Eating Eggs at 1yo?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Stephe, Jun 8, 2007.

  1. Stephe

    Stephe Guest

    I remember reading somewhere not to introduce eggs before 1yo but I can't remember what age they can start to eat eggs?

    So far my boys haven't been allergic to any foods or dairy since starting whole milk and finger foods.

    What should they still avoid?

    Reg fish
    Peanut Butter
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    Mine had eggs before one year, at 9 months we got the go ahead, and that was to make sure there were no allergies before the chicken pox vax. at 1 year. So we've had eggs, both yolk and egg whites, was never told to avoid either of them.

    The only things we've been told to avoid are:

    honey-the kind you pour, you can have honey graham crackers and honey glazed ham, it's okay in things, but not pure hone.

    peanut butter-until age 2.

    We have had strawberries and were old to limit shellfish, but it wasn't a no-no.
  3. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    We tried eggs before one year, but they aren't too fond. I do give them stuff made with eggs. I also gave strawberries before a year - they LOVE strawberries.

    The only two things I avoid at this point are peanut butter and shellfish. I will do the peanut butter at age 2 and ask the pedi about the shellfish.
  4. Stephe

    Stephe Guest

    Thanks Amy!

    They are getting their 12 mos shots(yep we are late) on Monday and I didn't even think about the egg allergy with the Chicken Pox Vax. Thanks! I will give them some eggs tomorrow morning for breakfast. I'm sure they will be thrilled b/c I know they have to be sick of waffles, bananas, applesauce, oatmeal.

    I didn't realize they could have limited shellfish :) I LOVE shrimp and eat it alot myself.
  5. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Eggs- We did eggs before 12 months probably round 9 months.
    Nuts- we do sunflower seeds, pecans, and cashews. Which are softer and esier to chew.
    Shellfish- The girls eat shrimp and crab. They have been eating it since bout 12 months.
    Reg fish- Regular fish we have been eating since 9 months
    Peanut Butter- since about 14 months
    Strawberries -since bout 12 months. Jazzy loves them but Jessy just rubs them on her face
  6. Hillybean

    Hillybean Well-Known Member

    What is the eggs and chicken pox thing? Am I supposed to make sure the girls eat eggs before they get the chicken pox vac? I haven't given the girls egg whites or yolks...

    I think that 1 year is the magic age for eggs and milk (at least according to my pedi)
  7. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    You can start eggs at one... here are some other things...

    try to give small servings from each of the following food groups every day:

    •Bread, cereal, rice, pasta
    •Meat, fish, poultry , and eggs
    •Yogurt and cheese provide nearly the same nutrients as milk. So these can substitute for part of the milk your baby needs each day.

    Remember, your one-year old doesn't have to eat something from each food group at every meal. Most babies have fairly wild eating patterns at a given meal. They may eat nothing but rice at one meal, and nothing but bananas at the next. But over time they do pretty well if you offer them a variety of nutritious foods at each meal.
  8. Maytwinsmom

    Maytwinsmom Well-Known Member

    I had mine try scrambled eggs at about 11 mos., and they hated them. So far it ahs been the only food that they absolutely hated even after 3 tries.. When they got their Chicken pox shot, at their 12 mo. appt. Lilly broke out on a rash almost immediately, I told the doctor and the first thing she asked me was if she was allergic to eggs products, I felt so stupid because all I could say was "well.. she won't eat eggs.. she doesn't like them.. " :unsure: anyway her rash, cleared up and we got cleared to go home, ( the rash later resurfaced after 10 days just like they warned me it would, however, that has nothing to do with the eggs, but with another ingredient in the vaccine.

    Anyway, after that doctor visit I made up my mind they needed to learn to eat eggs. So far they've only had scrambled eggs. I started with one and I put a slice of muenster cheese, and/or cheddar cheese. They now LOVE it, and we dropped the cheese. This week they started sharing 2 eggs instead of one.
  9. Stephe

    Stephe Guest

    Thanks Ladies!

    Now I'm eager to see how they will do with them in the morning :)
  10. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We started letting them have anything at 12 months except shellfish and nuts. We introduced strawberries right at 12 months or maybe even a bit earlier. I think we had also started giving them scrambled eggs at about 10 months because our ped said it wasn't much of a risk given that we had no food sensitivities so far.

    I guess we are also avoiding honey, although it never really comes up.... The only time we use honey is as part of a glaze for salmon.

    We are not consciously avoiding giving the girls fish, but when we've tried little bits, they just ignore it. They do like fish sticks though (we started those at 9 months).

    Good luck with the eggs!
  11. LanieK

    LanieK Well-Known Member

    My dr. said at 12 months there are no restrictions- they can have anything- except the obvious choking hazards (nuts, popcorn, etc.). My boys have ate seafood since about 8 or 9 months. Strawberries, honey, were at a year. She even said nut butters are fine at 12 months- We do peanut butter really thinly spread so they won't gag. I am sure if anyone has a history of allergies- they shouldn't listen to this though and will certainly have some restrictions!!
  12. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I tried eggs before a year maybe about 11m (they were allergic to milk and soy) and they did not like them, I've tried since but they just throw them. I just started strawberries about a month ago and they love them. I never tried shellfish but PB and honey, like ppl said will be later.

    Here is a link about shellfish, I just wasn't sure so I never gave it yet
  13. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    How did the eggs go?
  14. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I got the go ahead for whole eggs at 9 mos. because we had no issues w/anything.....

    I do nuts and peanut butter now too. I did PB at 1 yr. There are a few schools of thought on PB, so you might check with your pedi. I haven't done any shellfish and they gobble up all berries and fruit they can get their hands on.!

    I put cheese in the eggs for more protein!
  15. annabell

    annabell Well-Known Member

    My DS broke out in a full body rash within 20 min. of eggs. I did as the doctor told me 1/4 tsp. benadryl. Cleared right up. Anyway we have to wait now another 12 months before trying them again. I really hope the allergy or intolerance goes away. Seems like everything has egg in it.
  16. RRTwins

    RRTwins Well-Known Member

    It's my understanding that egg yolks are fine before 1 year, just not egg white. I have been giving them scrambled egg yolks since about 10 months. At 11 months, I just started scrambling the whole egg and the love it.
  17. noahandjacobsmom

    noahandjacobsmom Well-Known Member

    What is confusing is different pedi's have different advice/opinions on foods. Last week my pedi whole milk or eggs until after one. While I know some of you ladies have been giving it since they were nine months. I have girl friends that give PBJ to their kids and they are only a month older than why is there not a consistent list of ages when to give these types of foods?
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