
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by goofyjilly, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. goofyjilly

    goofyjilly Well-Known Member

    Ok, I have 8 month old twins but the reason I am posting on the 2-4 year olds is that I also have a 3 year old, who is my first. I think I now understand why he turned into such a picky eater (yeah, I know this isn't a new topic), I didn't really give him enough foods with different texture. I know that he could just be a picky eater now matter what I could have done but just trying to get him to eat more foods and be better prepared for the next 2.

    Now he isn't too bad, he will eat almost all fruits and vegetables, absolutely loves crackers and muffins. He isn't a big fan of bread but will eat it. Not happy about pasta, rice, beans, most meats. We are working on getting him to eat more foods and are getting pretty pushy about it, but trying not to make a big battle about it.

    Anyway, I know I need to just offer the food many many times and hopefully he will eventually eat it.

    Just want any advice you can offer. I would love it if he would eat mac and cheese, spaghetti (doesn't like the sauce), tacos (which we eat A LOT), chili (whole beans, he will eat refried beans), quesadillas (likes cheese).

    Any help would be great!

    Right now I offer what we eat for dinner and he has to at least eat a small portion (like 2 or 3 bites) and I also give him one thing I know he will eat. Sometimes we also bribe him with dessert if he eats more (not forcing all), we are trying to get away from this and just use "if you want to grow up to be big and strong like daddy" that is a better way I hope (it works some!)
  2. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We have picky eaters as well. It is gradually getting better. I use to really stress over it. I've backed way off and gotten more relaxed about the issue. I figure they will eat when they are hungry. All I can do is offer them good food and good choices. It's up to them to eat. I do the same as you as far as meal times. We always have at least one thing I know they will eat. I encourage them to try the new foods, but I let it go at that. If they don't want to eat it, I am not going to force them. However, if they don't eat a good meal then they don't get a snack later. They have to wait for the next mealtime.

    I don't have any good advice to get them to try new foods...other than keep offering it. I do know that the more you push the issue the worse they fight it. We found this out the hard way with DD. I also don't have a problem with "sneaking" foods into their diet. Mine LOVE muffins, too. Although they don't know they are muffins, we call them "cupcakes" and I sneak fruits and veggies into them. I add veggies and fruit into anything I can (ground meat, homemade breads and muffins, pancake batter, spaghetti sauce, etc...) We have taco night frequently, too. My two usually won't eat a taco. So, they get either baked chips w/ cheese and large heaps of smashed avocado or a bean and cheese taco or a quesadilla. I don't pull out anything extra to make them dinner. I just use bits and pieces of what we are having.

    Look into recipe books like "The Sneaky Chef" or "Deceptively Delicious". Maybe they will give you some ideas.
  3. goofyjilly

    goofyjilly Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your advice!
  4. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    After struggling with this for a few years now, I've come to the conclusion that non-picky eaters are just a rarity. One of my DDs (the one who was less picky as a baby) started to get picky around 15 months, and has only gotten worse since. She is now 4, and hardly eats anything. The other one has gradually added a few new things (since about age 3) and will now take a bite or two of something unfamiliar, though she usually announces that she doesn't like it.

    I think requiring your DS to take a few bites of something is fine and may help, as long as he's not so resistant that it doesn't turn into a major power struggle. (One of my DDs is that resistant, so I gave up on that approach.)

    We also bribe with dessert sometimes and it does seem to help, even though it violates one of the rules from "Child of Mine" by Ellyn Satter, which is otherwise a book I try to follow.

    We nearly always eat together as a family and I always offer them some of what DH and I are having, but they nearly always refuse.

    My current strategy is to put a bunch of small bowls of various healthy-ish things on the table (baby carrots, chunks of salami, olives, fruit, shredded cheese) and let them pick and choose. If the various things are actually components of the meal DH and I are eating, so much the better. But it's normally just whatever I happen to have in the fridge.

    I just don't think there is a "right" way to do it. Do what seems to work for you, and if it helps, great, but if it doesn't, it's not your fault. :ibiggrin:
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