Early wakeups are killing me! Help!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by amelowe9, Jan 25, 2011.

  1. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Up until a month-and-a-half ago, my kids were sleeping 7-6:30ish. They were in crib and typically would play until 7 or later until they called to us to get them. Then we switched to toddler beds and early wakeups ensued. They started getting up around 6:15-6:30 a.m. We don't lock their door. Our house is small and we (especially me, being a light-sleeper) can hear them if they open the door to go out. This week it's gotten even earlier. Yesterday they were up at 5 a.m. and today at 5:30 a.m. At first I thought, mmmh, maybe they just need less sleep but I don't think that to be the case, as my DS fell asleep on the drive to preschool (we literally live TWO minutes away!) which tells me he's exhausted. They do need naps but of course rebel them, so they'll usually pass out in the car as we go out somewhere in the afternoons. Just more sleep info but back to the original topic...has anyone had success at teaching their kids to stay in their rooms upon early wakeups? We have a sound machine going, it's completely dark, etc... I've thought about a totclock but fear they'll chuck it around the room and break it...unless we hang it on the wall...but I feel like my kids wouldn't care and would just want out anyways. I go to bed early but 5 a.m. is TOO early for me! Help! Any advice/success stories/tips--please share...I will be grateful! Thanks :):):)
  2. E's 3

    E's 3 Well-Known Member

    Have you heard of the "OK to Wake" alarm clock? You set the time when it's ok for them to wake up or leave their room and the clock changes colour when it gets to this time. I have friends who have had great success with it. I keep meaning to get one for my oldest but it's his sisters right now how are up before him and I don't think you can teach one year olds to use it, lol!
  3. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    If they are boycotting naps, you should put them to bed earlier. We dropped naps a few weeks ago because they would take forever to fall asleep no matter what time I put them down. Then at bedtime, they would be up until 9:00-10:00 talking/playing.

    So now I put them down at 6:30 and they usually sleep until 7:30-8:00.
  4. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    We have a Good Nite Lite. It's a blue moon when you are supposed to be sleeping and turns into a yellow sun when it's "OK" to get up. 2.5 yo is a bit young to expect them to totally "get it" but it's something you can start.

    What I would do to try to get you back on track is to really stick to your routine for at least two weeks. By this I mean I would do pretty much the same thing every day so they know what to expect. I wouldn't go out in the afternoon if they are supposed to be napping. Snacks and lunch at the same time, etc. I know you have pre-school but other than that, keep the routine the same. If they don't nap one day, I'd do an earlier bed time. I also wouldn't allow them out of their room before whatever wake up time you decide upon (for my family, it was 6am). You may have to spend a few mornings continually putting them back in bed, but eventually they will get it.

    I am mom to a bunch of early risers so I know that some kids are born to be early birds. You LOs sound like my DD who used to be my "sleeper". Somewhere around 2.5 she decided 6am was a better time to wake up than 7am. We are using the Good Nite Lite with success. She may not sleeper later but she stays in her room. She takes a two to three hour nap in the afternoon and is in bed around 7:30.
  5. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    From my experience and that of a few of my friends, they need to go to bed earlier. I know it seems backwards, but a friend read it in a book (that I then read) and it's played itself out as true for my circle of friends. It's been several years; I wish I could remember where I read it. . .
  6. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child." That's the book!! :)
  7. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Mine go to bed at 7 p.m. with ease. This is usually after no nap or a brief one. They've been going down at this time since they were 6-months old. Today my DD was up at 5 a.m. again :gah: and my DS was up at 6:30 a.m. :woo: (that's what I'm talkin' about!). So I'm thinking of getting the Tot Clock or Goodnight Light that I've read about on this forum and teaching them both (primary DD) that they are to stay in their rooms and play quietly until Mommy and Daddy come for them...
  8. Christel

    Christel Well-Known Member

    That's it!
  9. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    this worked like a charm for us!
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