eating dilemma

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AmynTony, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I need some advice...I'm trying to break my son's eating habit of being a picky eater...right now he's sort of stuck on traditional "kid" food - grilled cheese, hot dogs, chicken nuggets etc...

    so last night I made a stir fry with strips of sirloin steak...I'm starting to tough love him a bit with food - in that I won't make him something separate (like I would before) if he didn't like what I served etc...he ate all of it - steak, veggies and rice but I had to feed him....tonight I got a rotisserie chicken, green beans and tater tots - he ate the green beans and tots on his own (food he likes) but I had to feed him the chicken...and in both instances he really liked the food and ate all of the dilemma is - do I just throw it in front of him and let him cry and only eat the parts he "likes" or do I feed him the "offensive" food for a while to better his eating habits before I turn the fork over to him...

    oh btw he's 4 and 3 months...
  2. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I haven't gone through this but looking from the outside in, I would continue to feed him till he got used to the new food. Sounds like he's doing great with the new food and maybe you could buy him a special fork for just him (they all can have their own color) and that might help? Just a thought.
    Good luck and YAY for trying new foods!!
  3. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I agree with with one battle at a time. If you've gotten him eating it, I think that is a great step foward. If by feeding him works, then I say go with it! Once he has a good palette for a variety of foods, then I would work on the feeding issue. I think that part will probably work its self out though. I can't imagine he will always want you feeding him....especially once he starts kindergarten and/or other friends are around.
  4. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    My rule is you have to try everything and sometimes that means me feeding them something. But if they like it, I hand them the fork and tell them to finish. But this is mostly because I have NO patience when it comes to meal times and them wanting to be 'fed like a baby' (what they say, and sometimes demand). It just annoys me. Great job getting him to eat outside his comfort zone though! :clapping:
  5. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    My best friend had picky eaters (I have major ones too) and yeah I'd say pick your battles. She fed her daughter the final spoons of her breakfast for way into her starting school. I told my best friend that if that was the only problem she had (which i think it was) well not really a bit deal. I think kids are still quite young long after we think they are older. I think that is where many grandparents sometimes see our little ones for the young age they really are.

    You are doing really well !!
  6. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    :Clap: Amy! At least he is trying it. Maybe that is what I need to do with Mattie.
  7. Twin nanny

    Twin nanny Well-Known Member

    I like the idea of a special fork. I think it's OK for you to feed him for now (unless it's driving you batty), like pp's said the bigger issue is that he's trying the new foods. Better you feed him and he tries new things than you just put it in front of him and he continues to only eat a small number of things.
    I would probably do a gradual weaning from you feeding him. One of my compromises when they want feeding is I put the food on the fork/spoon then they have to put it in their own mouth or you could do something like you feed him one bit, then he feeds himself one bit, then you feed him another bit etc or you feed him the first 1/2 then he does the second 1/2.
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