eating questiion

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by newtothis, Aug 5, 2010.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    i have ONE VERY PICKY EATER on my hands! i make most of their food as 'good' and savory as possible. i use weelicious a lot and for the most part, my kids enjoy the food.
    however. one of my LOs doesn't like ANYTHING except cheese and yogurt.

    i made mini quiches yesterday and it was on his tounge and off. he wouldn't even taste it. just made them french toast this morning. he ate about 5 pieces and then started scraping it off his tounge and gagging. i mean c'mon!!!

    he is my LO with low muscle tone so all i do is worry about him. :)
  2. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Just keep trying. one of mine went through that too...spit everything out as soon as it hit his mouth and he would shudder:) It was quite comical to watch LOL! he will at least try food and most timesas likes it after tastes it. I would say around 15 months it got better:)
  3. lio&ella

    lio&ella Active Member

    Both of mine are doing the same thing right now! The put it in their mouth, chew it maybe just a little and spit it right back out. I usually end up feeding them baby food. Most of the time it is the pureed version of what they are already eating. Go figure!
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would say to keep trying, don't engage him in a food battle...let him eat as much as he is willing to eat and he will not starve himself (I struggled with this concept when my two were this age).
  5. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    do i offer him something else?
    what happens is dinner time say i'll make meatballs. he refuses to eat them and we give him yogurt (which he loves), etc.
    do i NOT give him food if he doesn't eat whats for the meal?
  6. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I always gave mine what we were eating, if they ate decent, then I didn't worry about feeding them. But I used a lot of bananas and yogurt as "filler foods". If they didn't eat good, or didn't like what I fed them, I gave them a cut up banana and some yogurt.

    I agree with just keep trying/offering. Don't push, don't get upset, but do keep offering different foods. I've also found with my ds that he won't try it, until he sees me try it, and his sis try it...and even then I sometimes have to shove a soft food in his mouth for him to taste it. Once he tries it, 9 times out of 10 he likes it.
  7. margi33

    margi33 Well-Known Member

    I think it sounds VERY normal to me... mine are the same & other people I talk to agree that theirs are picky too. I feed mine mostly our leftovers but do give different meat sometimes b/c they don't like to chew what we usually eat. I always make sure that I offer 1 thing to each baby at each meal that they do like. I usually give mine a meat, veggie & carb at each meal plus finish off with yogurt and/or dessert so I can gauge their hunger level. And yes, I do keep offering them different things until I'm sure they are full b/c mine are skinny and sometimes all my DS will eat is yogurt but this is usually when he doesn't feel good or is teething. It may be the wrong thing to do to keep giving them different things BUT I find it way too hard to just say 'here's your meal, if you don't eat it tough.' Maybe if I had just 1 baby this would be fine but knowing that you will have 1 screaming child in 30 min or so (b/c their hungry) and you have to deal with the other child, well this is just too much of a pain for me! :blink:
  8. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    That sounds so normal!! At least he's putting things in his mouth; I can't even get Nate to *touch* anything green, much less put it near his tongue!! :lol:

    As the PP said, I usually try to have at least 1 or 2 things at ever meal that I know they will like. They can fill up on those and try new stuff if they want. I sometimes encourage them to try, or spear something different on a fork so they will at least pick it up, but you can't *make* them eat anything. :pardon: So in the meatball situation you described, I would offer meatballs, bread (and/or another carb like rice or potatoes), a fruit/veggie, and plan on yogurt for dessert. If he ate nothing but the bread, fruit, and yogurt, you still have given him a meal. And don't be surprised if they love meatballs one day and refuse to eat them the next day. This is one of those "fun" things about toddlerhood. <_<
  9. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine definitely go through jags... there was a couple weeks where all they would eat is grilled cheese. Then all they would eat is hummus. Now they're on to blueberries. I offer them all kinds of healthy things at various times and figure that they'll eat what they need when they need it. And the dogs get the rest :lol:
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