This is already costing us as much since we have to provide decorations, food, and the shelter ($90!!!)
  19. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    ahhh, I'm already calmer about this whole ordeal now.

    Now to make evites!!
  20. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Sorry they are being so non-responsive, but I'm glad you feel better about everything.
  21. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    oh and the good thing is, I don't have to worry about anaphylactic reactions from them not cleaning the party area good enough (one of the kids coming is the one that had a major allergic reaction to getting some milk spilled in his eye, including throat closing, epipen injection, a night in the PICU). I can easily make sure that all of our food is dairy free, and that the rest of it is good for him to eat and I don't have to worry about him not eating the pizza. Or getting touched by anyone who is eating the pizza.

  22. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    haha, she FINALLY just called me back. I told her that I had already made other arrangements.
  23. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Good for you for the phone calls and emails. :good: How very nice of them to call you back AFTER your complaints. <_<

    I'm sorry it's costing you more. But, maybe it was meant to be so the boy with all the allergies will be able to party stress free now. :Clap:

    Evites done yet? What's next on the list? You can count on me to keep your tush in gear. :girl_devil:
  24. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Michelle, I am going to hire you for my kid's party :laughing:
    Bex, I am glad that you were able to make other arrangements and I am sorry that the lady took forever to call you back. I know the kids will have lots of fun!
  25. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Since I can't email everyone their invites, we stopped at Target after work and got some regular paper invites. And I made some vegan and gluten free cupcakes tonight to test out my recipe. I'm glad I did because my icing sucks, so I'm going to try to find a new one. The cakes themselves are good and good texture even though I made them with rice flour instead of just gluten free flour.

    I let them pick out their own invitations so of course we're having a Tinkerbelle and Batman party.
  26. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    Im glad it is all working out for you :) Im sure the kids will have lots of fun.
  27. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Awwww, someone got in trubble!! (I emailed the "executive office" and the park director and was really nice and factual about the whole situation. Gave them days and times I called and didn't throw anyone under the bus or say anything mean.)

    The girl that I left many many messages for called me again, this afternoon, and of course I had her leave a message because #1 - I'm snarky like that, and #2. I don't care if I talk to her at this point (I'll probably call her back tomorrow and see if I can get reduced admission for the group or a reduced shelter price).

    Her message was very similar to this:

    "Becky, this is _______ calling from _____________. I am very sorry I didn't return your phone calls or email from earlier. We still have openings on the day that you want, here is my work number, please call me back at your earliest convenience. Here is my cell phone number, please call me on that if you can't reach me at my work line. Again, I am very sorry that I didn't return your phone calls."
  28. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Oh snap! :laughing:
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