Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by smlangwell, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. smlangwell

    smlangwell New Member

    Hello everybody.
    I'm new at this and I have b/g twins that just turned a year on 6/19. My son, Parker is crawling, pulling up, and crusing along furniture. My daughter, Sydney, is going in circles up on her hands, and has no interest in crawling at all. She puts weight on her legs for short periods of time, but can sit up really well. The babies were born at 32w 6d. ECI has gotten involved, but she seems as if she is making little progress after a month of therapy. Has anyone else dealt with this? I'm kind of to the point of frustration. It is hard not to compare the two, but I'm kind of to the point of scared something is really wrong with her. HELP!!!
  2. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    My DD's were born at 31 weeks. Lily walked at 11 months actual, Grace not until 20 months actual. Grace did not crawl until 13.5 months. They all have their own timetables, and it is terribly difficult not to compare. Grace is in EI, and she's still slightly behind on gross motor, but she's doing just fine. It's good you have her in ECI, it will help!
  3. SnowCraig

    SnowCraig Well-Known Member

    Hi there,

    I have a Parker, too!! He and his sister turned one on 5/17. My Parker was ahead of his sister when it came to crawling...almost two months ahead, I think! I was worried about Abby for a while, until one day, she just started to crawl like she had been doing it all along. It was a few weeks before her first birthday. It took Parker lots of practice to get it, but she just went for it. The same thing happened to my friend who has twin boys. So, it seems very common to have one baby ahead of the other developmentally. My kids were born at 31 weeks, but have not been too far behind developmentally, which makes me very happy.

    Now my concern is talking...Parker said his first word yesterday "Dog" (now everything is Dog in his world). He "talks" and babbles much more than Abby who is a yeller and a screecher still. They say girls usually talk first, but my little boy seems to be pulling ahead in that department too.

    We all have to be patient and let them do their things in their own time.

  4. smlangwell

    smlangwell New Member

    thanks so much. It is so nice to have other moms that can say they REALLY UNDERSTAND. That is why I love this forum. It is really encouraging and I appreciate it so much. Take care!
  5. CCJN

    CCJN Well-Known Member

    That is great that you have Early Intervention in doing therapy. Did Parker and Sydney have their 1 yr check up with pediatrician yet? If so, what did they say? It is hard not to compare when you have two the same age, but they really all do develop at their own rate. I have one in college now that never crawled, she had no interest in it and went right to walking just after her first birthday. ECI will be monitoring her in therapy if they seem concerned I would set up visit again with pediatrician and ask for a referral to a specialist. Good luck, I know how hard this can be, my two developed at very different time lines. :hug99:

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