
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ~ilyse~, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. ~ilyse~

    ~ilyse~ Well-Known Member

    Ds has some on his upper leg. The doctor told me what to put on it and it is not bad or alot so I know he will be fine. But what is that exactly?
  2. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    My boys have bouts of eczema. It's basically dry skin that is often related to allergies. My boys have food allergies, so I'm assuming that's why we've had to deal with eczema since they were babies. It can be itchy and painful.

    The most important trick to dealing with eczema is to moisturize heavily within 3 minutes of getting out of the bathtub. That helps seal in moisture from the bath. When the eczema is bad, I use Eucerin cream (not lotion). It's really thick, moisturizes well and is unscented. I also moisturize them year round after baths to help ward it off (but it's usually worse in the winter) Bubble baths and some baby washes can aggrevate it, so I use organic or hypoallergic body wash on them. I try to use the steroid creams sparingly, only when a flareup is bad and the moisturing is not alleviating the problem.

  3. RRTwins

    RRTwins Well-Known Member

    I recommend you have them tested for food allergies. One of my sons had terrible eczema on his legs the first year of his life. At his 12 month appt. I demanded a food allergy test. Came back positive for an allergy to milk. Within 3 days of eliminating all milk products, his legs cleared up. The eczema hasn't reappeared since.

    After reading up on this subject, many of the materials said that eczema is a common indication of food allergies. It takes a simple, quick blood test to confirm if this might be the cause.

    Another thought - I just purchased a cream called "Baby Eczema Cream" at Walmart. I think it said Disney on it, but I can't remember who makes it. It is great and seems to help a bit. Good luck! I hope your little one finds some relief.
  4. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    All of my children have allergies-to food and environmental allergins. So, yes, we've had lots and lots of it! When they get a big breakout I put a little prescription steroid cream on it, but if I can catch it when it first starts I use what is called Vanicream. For me it works better than eucerin or aquaphor or any of those others. It's not a prescription, but you do have to ask for it at the pharmacy. It's wonderful and very safe.
  5. 2girls2b

    2girls2b Well-Known Member

    Our pedi recommended using Cetaphil or Eucerin cream which are both over the counter. She prefers the Cetaphil because it is not as "greasy" and will not stain their clothes. She also said to be sure to use the cream in the jar, not the lotion. She also said to try to limit baths and harsh bath products. She said that most of the "baby" lotions evaporate pretty much right after you put them on, but that the Cetaphil and Eucerin creams will cling and moisturize. She said that most of the "baby" soaps are actually very harsh on the skin. She recommended using Dove bath soap, but we could still use baby shampoo. We bought the Cetaphil and it has worked great. For the first week, we put it on them in the mornings and at night before bed. Now we usually only do it at night or right after a bath. Our pedi also said to only use steroid cream on the areas that are red and inflamed, not the areas that are just rough and dry.

    Accordingn to Taber's cyclopedic medical dictionary - Eczema is bacially dermatitis and has two causes: external or exciting (iriitation, allergic contact, reaction to exposure to certain microorganisms, occupational and nonoccupational, chemical); and constitutional or predisposing (includes eczema caused by genetic and psychological factors).
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