Early Steps program - 1st mtg. was yesterday

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marshall52204, Oct 4, 2008.

  1. marshall52204

    marshall52204 Well-Known Member

    Yesterday I met with the social worker who will be in charge of the boys getting speech evaluated. She went through the whole list of questions for not only speech, but behavoir, motor skills, etc. Some of the things she asked I thought were ridiculous for the boys to be doing at this age (example, walking down stairs unaassisted, of course you being there in case, but still!) Some things I never have let them try (like can they open a door with a round handle) well.. I hope not, it keeps me sane! I'm starting to feel like I don't attempt enough stuff with them, b/c their scores in some of the other areas (motor skills) were even worse then speech! She said sometimes twins are slower too b/c they don't get as much time as a singleton....wow... this makes me feel like I need to step up my game! Anybody else have any experiences with getting your twins evaluated?
  2. FourKiddos

    FourKiddos Well-Known Member

    My second daughter got evaluated for speech at 2.5. Do not feel worried - I know when she was evaluated there were many ridiculous questions. She was assessed at a MUCH lower score that where she was actually at - the speech therapist was surprised how much she could do when she had her first session. However, my DD was very behind in her speech - she was only saying one word phrases at age2.5( this was shocking to use since my first DD was carrying full conversations with EVERYONE at age 2). Anyway, she received 5 months of in-home therapy and by the age 3 the speech therapist was not sure whether or not she would need services anymore.

    We had her evaluated at age 3(at age 3 in our state you then go from in-home therapy to services received through your school district), and the teacher said she was on the borderline. We decided to keep her in the program, since she had come so far in less that half a year. ALso, to get her back in the program - if we left it - she would need to have at least a 20% deficiency. Then, at age 4, we had her tested again - and she passed our of therapy with flying colors.

    Do not be concerned - I remember a lot of the questions being ridiculous and they kept reassuring me that they realized some of the questions were off base but they had to ask them since it was a standardized questionairre through the state.

    We had a wonderful experience with the program. Please let me know if you have any more questions.
  3. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    Some of the questions you are going to be asked are going to out there. My girls are three and we're testing again for developemental preschool. They tested out of services from E/I in January, but are showing some delays still. Better safe than sorry... anyway... I am still suprised at some of the things we were asked. "Can she answer the phone properly?" Uh, NO. "Does she know her address and phone number?" Seriously? I'm thinking they ask questions that are developementally appropriate, developementally behind, and developementally advanced in order to get a really good picture of thier skills. Honestly, if they are supposed to know their address and phone number at 3 1/2, I'm way behind.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    QUOTE(momma*nic @ Oct 4 2008, 10:46 PM) [snapback]1012155[/snapback]
    Some of the questions you are going to be asked are going to out there. My girls are three and we're testing again for developemental preschool. They tested out of services from E/I in January, but are showing some delays still. Better safe than sorry... anyway... I am still suprised at some of the things we were asked. "Can she answer the phone properly?" Uh, NO. "Does she know her address and phone number?" Seriously? I'm thinking they ask questions that are developementally appropriate, developementally behind, and developementally advanced in order to get a really good picture of thier skills. Honestly, if they are supposed to know their address and phone number at 3 1/2, I'm way behind.

    SERIOUSLY!!! Mine wouldn't know and then if they did know....they wouldn't know who should know that info and who shouldn't!! :eek:

    I don't think you need to worry. We had the stairs question at their two year appt. and it was more about muscle tone than ability....if that makes sense!
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    QUOTE(marshalltwins @ Oct 4 2008, 03:18 PM) [snapback]1011641[/snapback]
    Anybody else have any experiences with getting your twins evaluated?

    Yes! My two got PT until they were 18 months, and I always felt like they were behind when I heard the "checklist". :angry: I know my oldest DD never did that stuff at that age and no one cared because she was not being "watched". I felt more frustrated with the PT every time the "checklist" came out. I tried not to worry about it, I knew they would get there when they were ready. I I have to say though since stopping the PT at 18 months, I am much more relaxed about things like that. Sorry, I know it is frustrating. :hug:
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